This Famicom bootleg game costs $5000
June 14, 2024 11:24 PM   Subscribe

In which youtuber f4mi talks famiclones, bootleg software, and demake ports of popular games, long after the West had given up on the NES, with a focus on one very special demake in particular... [SLYT]
posted by Dysk (4 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
wait a minute, this game is educational!
somari! found the paper shown briefly at 4:00, for anyone else excited about details like square waves ~ [nerdlypleasures]
posted by HearHere at 1:20 AM on June 15 [2 favorites]

check out my soundcloud, which is entirely square waves at different duty cycles
posted by phooky at 6:14 AM on June 15 [4 favorites]

I like how f4mi gives an air of legitimacy to those making clones and hardware to run them, even when some of them come out like a product you could get at a dollar store (with fair reason), and despite the legality of it (granted the lack of enforcement). Been trying to find a quick and fair way to play NES Tetris (or the like - I want the hard flashing blipping feedback for a 4-line clear) that does not involve me hooking up the old NES, cartridge jiggling (etc...), etc. Maybe I'll check out what's available off the usual path.
posted by JoeXIII007 at 1:00 PM on June 15 [1 favorite]

Joe, if Gameboy or Gameboy Color Tetris would fill that need, has a very good GBC clone kit for about $85 (including your choice of shell and buttons). No soldering required. I've built one myself & been playing Pokemon Crystal on it, it's a great piece of gear.
posted by rifflesby at 1:02 AM on June 16 [2 favorites]

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