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spectacular attacks [note: flash]
posted on Jul-15-03 at 8:13 AM

breed ... an online, international community of digital artists, specializing mostly, it seems, in moody and dark post-modern imagery.
posted on Jul-13-03 at 7:43 PM

hundreds of vintage camera-related advertisements.
posted on Jul-12-03 at 5:52 PM

Bob Masse's Rock Posters ~ Thirty-five years of poster art by one of North America's premier poster artists.
posted on Jul-11-03 at 11:20 AM

comic book guy says, "best comic book cover site, ever."
posted on Jul-10-03 at 10:23 AM

munktiki ~ cool tiki mugs, rumba cups, and monster shots.
posted on Jul-9-03 at 10:15 AM

tessellating animation
posted on Jul-8-03 at 5:31 AM

the cramps. I don't know anything at all about this band, but I think their posters are pretty cool.
posted on Jul-6-03 at 8:45 PM

I'm not precisely sure what's going on here, but it's pretty, and it tinkles. [note: flash]
posted on Jul-4-03 at 9:27 PM

You too can build thunderous and exciting matchstick rockets!
posted on Jul-3-03 at 7:53 PM

traffic jam simulator [note: java applet]
posted on Jul-2-03 at 7:43 PM

unknown movies ~ database of the obscure, unknown & little-shown movies.
posted on Jul-1-03 at 7:39 PM

creepy marionettes
posted on Jun-29-03 at 5:03 PM

GLAMORLUX Cool Collections ~ vintage photos, movie posters, book covers and album covers from Hollywood's golden era.
posted on Jun-28-03 at 4:30 PM

posted on Jun-27-03 at 1:11 PM

Doc Savage Pulp Covers, 1933-1949.
posted on Jun-26-03 at 1:09 PM

Victorian Visions of the Year 2000.
posted on Jun-25-03 at 12:34 PM

radiolovers ~ listen to OLD TIME RADIO shows for free, online.
posted on Jun-24-03 at 9:52 AM

why americans will believe almost anything.
keys to effective spin control / public relations : "dehumanize the attacked party by labeling and name calling... speak in glittering generalities using emotionally positive words... when covering something up, don't use plain English; stall for time; distract... get endorsements from celebrities, churches, sports figures, street people - anyone who has no expertise in the subject at hand the 'plain folks' ruse: us billionaires are just like you... when minimizing outrage, don't say anything memorable... when minimizing outrage, point out the benefits of what just happened... when minimizing outrage, avoid moral issues."
posted on Jun-23-03 at 6:54 AM

The U.K.'s answer to Rube Goldberg. Cartoonist W. Heath Robinson, 1872-1944.
posted on Jun-20-03 at 2:50 PM

"Unexplained, but not Inexplicable" photograph collection
posted on Jun-19-03 at 1:18 PM

explore flemish art from the 15th century
posted on Jun-18-03 at 11:51 AM

a collection of clever flash experiments
posted on Jun-17-03 at 12:13 AM

Surfer Movie Posters of the Sixties
posted on May-31-03 at 5:55 PM

japanese wood-block masters, flash-enabled gallery.
posted on May-29-03 at 2:59 PM

oddies but goodies. Oddball cars from yesteryear.
posted on May-19-03 at 4:03 PM

Compare apples to oranges.
posted on Apr-30-03 at 11:46 PM

Lewd & Lurid Vintage Tabloid Photos
posted on Apr-28-03 at 5:50 AM

The American Museum of Photography
posted on Apr-24-03 at 4:32 PM

Automaton \Au*tom"a*ton\, n.; pl. L. Automata, E. Automatons. [L. fr. Gr. ?, neut. of ? self-moving; ? self + a root ma, man, to strive, think, cf. ? to strive.] 1. Any thing or being regarded as having the power of spontaneous motion or action.
posted on Apr-14-03 at 10:28 PM

Still a few days left for peace. Peace Poster design contest ends April 17th.
posted on Apr-11-03 at 9:06 PM
posted on Apr-10-03 at 4:03 PM

Believe It or Not! Anomalies Unlimited. See the Lord's Prayer Carved on the Head of a Pin! Marvel at the World's Longest Ear Hair! Indulge in the Deep Dark Secrets of The Wonderful World of Disney! Yes! Step right up. No need to push... there's something for everyone under the Big Top...
posted on Apr-8-03 at 3:29 PM

The Classical Music Archives
posted on Apr-6-03 at 11:36 PM

"timemaker is a tool to draw your subjective experience of time."
posted on Mar-31-03 at 11:48 PM

nifty ancient eyecandy
posted on Mar-27-03 at 3:41 AM

2003 Oscar Schwag
posted on Mar-18-03 at 7:07 AM

venetian carnival masks
posted on Mar-4-03 at 9:24 PM

Even the ugliest cuts make beautiful flakes.
posted on Feb-27-03 at 8:20 PM

"64 grams of fat, 2,090 milligrams of sodium, and enough cholesterol to kill anything that's ever lived." 104% of your USDA daily requirements of saturated fat. 231% of your daily intake of cholesterol. Swanson's Hungry-Man All-Day Breakfast! (Pancakes included.)
posted on Feb-25-03 at 2:37 PM

New Wallace and Gromit movie ~ "Cracking Contraptions" from Atom Films and Shockwave... but $9.95 to download it? Oh, I don't think so! I guess I don't expect them to give it away for free, but who thought up this hair-brained scheme? I bet that dodgey lodger, the Penguin, is behind it somehow.
posted on Feb-24-03 at 2:03 PM

Cast Members. NSFW
posted on Feb-17-03 at 8:10 PM

Friday! Friday! Friday! Friday flash fun to end all Friday flash fun.
posted on Feb-14-03 at 2:31 PM

Photobloggies ~ vote for the best photoblogs on the web.
posted on Feb-11-03 at 2:40 AM

ARGH! Even Punxsutawney Phil is not immune to effing product placements! "Phil may be as cute as a Beanie Baby but when he predicts in his Groundhogese there is no maybe." And, shocker, lookit the banner on the top of the page.
posted on Feb-4-03 at 7:35 AM

Reach a higher state of being, in just four minutes.
posted on Jan-31-03 at 3:27 PM

Something to do if you've got nothing better to do with the rest of your life.
posted on Jan-18-03 at 1:45 AM

These links are probably best viewed only by the blind.
posted on Jan-8-03 at 6:04 PM

Miniature Earth ... Sure, you may have already seen something like this before... but as we're about to turn the calendar over for another year, it's as good a time as any to thoughtfully reconsider the world we live in. Miniature Earth is a flash presentation that compresses the world's population down to a community of 100 people, and gives statistical proportions. Work with passion; Love without needing to be loved; appreciate what you have; and do your best to make a better world.
posted on Dec-23-02 at 12:04 AM

Taking a lesson from Robert Mapplethorpe -- Some of Robert Gligorov's subjects might be a little difficult to look at, even though the quality is so easy on the eyes. (A few are NSFW.) I think this one is my favorite.
posted on Dec-4-02 at 5:58 PM

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