MetaFilter posts by jonson.
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Collection of slow motion videos and zero gravity videos, and super hi speed trick shot pool videos, etc... Some in WMV, some in QT.
posted on Sep-21-05 at 4:28 PM

Cool gallery of tiny, tiny people doing detailed farming work on pieces of fruit. Horrible flash interface, frequent use of French.
posted on Sep-20-05 at 4:01 PM

Dogs in bee costumes
posted on Sep-19-05 at 8:59 AM

Chinese Ice Sculptures from an annual contest; nice use of colored ice & colored lights to add another dimension to the sculptures.
posted on Sep-17-05 at 10:43 AM

This Gallery of Posters from Exploitation Movies is far too brief, but is still better than not having ANY exploitation movie posters. Apparently the gallery is just a teaser for an exhibit & a book.
posted on Sep-14-05 at 3:57 PM

Liberal comedian sues blogger. Spread the word.
posted on Sep-12-05 at 10:50 PM

Ice Rocket is a blog spidering search engine that seems designed to allow users to track trends over time (mentions, say, of "pepsi blue" vs "coke zero" over the last 60 days). It's an interesting, if highly unscientific, use of bloggers writings as informal market research. No word on how many blogs are in their index, nor whether they're collecting any available demographic data on the bloggers (where such information is even available, that is).
posted on Sep-11-05 at 10:47 PM

Own a piece of national tragedy. Rehnquist's original signed decision on the 2000 election recount, throwing the country over to the loser of the popular vote (and, quite possibly, the loser of the electoral college) is up for auction.
posted on Sep-10-05 at 7:18 PM

Beautiful Gallery (Google Cache) of b & w photos of Germany from 1929. The shots look like something out of a fairy tale, or a Jean Cocteau film. Here are some favorites. Compare to this (all to brief) flickr gallery of photos from about 15 years later, during WWII.
posted on Sep-9-05 at 1:25 PM

Bizarre music video featuring a cgi animated Nazi army composed of anthropomorphized piglets. The video is for a song called Shvayne by a 19 year old Russian singer named Natasha Ionova, who performs under the name Glukoza. Video is embedded flash animation.
posted on Sep-8-05 at 7:32 AM

"These are 20 of the most awesome trick shots I have created and learned over this summer." Warning: embedded wmv
posted on Sep-6-05 at 9:39 PM

Patrick Flanagan hates flying clay objects!! trick shooting exhibition- embedded wmv
posted on Sep-5-05 at 9:20 AM

Brief gallery of the works of a Brazilian mural artist who works using the medium of apples of varying colors.
posted on Sep-4-05 at 12:37 AM

BurgerTheft! Fuddruckers steals a flash based clone of BurgerTime from an indie developer without telling him. But rather than download it and host it themselves, they just point directly to his version of the game, which is spectacularly dumb. For a short time only, you can view the results if you click here. Wait till the annoying animation ends, go to the "Fuddrockers" tab, and try to play Burger Time.
posted on Sep-2-05 at 9:06 PM

Since Fox News wrongly identified a La Habra home as that of a terrorist, its five- member family has faced an angry backlash. A FOX correspondent named an alleged terrorist connected with the July London bombings, and went so far as to provide the man's address (deep in the heart of the O.C.) "to help local police". Unfortunately, the address was three years out of date, and the current residents who have no connection whatsoever with the former occupant are being threatened, harassed by people driving by & yelling threats at them, and have had their home vandalized by a spectacular moron with a spray can. Full story here (LA Times, use bugmenot).
posted on Aug-28-05 at 11:39 PM

Duck Doom Deluxe is a version of the old NES Duck Hunt game skinned to use the FPS gun/hand graphics from the original Doom. Windows only, apologies...
posted on Aug-27-05 at 11:28 PM

The Outbursts of Everett True is a collection of cartoons from 1906. Each one is identical, two panels arranged vertically, and in each one, the top panel shows a large gentleman being accosted by boors of various sorts (boring people, indecisive people, people who want him to give them money, etc) and in the bottom panel it shows him issuing the offenders a vigorous beating. It's fantastic for both the language of archaic anger ("The bumps for you, and all of your kind!") and the subject matter ("why doesn't he have a telephone of his own??") that drives the protagonist to violence. via
posted on Aug-26-05 at 4:13 PM

posted on Aug-25-05 at 3:51 PM

Terrifying noggins created over a 15 year period by Joseph Seigenthaler.
posted on Aug-20-05 at 11:02 PM

Photographing flying insects. Most of the pages are devoted to a very detailed tutorial, but pages 2, 4, 9 & 10 show the results of the various setups. Some spectacular hi-speed (bee wings frozen in mid buzz) stuff in here.
posted on Aug-19-05 at 8:26 PM

Art Urinals The pink orchid reminds me of the animation from The Wall.
posted on Aug-18-05 at 8:34 AM

Japanese Propaganda from WWII I've seen & been fascinated by a fair amount of Allied propaganda from the second World War, including an exhibit at the Smithsonian a decade back, but this is the first bit of "enemy" propaganda I can remember running across. It's a pamphlet detailing Japan's plans for a better future. Another piece, "Farewell American Soldiers" piece which was leafleted to the troops is in English and is particularly chilling.
posted on Aug-15-05 at 11:42 PM

EXTREME quarter bouncing! (warning: embedded windows media video). The Michael Jordan of bouncing quarters into shotglasses, over lit zippos, off playing cards, across the length of the room, over other glasses, richocheting out of one glass & into the other, etc.
posted on Aug-14-05 at 9:21 AM

The greatest video in the history of the internet... Warning: embedded quicktime, severe hillbilly imagery. Via
posted on Aug-13-05 at 9:01 AM

The secret behind George W Bush's appeal to the majority of Americans has been revealed at last (warning: embedded quicktime video); it's all the work of his professional speechalist.
posted on Aug-12-05 at 7:55 AM

Have you ever had one of those days where you can't decide whether you want to post about the recall of dog condoms or about the Russian mail order bride online service that tailors exclusively to amputee fetishists? I'm having that right now.
posted on Aug-8-05 at 7:41 PM

Before they were famous - six pages of childhood photos of celebrities.
posted on Aug-7-05 at 6:57 PM

I Don't Like You In That Way is a celebrity mocking gossip blog written by the former head writer of; very similar in style, layout & sense of humor. May not be everyone's cup of tea, but it frequently makes me laugh out loud.
posted on Aug-5-05 at 10:21 PM

Every movie poster from every episode of every season of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Note: collection may not contain EVERY poster.
posted on Aug-4-05 at 10:03 PM

Occasionally the folks at Snopes get asked to debunk some very unusual potential urban legends; questions so ridiculous you can only marvel at the motivation behind the asker's particular situation. Fortunately, they have collected and published the best of these questions online. found via
posted on Jul-30-05 at 11:28 PM

British Adidas commercial (warning QT direct link) featuring soccer players on a field made only of the chalk outlines, floating in a void. I'm guessing this won't get shown in the U.S. due to the relative low profile soccer has here, but it's a great spot. More on the "making of" here.
posted on Jul-29-05 at 11:14 PM

Cool Heinken ad features amazing (cgi?) dancework, catchy jingle, quicktime direct download link.
posted on Jul-28-05 at 10:36 PM

This series of photographs largely taken from the P.O.V. of a sniper are interesting, almost like a real world recreation of a video game.
posted on Jul-11-05 at 10:32 AM

The Chalet's video (Quicktime, direct link) for their song "Feel the Machine" is a great, playful interaction between computer interface tropes (icons, scroll bars, arrows) and a live performance. via
posted on Jul-6-05 at 10:46 AM

Turn Your Head is an online service that echoes the famous "two faces/chalice" optical illusion, but in the real world. You provide them with shots of your profile, and they carve a wooden sculpture of the image for only $149.95. Works best for those with uniquely pronounced features, not to mention those with $149.95 to waste on useless crap.
posted on Jul-5-05 at 10:29 AM

Postage stamps with a side of race baiting. The Mexican postal service released a series of five stamps today featuring a 1940's era cartoon of a fat lipped jug eared negro child, known for his hapless adventures, and his Aunt Jemima (classic edition, not modern sassy Jemima) mother.
posted on Jun-29-05 at 2:36 PM

A fire supreme. An all-too brief series of photographs demonstrates the disastrous after-effects of a coal train with an overheated wheel bearing stopping on a wooden bridge to investigate the cause of the smoke...
posted on Jun-11-05 at 7:55 PM

Bright Coop are an industrial farm supplies hardware manufacturer whose latest product, the "e-z catch" is essentially a giant street sweeper used for rounding up loose chickens in a coop. For a fascinating & kind of horrifying quicktime video of the device in action, click here.
posted on Mar-7-05 at 8:13 AM

Tiger Woods in Dubai shagging drivers off the top of the Burj Al-Arab.
posted on Jan-20-05 at 9:21 AM

Cool collection of British WWII era propaganda posters (apologies if this has been posted before, search didn't find it). Includes recruitment posters & general morale building posters, among other categories, including some that the U.S. may wish to license for repurpose in the future.
posted on Jan-4-05 at 10:53 PM

Cool video of ballpoint pen spinning tricks; warning - horrendous heavy metal soundtrack, video is embedded wmv. This is undoubtedly the most useless skill I've ever been jealous of. For more pen trick threads, see here& here.
posted on Jan-1-05 at 8:37 PM

Like most people who love mythical creatures (cryptozoology), I also collect stamps (philately). At last, someone has combined these twin fetishes in one easily displayed fashion. My favorites include the Loch Ness Monster and his ancient cousin the Kraken, especially these two which feature a guest appearance by Mickey Mouse.
posted on Dec-29-04 at 9:17 AM

Location Free Media. Hot on the heels of the wireless city post, I ran across this still in development site for an upcoming product ("boo! product post!! boooooo!"). Whether this specific bit of hardware makes it or falls on the Betamax heap of history is inconsequential; what matters is that someday, we will all think nothing of being able to access our music, movies, DVR'd content, etc worldwide, which is a pretty cool idea.
posted on Oct-13-04 at 10:03 PM

Pour Some Sugar On Me, as reinvisioned by Townsend, a boy band. Some would say it's the worst thing they'd ever seen, but I'd hazard a guess that it may actually be the worst thing ever filmed. The song is enhanced with a rap section, and the video is enhanced with the addition of the jackass from Smashmouth, for some bizarre reason. NSFNSAVI (not safe for the non sight & vision impaired)
posted on Aug-26-04 at 7:17 PM

You've got to admit, he does have some pretty nice medals.
posted on Aug-22-04 at 9:43 PM

Chocolate dipped pork fat is now on the menu in one of the Ukraine's trendiest restaurants. Because regular pork fat isn't chocolately enough.
posted on Jun-22-04 at 3:46 PM

2000 Election results ranked by avg statewide IQ. Shame on me for even posting this here in this slavering den of liberal fervor, but if it's true, it certainly is kinda fascinating.
posted on May-6-04 at 9:37 AM

Frozen seas. A brief but kind of amazing collection of photos of the deck of a fishing trauler in fridgid conditions, where every exposed surface has layers of frozen saltwater accumulated. This condition can cause the boat to become topheavy and capsize, as well as just plain making life more miserable for those that work on the deck.
posted on May-3-04 at 10:12 PM

"My hobby? It's funny you should ask... I make erotic carvings out of coconut shells..."
posted on Mar-29-04 at 8:55 PM

Extremely funny Quicktime interview with the designer who invented the Homeland Security Advisory System, "to let the general public know how close they were to dying".
posted on Mar-11-04 at 8:55 AM

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