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Why digital cameras = better photographers. Digital cameras don't only eliminate the cost and hassle of film processing, they should help do away with bad holiday snaps and see us all become better photographers.
posted on Jan-20-04 at 1:30 PM

RipDigital converts your entire CD collection to 224kbs MP3s for about a $1 per CD. Send them your CD library and they'll ship your library back, organized by artist and album with enhanced song information, as either 50 converted CDs per DVD and for $99 more on a portable hard drive. If only they offered the same service for cassettes. [via jkottke & waxpancake]
posted on Jan-11-04 at 9:16 AM

Subtly Simpsons. "... a list of lines from The Simpsons that we, your editors, have found to be particularly witty, often with their humor derived from subtleties of language, esoteric allusions, or just plain wit."
posted on Jan-1-04 at 1:51 AM

"What a Crappy Present" [via waxpancake]
posted on Dec-17-03 at 3:00 PM

The real source of the word "Octothorpe"
posted on Dec-7-03 at 9:03 AM

Maneki Neko is a cat figurine, sits and has it's front paw raised as if it is calling for luck, fortune and customers to your store, and invites happiness to your home.
posted on Dec-5-03 at 2:35 PM

The Brick Apple - New York City in LEGO®
posted on Dec-3-03 at 8:50 PM

Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow. Hashing out the classic question with Strouhal numbers and simplified flight waveforms. The site also includes other very well presented number crunching articles too. [via The One]
posted on Nov-28-03 at 6:36 PM

Kittens! [via waxy]
posted on Nov-27-03 at 11:38 AM is a remotely hosted app that will let you quickly add links, which you can integrate into your site like the pros.
posted on Nov-20-03 at 2:09 PM

.www deprecated? A quest to get rid off the "WWW" cruft in urls. Is it a good idea or a bad idea?
posted on Nov-17-03 at 9:38 PM

One hundred established graphic and fine artists were approached to create the definitive album cover of their favorite recording artist. Each chose an iconic musical subject from the 1940s to the present and from the genres of rock, blues, jazz, country and soul music. The result is an original and highly creative collection of contemporary art. The Greatest Album Covers That Never Were.
posted on Nov-16-03 at 11:23 AM

"Hi Jerks! Bender here. I just got back from the drinkin'est town in the known Universe: Las Vegas, Nevada- Earth. Check out these photos and you will see what I mean!" from Bender's Las Vegas Scrapbook. (Tons of pictures, big download alert) [via waxpancake]
posted on Nov-10-03 at 7:05 PM

ESA astronaut, Pedro Duque writes "I am writing these notes in the Soyuz with a cheap ballpoint pen. Why is that important? As it happens, I've been working in space programmes for seventeen years, eleven of these as an astronaut, and I've always believed, because that is what I've always been told, that normal ballpoint pens don't work in space... and here I am, it doesn't stop working and it doesn't 'spit' or anything. Sometimes being too cautious keeps you from trying, and therefore things are built more complex than necessary." From Snopes: Fisher spent over one million dollars in trying to perfect the ball point pen before he made his first successful pressurized pens in 1965, which NASA uses. [via GearBits]
posted on Nov-4-03 at 9:56 PM

The requirement to carry passports while visiting US, that will eventually include biometric markers such as iris scans as well as digital photos, leaves Canadians unhappy.
posted on Sep-23-03 at 2:59 PM

Apple Corps Ltd. sues Apple Computers over AppleMusic. "When it first happened with the iPod, we said, "What could they be thinking?" said a Beatles legal insider, who agreed that posters announcing the iPod from "AppleMusic" were among the most egregious violations. "They knew we had the agreement, and that we'd won a lot of money from them already."
posted on Sep-11-03 at 8:02 PM

RIAA to give file swappers amnesty. Provided they delete all unauthorized music files from their computers, destroy all copies (including CD-Rs) and promise not to upload such material in the future. Each infringing household member will have to send a completed, notarized amnesty form to the RIAA, with a copy of a photo ID. Those who renege on their promise will be subject to charges of willful copyright infringement.
posted on Sep-4-03 at 5:32 PM

Bar code art is pretty neat. There are bar code portraits of various people from the king to the king of kings. There's also a very cool bar code clock. And there's even a set of bar codes for the drug industry. There's even a short intro to bar codes.
posted on Aug-31-03 at 10:13 AM

How everyday things are made. See how things such as candy, cars, airplanes, etc are made. Learn about manufacturing processes, like forging, casting, or injection molding. Stanford University's Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing's site covers over 40 different products and manufacturing processes, and includes almost 4 hours of manufacturing video. Optimized for DSL/Cable speeds or greater. Macromedia FlashPlayer plugin (6.029 or greater) required.
posted on Aug-30-03 at 8:31 AM

Earth from the Air is a free, open-air exhibition in the gardens of the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, London. It is a spectacular presentation of large-scale photographs of astonishing natural landscapes. Created by world-famous photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, also refer to the previous discussion of his work. Every stunning aerial photograph tells a story about our changing planet. Seen together, they are an outstanding visual testimony to the world we live in today. A world with a growing population, shrinking biodiversity, polluted lands and oceans, a changing climate and a shortage of drinking water. A world, nevertheless, of beauty and of wonder. Also in a pioneering project Yann Arthus-Bertrand's unique aerial view of the world can now be seen by blind and partially sighted visitors.
posted on Aug-27-03 at 8:58 PM

About 2, if not more blasts rocked Mumbai on Monday afternoon. About 40 people are dead, and numerous injured. The bombs were apparently placed in taxis, and the two confirmed explosion sites are the historic Gateway of India, a huge tourist spot and the Mumba Devi temple, after which the city get its name. The city has been prey to a string of deadly bomb attacks since December last year, with the most recent, on a bus, killing three in July, and suffered a simliar serial blast back on March 12th, 1993.
posted on Aug-25-03 at 4:32 AM

bikewriter the newest weapon in the guerrilla graffiti arsenal. I wonder how long it will take before someone uses this to propose to his girlfriend.
posted on Aug-24-03 at 3:37 AM

[this is a good mutating egg] (Flash required)
posted on Aug-19-03 at 1:46 PM

posted on Aug-10-03 at 10:42 PM

The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project began on December 30th, 1994, a 'round-the-clock posting of sequenced hypermodern imagery by Brad Brace, which are simultaneously posted to FTP sites, mailing lists, and Usenet's alt.12hr newsgroup. The basic structure of the project has been over twenty-four years in the making. While the specific sequence of photographs has been presently orchestrated for more than 12 years' worth of 12-hour postings! (Mirrors: 1, 2, & 3) [via waxy]
posted on Jul-31-03 at 1:53 AM

Upload a File, Go to Prison. A new bill called the Author, Consumer and Computer Owner Protection and Security Act of 2003, or ACCOPS, proposed in US Congress on Wednesday would land a person in prison for five years and impose a fine of $250,000 for uploading a single file to a peer-to-peer network. The bill "clarifies" that uploading a single file of copyright content qualifies as a felony. Penalties for such an offense include up to five years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine. In addition, filming a movie in a theater without authorization would immediately qualify as a federal offense.
posted on Jul-18-03 at 11:58 PM

Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships You can register either in Freestyle or Original (the traditional over the shoulder -style). Alternatively, you can register as a team (max. three persons / team). There's also have a Junior category for competitors of under 12 years. Grading in Freestyle is based on style and aesthetics, whereas in Original the grading is purely based on length and style. In both categories theree prizes will be awarded. The current Ukranian record is 57 metres.
posted on Jul-14-03 at 10:20 AM

Microsimulation of road traffic with a time-continuous model [via MagentBox]
posted on Jul-4-03 at 6:34 PM

How to photograph fireworks. Courtesy of the New York Institute of Photography.
posted on Jul-3-03 at 5:04 PM

Failed dot-coms. Screenshots of farewell messages of 316 failed dot-coms.
posted on Jun-24-03 at 7:10 AM

From the better late than never dept: Now you can send instant messages between AIM/AOL and ICQ. AOL finally added interactivity support for their two IM protocols. Best new feature...
IM with yourself
Once you have the latest ICQ beta software, you'll be able to IM with the AIM and/or AOL on your own computer!

posted on Jun-12-03 at 8:26 AM

The first 50 years of Fiat advertising images. Fiat has been a pioneer in the development and management of its corporate image through advertising. Famous artists as Dudovich, Codognato, Casorati and De Chirico have created beautiful posters and designs for this Italian giant of which 100 from the 1899 to 1950 period have been selected for their online historial archive. The oldest being this fantastic “Fabbrica Italiana Di Automobili” poster from 1899.
posted on Jun-8-03 at 4:07 PM

Test shows 99.99% of US high school seniors can't read Perl. The first part asked students to translate easy Perl phrases into their standard English equivalent, and the second section required students to produce a simple MP3 player in Perl. "I didn't know what the hell any of it meant," said one Senior, "it had lots of slashes and periods and brackets. It was so confusing. I'm feeling rather nauseous." Come on USA, if you can't read Perl, just how are you going to fight for your right to party?
posted on May-14-03 at 9:50 AM

CSS Zen and the art of motorcycle website maintainance; a stunning demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS–based design.
posted on May-10-03 at 9:53 AM

Dinky cars, first produced in the 1930's represent the classic diecast model vehicles. From original Dinky Toys cars, to my personal favourite manufacturer, Matchbox, which produced some amazing models such as this Ferrarri Berlinetta, and it's poor American counterpart Hot Wheels, kids all over couldn't have enough cars to race, drive around all over, or the best and the most fun... stimulate high speed accidents.
posted on May-3-03 at 9:13 AM

Custom paperback editions of classic novels starring YOU! Now also available in a "happy ending" edition! Didn't like that Romeo and Juliet die at the end? Choose the Happy Ending Version a new scene is added with a twist — the lovers live happily ever after! A short scene is added after Act V Scene III. It turns out the apothecary's poison didn't work and Romeo survives, and Juliet's stabbing of herself merely made her pass out. The problem with public domain is that the integrity of the original is lost once it's Disneyfied.
posted on Apr-30-03 at 10:13 AM

Chandler Release 0.1, the open source Outlook clone is now available. This piece of software was developed by the Open Source Applications Foundation. "While we're still very early in the design and implementation process, we intend for this 0.1 release to make us a more fully open project." says Mitch Kapor.
posted on Apr-23-03 at 6:27 AM

Anita Mk VII the "A New Inspiration To Accounting" OR "A New Inspiration To Arithmetic" was the world's first electronic desktop calculator. Launched in 1961, the Mk VII and Mk VIII were the only commercial calculators available for a period of two years.
posted on Apr-21-03 at 11:10 PM

pallalink takes urban architectural symmetry to new abstract extremes. Be sure to view the archives. [via]
posted on Apr-14-03 at 11:57 AM

REbranding a few famous sites to more honestly represent the true nature of the sites.
posted on Apr-3-03 at 11:34 PM

Battlefield 1942 Propaganda Posters are very handy for the times when you need to call someone a smacktard.
posted on Mar-26-03 at 12:40 PM

Root Blog appears to a blog aggregator that appears to do auto-extraction of blog posts in one coloumn, and lists recently updated blogs in the other. [via random($foo)]
posted on Mar-23-03 at 10:05 AM

Cynthia Says™ is a web content accessibility validation solution, it is designed to identify errors in design related to Section 508 standards and the WCAG guidelines. The main purpose of this portal is to educate web site developers in the development Web Based content that is accessible to all. Cynthia runs more tests than Bobby and is free. I think the site itself fails the accessiblity test, 'cause it doesn't have "WCAG" in an <abbr> tag, nonetheless it's a good tool. [via zeldman].
posted on Mar-18-03 at 11:17 PM

Timeline of early science. A good read, albeit it ignores Atlantis, and it's source of unlimited power. [via Robot Wisdom]
posted on Mar-3-03 at 11:35 PM

State of Validation 2003. Off the 430 W3C members, only 28 (6.5%) have sites that validate with the W3C validator as either HTML or XHTML! This represents an increase in standards compliance of 75.7% from the year ago tests. [via the big orange Z]
posted on Feb-25-03 at 11:16 AM

Are you happy with what the World Wide Web has turned out so far? Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the World Wide Web answers that question and others like it.
posted on Feb-24-03 at 12:03 AM

An anthology of early comics from the 9th century till the early 20th. Includes early examples of speechballons in sequential images, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th. Andy Konkykru's "Dachshund Homepage" is filled with such gems.
posted on Feb-22-03 at 12:39 AM

19 inches of snow at Central Park and counting. This is now a top 5 snow storm in NYC history. In 1996 the accumulation was 24 inches.
posted on Feb-17-03 at 11:54 AM

"Giant Robot attack!" as spoken by the kid every kid wanted to be, Johnny Sokko. If you haven't already seen "'Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot" aka "Giant Robot", go now and buy it on VHS or DVD.
posted on Feb-14-03 at 3:20 PM

Looking for a nursery theme? Try the John Lennon Collection & John Lennon Musical Parade. These products are based on his drawings of stylized animals. Imagine what Yoko Ono and the Lennon Estate come up with next.
posted on Feb-3-03 at 11:42 PM

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