MetaFilter posts by mathowie.
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Hitting all 50 by 30. Have you come close? Do you keep track? How many countries and continents have you racked up?
posted on Aug-29-01 at 3:17 PM

Internet Explorer 6 final is out for windows. Hopefully they've worked all the bugs out from the public beta. They're claiming full 100% standards support for DOM level 1 and CSS 1 (it only took five years!), though time will tell how accurate that claim is.
posted on Aug-27-01 at 4:05 PM

Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan, let me rock you Chaka Khan... Chaka Khan is still alive and all she wants to do is sell you chocolates [via popbiznatch].
posted on Aug-22-01 at 5:37 PM

It's like a paycheck advance, not a rebate. You thought the great tax relief of 2001 was a rebate on those huge surpluses the US gov't didn't know what to do with right? Nope, it's merely an advance on the refund of taxes you'll file next year, and here's the kicker: you may or may not be getting any refund at all next year. Tax relief? Tax rebate? Simply owing the $300 back next April? Who came up with this stupid idea? (truth courtesy of Megnut)
posted on Jul-27-01 at 6:50 PM

What's it like to be born a sellout? Two parents not only expecting a new child, but expecting a corporate donor to give them half a million dollars for the naming rights to their son. Their ebay listing claims it's for the child's education, though the article says they're looking to buy a new home. And if you actually think naming your offspring "Aaa-Oh-El" is a good idea and would like to copy it, too late, the imitators have already sprung up. (via NextDraft)
posted on Jul-26-01 at 2:54 PM

How often are legal threats used to silence Internet activity? Help us to find out and counter baseless threats with the "chilling effects clearinghouse." Harvard Cyber Law and the EFF combine forces to get a handle on over-zealous cease-and-desist orders issued over websites. Mattel has been so active in this area that they became the butt of jokes about it. Hopefully stupid stuff like this will start decreasing, or at least, there will be a group you can contact when you need support against these types of actions.
posted on Jul-26-01 at 12:09 PM

A model commits suicide the other night but what's really tragic about this is this is what is considered "plus sized" these days. Aren't the days of 80lb, heroin-chic models over?
posted on Jul-25-01 at 5:28 PM

And the webby winners are... not the ones I thought would win (no Blogger? no Fray?). Personally, I'll be spending time hoping for a Best Of The Web award instead. Why someday you may even get into the WWW Hall of Fame!
posted on Jul-18-01 at 10:42 PM

Douglas Rushkoff is writing an open source novel that readers are encouraged to leave footnotes on. These footnotes can contain comments, suggestions or discussion about other footnotes. Is this the future of publishing or a cheap gimmick?
posted on Jul-9-01 at 8:40 AM

Desperate times call for desperate measures.
posted on Jul-3-01 at 8:30 PM

Tonight is the Sexiest Geek Alive Contest in San Jose. Who will be crowned Sexiest Geek?! I can barely contain my enthusiasm for this (is it just me, or do they sound like the cast on a really awful and boring reality tv show?).
posted on Jun-20-01 at 6:34 PM

Music CDs sales are down, coinciding with Napster's decline. Personally, I haven't bought a new CD in months because I no longer have a source for finding new music (what I used Napster for mainly). I suppose word of mouth and listening to online streams may help, but nothing compared to finding songs you liked on Napster, and searching others' files with similar tastes and finding new gems. Do you think the RIAA will notice this and change, or is control of distribution more important to them?
posted on Jun-20-01 at 3:08 PM

Currently, consumer personal debt is at an all time high, and at the same time we're being inundated with ads asking us to "live richly" and pay for all those "priceless" moments with credit. Credit card companies have maintained a steady stream of advertising that focuses on living in the now, and worrying about the consequences later. Without discounting personal responsibility, should credit card companies be left to advertise their message unfettered, or does anyone think they are too good and perhaps somewhat responsible for the high consumer debt levels?
posted on Jun-20-01 at 10:23 AM

Cooking With Bigfoot is a flash series about a former TV star turned cable cooking show host (that happens to be a sasquatch). Episode one is up and looks like it could be a fine series when the rest are in place.
posted on Jun-14-01 at 3:25 PM

Uptime, a free web server monitoring service I (and many others) have used for over 4 years, is going down for good. Arsdigita is taking it offline tomorrow at 5PM ET, and instead is offering the source. I suppose it probably has something to do with this.
posted on Jun-7-01 at 3:03 PM

Apparently, the death of free ain't over yet. This site is claiming that Xerox is giving away free color laser printers to qualifying businesses. Is it a hoax meant to find new recipients of spam or is it another great giveaway?
posted on Jun-7-01 at 12:36 PM

How to brew up a new cold war: arm up some rivals and burn a treaty in exchange for setting up a global missle defense system. Can anyone find an upside to this story? Why could this be a good thing for the US and the rest of the world?
posted on May-28-01 at 11:43 PM premiering a new Sisqo single (press release too) seems like another example of media conglomerate cross-marketing. You can hear an entire song from a new album 2 months before release on a single website, before even radio or MTV gets it, but why is one corporation using another for an exclusive distribution channel? Are things like this and Madonna selling tickets exclusively through AOL going to remain experimental in nature or is it the face of things to come?
posted on May-16-01 at 11:32 AM

RealArcade is the future of gaming. Online downloads, rating, message boards, and high score lists are just the beginning of this game distribution-turned-instant-community application. When you can buy games online like this, whats the point of having a shrinkwrapped CD? (note most games are win95/8/ME only)
posted on May-14-01 at 2:51 PM

The new Webmonkey redesign is slick. Liquid width, CSS positioned boxes (hacked z-index and negative margins to get those overlapping boxes is my guess), easter eggs on the logo, and now a frontdoor split based on skill level. Although this design doesn't lend itself well to their more text heavy subpages, I'd prefer to see a bit more integration than the new on the front and old look inside (the splash of white from every link off the main page is a bit much).
posted on May-9-01 at 12:06 PM

Ex-Klansman Thomas Blanton Jr. has been convicted of first degree murder, for the bombing and killing of four young girls in a Birmingham, Alabama church, back in 1963. If anyone here has seen Four Little Girls, you'll probably agree: it's about time.
posted on May-1-01 at 4:10 PM

SpamCon 2001 gets underway in one month. It's a meeting of the minds to crush spam and guys like this. But it's probably too late. Can legislation ever make a dent in spam? Are technical solutions possible (no open SMTP ports allowed)?
posted on Apr-26-01 at 10:48 AM

ascii Pac-Man that's free, runs in win/dos and linux, and is complete with color graphics and smart ghosts.
posted on Apr-19-01 at 10:44 AM

Sea Otters. Cute 'n cuddly gentle animals or sociopathic, predatory, sexual killers?
posted on Apr-18-01 at 2:05 PM

The American Bookseller's Association is taking on the big guys. The trial pits indie bookshops and sellers versus evil corporate behemoths Barnes & Noble and Borders, arguing the big chains get wholesale deal the little guys don't. Does the ABA have any chance in hell of winning?
posted on Apr-16-01 at 8:00 PM

When you line up all the layoffs, it actually looks pretty bad. I suspect the news industry knows recession = increased news consumption & ad sales and are going for it, regardless of how "bad" our current economic climate may be. Will the dot com downturn lead to losses everywhere or will it be concentrated solely in the tech sector?
posted on Apr-16-01 at 2:45 PM

The ACLU wants to protect your privacy from government electronic surveillance programs like Echelon and Carnivore. Their full page ad in today's NYT claims 4th amendment rights are being violated by the US government, which is overstepping their bounds, and nearly free of up-to-date laws. Is it to late or can anything be done to protect civilian electronic communication?
posted on Apr-15-01 at 7:55 AM

New April additions to the "Interior Desecrators" gallery of horrific 70's design will leave you in awe (or gouging your eyes out, it's your choice). You'll wonder who on earth would ever use a bathroom like this, if you were child how on earth could you sleep in this room, and why, why, why? It's already 20-30 years behind us, but I distinctly remember looking at my parents' Better Homes and Gardens books like this and wishing I lived in those high tech interiors. Remember to check back each month for updates.
posted on Apr-14-01 at 9:51 PM

Jason's incredible day is the most moving blog entry I've read this year, if not ever. It's going in my bookmarks under "amazing stories that can move me to tears."
posted on Apr-12-01 at 9:12 PM

Yahoo to donate $3 million in free banner advertising for This ranks up there as one of the coolest things Yahoo has ever done: whenever people search for hate-filled words, they'll get a banner ad reminding them of the effects of discrimination and intolerance. A single banner ad won't change the world, but it certainly can't hurt to spread information about tolerance (via
posted on Apr-12-01 at 9:00 PM

Kozmo is dead. I know they weren't making much money, they spent too much on advertising, and they were eventually going to go away, but they're possibly the most convenient and useful service on the web (amazon being the only thing close). I'm sorry to see them go, they were the greatest thing in the world when you're sick or when it's too late to go out for videos and ice cream ( is unreachable already).
posted on Apr-11-01 at 3:59 PM

PG & E declaring bankruptcy. So if every website in the bay area goes down, it may not be due to the dotcom fallout. And remember kids, when the lights go off, you'll want to loot your local Fry's before anything else.
posted on Apr-6-01 at 10:57 AM

Razorfish for sale. Cheap. Real cheap. "Exciting new media company with lots of potential for expansion (again) for sale."
posted on Apr-5-01 at 2:19 PM

Do you use Hotmail for email? If so, it looks like Microsoft owns all your messages and can reprint or repurpose them however they like. I'd assume the ToS could be extended to cover any content on a passport-using website as well. Scary stuff, considering all the Hailstorm services on the way...
posted on Apr-3-01 at 1:31 PM

Guess what? Online film is not dead. Submitted for your approval: the hilarious Ron Howard's Dream, The Award Showdown, and Gwyneth and Steve - our struggle to have a baby. The amusing Upgrade, the haunting Genesis and Catastrophe, and finally, the amazing (and oscar nominated) Periwig-Maker. I only hope that with banner ad revenue going down, and the future of sites like ifilm and atom films in peril, stuff like this still has an outlet and gets made (most movies via ebert's weekly show).
posted on Apr-1-01 at 9:26 PM

Honkies no longer in the majority in California, according to recent census. How long until the government makeup and laws reflect that? (would something like prop 187 ever pass again?)
posted on Mar-30-01 at 11:03 AM

MetaFilter is a hosting company now?
posted on Mar-29-01 at 12:18 PM

Salon admits banner ads don't work and asks for subscriptions, with the alternative being bigger, new (probably flash-enhanced) banners. I wish more companies did this, allowing users to pay to get rid of ads. I've paid for Eudora 5, and I'll be paying Salon for the same luxury. Will Salon be the first of many or the last? (via rc3)
posted on Mar-20-01 at 2:18 PM

Another great amazon review hack is up, arguing about the character of "Indiana" in its state law books. It's not the first time (the story of ping and reviews of a CD rack come to mind), but for me, writing like this never gets old.
posted on Mar-15-01 at 9:22 AM

Slate takes note of last weeks "open source news" scoop in the thread about the Seattle quake. I'll officially begin taking buyout offers now.
posted on Mar-7-01 at 1:53 PM lauched today, with their attempt to create their own TLD registrar that seems like a bastardization of DNS. Most people will need to download a plugin, is there any chance this could be successful? Is ICANN doing anything to stop them or will they just die on their own?
posted on Mar-5-01 at 11:01 AM

So the MissUSA delegates are out and I have to ask, does it feel creepy to anyone else how only their faces are shown? I was surprised there wasn't a 0 through 10 across the top of each bio page so they could be rated "hot" or "not." And what about the site's aesthetic? It looks like they went for glossy glamor magazine, but it looks more like porn mag to me.
posted on Mar-2-01 at 4:55 PM

Plastic is dangling carrots in front of users, but my first thought is "ewww." Many successful communities have feedback mechanisms, but is a monetary one the best choice? Is this a good way to encourage high quality posts at Plastic, or does it seem like they're trying to create an instant community for $150?
posted on Feb-23-01 at 11:57 AM

The W3C opens a can of whoopass on the browser manufacturers with this detailed list of bugs they'd like to see remedied. Will this result in any changes whatsoever, or will Microsoft and Netscape continue to ignore what they should be doing?
posted on Feb-12-01 at 6:36 PM

Chack is an artist doing stuff you've never imagined. It's sugar-coated, sappy, happy, cartoony imagery you often find in japanese logos, but the subjects are violent and sexual. Brilliantly funny and shocking. If anyone can translate or knows the story behind this person, please enlighten me. (via andrew and mrpants)
posted on Feb-4-01 at 9:59 PM

Georgia approves a new state flag, which should displease just about everyone (historians, civil rights leaders, residents that call it "the war of northern aggression"). It looks like design-by-committee, in which everyone compromises to the point of utter pointlessness. It's certainly hideous, redesign contest anyone?
posted on Jan-30-01 at 12:19 PM

Pop psychology, in fun-for-the-whole-family game form. Based on her nationally syndicated radio show, this fast-paced board game has players matching wits with the doctor, responding to some of her 600 real, phone-in dilemmas. This amazon outlet deal features Nag, Preach, and Teach cards, and a scary looking box. You know your fifteen minutes are up when you hit the amazon outlet rack.
posted on Jan-30-01 at 1:24 AM

This is pretty damn cool: your bookmarks, napsterized. A new app (windows only, sorry) to let you share your favorite sites with everyone and allow others to search for them. If they add a hotlist, ala napster, this could be one killer app.
posted on Jan-28-01 at 2:02 PM

San Francisco Muni to consider naming stations after advertisers. If you've been in SF (or any major US city) recently, you've probably noticed the buses covered with ads inside and out, the two stadiums named after corporations (all US stadiums seem to be now), and subway platforms coated in billboards. Now, they're considering selling the names of each station off to the highest bidder. Is this going too far or should a city do anything to make a buck? (I'm reminded of the book Generation X where the author jokes about rampant advertising, and how one day you'll ask your friend what time it is, and he'll simply say "Pepsi")
posted on Jan-23-01 at 4:09 PM

FTC ends investigation of DoubleClick and finds no evidence of wrongdoing. I don't know about you, but I feel cheated. Don't forget to opt out of their cookie-bending racket.
posted on Jan-23-01 at 1:22 PM

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