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The story of how Russian Nikolai Sutyagin began building his homemade wooden skyscraper, went to prison, lost most of his fortune & now lives with his wife in his unfinished masterpiece is a fascinating one. Many more photos of the structure can be found here. Via
posted on Dec-21-06 at 7:22 PM

The Riff-O-Matic will help you learn to play rock & roll guitar, or at the very least, will help you play several of the most famous riffs in rock & roll history. Using a combination of sheet music, tablature notation & embedded (flash) audio & (windowsmedia) video, the site will get you up & playing the intro to Stairway to Heaven in the guitar store in no time. If you don't have time to learn whole songs, there's even an abridged list of the 10 Greatest Rock Riffs of All Time.
posted on Dec-18-06 at 11:21 PM

Penguins With Angst is the visual tale of a group of hoodlum penguins who vandalize a grain silo & threaten the life of Santa Claus. Easter Sacrifice is a photostory of the kidnapping of the Easter Bunny & his eventual decapitation by the Dove of Peace. Both art projects courtesy of Exclusionary, the online gallery of Jasper Thomas' work.
posted on Dec-17-06 at 11:13 PM

Tlapse is the corporate YouTube account of GBTimelapse software, who are promoting their product by posting a series of really interesting timelapse films. Favorites so far are: Pumpkin, Watermelon & Bananas, but maybe I just have a decomposing fruit fetish. Although, this one of the world's laziest cat enjoying another productive day isn't bad either.
posted on Dec-16-06 at 4:35 PM

Fans of Vintage Cultural Ephemera Rejoice!

Illustration and print design of the 1920s-30s
Cold War Propaganda (on both sides)
Illustration and print design of the forties
Vintage cigarrette advertising
Sheet Music of the 1800s - 1950s
Out of print cookbooks
7-Up advertising (pre 1980s)

All of these (and much more) found via this excellent Flickr Page of Groups administered by cultural archivist Paula Wirth.
posted on Dec-15-06 at 12:07 AM

While the standard King James Bible remains huge business for publishers, in recent years a number of alternative formats have sprung up, hoping to capture the niche Christian dollar, or more charitably, to spread the good word to an audience that wouldn't find the tradtional bible all that relevant. Daniel Radosh's piece in the New Yorker examines the alterna-Bible publishing phenomenon, along with a great slideshow of several in-market concepts.
posted on Dec-13-06 at 10:38 PM

Russell W. Porter was an amateur astronomer who helped design the 200 inch telescope for Mount Palomar observatory. His pencil sketches of the finished mechanism are remarkably beautiful.
posted on Dec-12-06 at 9:46 AM

Her Secret Past is a Flickr group of retro (1950's - give or take a decade) advertisements targeted at women's fears, both the common ones (hairiness/lack of tiny monkey, wrinkles) and the lesser known ones (vagina so dirty it causes you to repeatedly leave parties early). Along the same lines, but for men is His Secret Past - although if you really want to see retro advertisements targeted at men, this set of ads from May 1963's Playboy would be the perfect source.
posted on Dec-11-06 at 9:33 AM

On December 5th, a Croatian man named Nico awoke to find a map his girlfriend had left him featuring a specific path she wanted him to take to work; along the way he saw stencils, paint, aerosol, collage wheat pastes & other art she had laid out in the pre-dawn hours letting him know how much she loved him. The sights Nico saw, in order, are collected here.
posted on Dec-10-06 at 1:03 AM

Not being blackmailed enough? Fucking so many people you can't keep track? Need worldwide access to your list of conquests? The solution you've been waiting for is at hand! My Black Book is a "secure" online service that allows you to post as many entries ("people you banged") and sessions ("ways in which you did it") as you need, and best of all, it's 100% free. unless you count the money you'll spend in blackmail fees.
posted on Dec-8-06 at 11:50 PM

Long before 2006 you could probably make a convincing argument that the music video has outlived its purpose; however, musicblogger docopenhagen's list of the top 50 music videos of 2006 has some excellent inclusions, and hopefully something for even the most jaded viewer. My threefavorites.
posted on Dec-7-06 at 11:33 PM

The Memorial Gardens in Surrey has a pigeon problem, and has hired a marksman to come to town & conduct a three year program of pigeon sniping to resolve the issue. The people of Surrey respond, via some of the funniest letters to the newspaper I've ever read (letters published at the bottom of the article).
posted on Dec-6-06 at 11:27 PM

Amazing collection of several galleries full of Japanese "urban ruins" photos, including abandoned amusement parks, refineries, apartment blocks, hospitals, schools, bowling alleys, & much more, including Battleship Island, the (previously posted) abandoned coal mining island off the coast of Nagasaki. Via.
posted on Dec-5-06 at 11:04 PM

Like the much mefi'd Peter Callesen, Laura Cooperman carves up plain white paper into extremely gorgeous intricate designs. Sadly, outside of her primary website not many examples of her work can be found online.
posted on Dec-4-06 at 6:50 PM

So you're in the mood for some Christmas music, but you're tired of all the old standards. Not to worry, the web has you covered courtesy of several vinyl sharing blogs. First off, there's Check the Cool Wax, with the soundtrack to Rankin/Bass's Night Before Christmas, Pee-Wee's Christmas Special, Yuletide Disco, Western Christmas Songs & Exciting Christmas Stories featuring Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. Much, much more inside.
posted on Dec-3-06 at 5:25 PM

This is the largest gallery of works by the amazingly intricate designer/cartoonist/artist Chris Ware (author of Jimmy Corrigan) that I've ever seen online. However despite its breadth, it does not include his four covers for last month's New Yorker. Ware completists, also enjoy this (previously posted) gallery of Chris Ware papercraft toys.
posted on Dec-2-06 at 5:23 PM

Since April of this year, the blogger over at PlaidStallions has been dutifully scanning the most interesting/unique pages from 1970's department store catalogs (among other things) and posting the images online with commentary.
posted on Dec-1-06 at 3:31 PM

Military Weaponry for Kids Is a Flickr photoset of scans from a Chinese children's coloring (and character art practice) book.
posted on Nov-30-06 at 10:56 AM

If you're a fan of pulp fiction paperback covers, then you've probably seen the artwork of R.A. Maguire. The Gallery on his personal site comes in three flavors: Covers, Reference Photos (to aid in cover renderings) and Original Art, which are essentialy covers stripped of the Title/Author/Publisher/Price info. via
posted on Nov-28-06 at 10:43 PM

Dick Detzner's Corporate Sacrilege is a series of paintings substituting advertising icons for religious ones.
posted on Nov-26-06 at 11:20 PM

If you're one of those types who could never get into so called "fine art" because it didn't feature enough images of women having sex with cephalopods & crustaceans, then Tabitha Vevers is the artist for you.
posted on Nov-25-06 at 11:09 PM

Despite the occasional cheesy superimposed nude (nsfw), for the most part this photo series of images taken by Charles Bodi inside a decaying thermal generating station is quite nice; my personal favorite.
posted on Nov-24-06 at 10:30 PM

Women, know your limits.
posted on Nov-23-06 at 9:26 PM

Do not cuddle with the Giant Amazonian Centipede, no matter how strong the temptation may be. Fully grown they are as long as an adult human's forearm, and gleefully feed on small critters (youtube), going so far as to snag bats out of the air (google video) & devour them on the spot.
posted on Nov-21-06 at 2:09 PM

Michael ("Cosmo Kramer") Richards loses his mind. On stage at the Laugh Factory in L.A. last Friday, Richards flipped out at heckler and launched into a stream of racist taunts, all caught on video. The Seinfeld Curse strikes again.
posted on Nov-20-06 at 9:05 AM

The Portraits of 42 American Presidents from Washington to Bush on a half inch strand of Black human hair is merely one of the World Art Miracles you'll find at, the homepage of one Jin Y.H., micro artist. The site is also noticeable for some delicious Engrish phrases, such as "The length does not arrive the half-inch" and "The microscope descends to take the work."
posted on Nov-14-06 at 1:56 PM

Delicious Arson at the Hog Rendering Plant? New York Pork, a Toronto based slaughterhouse, burned to the ground on November 6th. While the cause of the fire is still under debate, the photographs of the cleanup of more than 700 seared pig carcasses make for a disturbing Flickr slideshow.
posted on Nov-12-06 at 2:13 PM

The music video for the song "Heart Made of Sound" (YouTube) by the California band Softlightes is remarkably captivating; every word of the lyrics is a unique stop motion animation of household (as well as less common) objects laid out to form the word. Direct QT download here. Via
posted on Nov-9-06 at 12:10 AM

Traie Meangh is the name of an abandoned open-air swimming pool built directly between the ocean & the cliffs along the coast of the Isle of Man. Constructed in 1899, it operated until 1990, surviving briefly near the end as a fish hatchery. This Flickr photoset is the only collection of images I could find that do justice to the juxtaposition of sunny/nature setting & creepy/abandoned/industrial vibe that the place gives off.
posted on Nov-8-06 at 12:06 AM

Su Blackwell, Thomas Allen & Abelardo Morell are artists who cut up books and then photograph the interesting, whimsical & gorgeous results.
posted on Nov-6-06 at 11:58 PM

Christ of the Deep.
posted on Nov-5-06 at 11:53 PM

Lori Nix is an artist who makes miniature landscapes with distressing details & then photographs the scene. Her two collections I've found online are "Accidentally Kansas" and "Lost". Lori's work previously partially linked via this post
posted on Nov-4-06 at 11:36 PM

In honor of Halloween, the greatest costume ever: a playable Pac Man arcade cabinet.
posted on Oct-31-06 at 3:11 PM

TIBET is an artist who works entirely underground (literally) in Stockholm, Sweden. All of his work is done only in the most hidden of places, and very few people will ever get to see it. Each statue is made of concrete and are 11" tall and weigh about 5 pounds each. They are glued, welded or drilled into the solid rock and will stay there for a very, very long time. via
posted on Oct-29-06 at 10:53 PM

DoubleJeu is a simple French flash game; balance a ball on one axis while playing pong on a reversed axis. Easier to understand if you just visit the link.
posted on Oct-27-06 at 3:09 PM

101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived is a book chronicling the most impactful (non-religious) fictional characters throughout history. While they only tease with the first 50 characters on the book's homepage, the hard hitting investigative journalists at USA Today have uncovered the entire 101 for your arguing enjoyment.
posted on Oct-25-06 at 10:17 AM

Penguin Books is an all too brief Flickr Photoset of Penguin Book cover designs from decades past. For those interested, this book is highly recommended.
posted on Oct-24-06 at 10:08 AM

DrawSpace is a collection of dozens of highly detailed (multi-page) online drawing tutorials & downloadable PDFs for anyone who wishes they could draw a little bit better than they can. Probably not very useful if you're already a good artist, although the tutorials do range from beginner to advanced.
posted on Oct-23-06 at 9:48 AM

The largely forgotten holocaust of the Ukrainian people began when Stalin imposed collectivism upon the farms, sealing state borders & refusing any seed grain until ficticious and unattainable production goals were met. The Ukrainian upper class were executed, the peasantry left to starve to death. In all, seven million people died, one out of every four citizens. At this Ukranian art site, a collection of stamps commemorating the event & a gallery of "genocide art" continue to speak for the dead.
posted on Oct-22-06 at 7:41 AM

How Advertising Spoiled Me is a blog showcasing mainly magazine & billboard advertising from around the world, with pieces selected based on their inventiveness/cleverness. If you're offended by advertising, you might want to skip this post.
posted on Oct-20-06 at 10:29 PM

The Grand Comics Database is aiming to become the IMDB of comic books cover art. I only tested a couple from memory, but they seem to have a pretty deep reservoir of content, and fairly large scans of the results. Searchable by series title, character appearance, writer, illustrator and a number of other criteria.
posted on Oct-19-06 at 3:29 PM

Ricky Gervais reads the Bible GoogleVideo
posted on Oct-18-06 at 12:37 AM

For centuries mankind has wondered if the Alien (from the movie Alien) could viably gestate in the plastic belly of a My Little Pony doll, and if it could, what would the offspring look like. Well, wonder no more. Final images here. Making of here.
posted on Oct-16-06 at 7:58 PM

210 Eastern European Matchbox covers via
posted on Oct-15-06 at 7:49 PM

This video (set to The Album Leaf's "Outer Banks") is an absolutely gorgeous bit of time lapse photography, all shot around a cityscape I couldn't recognize. Watching it made me think of this movie, which is another bit of ethereal time lapse urbanscape beauty, this time shot in a city I did recognize (downtown Los Angeles & LAX initially, San Francisco later). Direct download 480p version of second film here. Of course, watching the second film reminded me of this previously posted third film (Rivers of Light, by the Grass Collective) involving cityscapes(downtown L.A. again - flash based preview here), this time in slow motion, and without audio. All links are quicktime, and HUGE, but highly recommended and very, very pretty.
posted on Oct-14-06 at 6:08 PM

1950's US Print Advertisements Click thumbnails for larger versions. via.
posted on Oct-13-06 at 5:29 PM

Turkish Star Trek. For some reason, there's a one off Turkish cover version of The Man Trap, that old episode of ST:TOS with the salt monster that leeches saline from your body with its fingertips. And while it's been mentioned before, that was years ago, before the actual episode could be found on YouTube.
posted on Oct-12-06 at 3:23 PM

Three years prior to the Superbowl Shuffle, another group of eventual sporting champions gathered in a Los Angeles studio to bring a powerful anti-drug message to the children.
posted on Oct-11-06 at 2:39 PM

The whiskey containing the scorpion is left for several months, which then imparts a unique flavour into the whiskey; it is quite an acquired taste. Tasty pregnant small crickets in salt water brine. Real Cobra Snake whiskey is infused with a real farm raised Cobra snake, ginseng roots and seed pods. All these and more, sold here.
posted on Oct-10-06 at 1:47 PM

The Boneyard at the Neon Museum (Google Map view from above) is where old Vegas casino signs go to die; while the sign graveyard is only open by appointment, a virtual tour courtesy of these Flickr sets is the next best thing to a visit in person for fans of decaying gaudiness & faded glamour.
posted on Oct-9-06 at 1:44 PM

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