The law is where you buy it in this town
June 26, 2024 8:15 PM   Subscribe

Los Angeles History Project: Raymond Chandler's L.A. a.k.a. The Los Angeles History Project: Trouble in Angel City Youtube link 28m alt link: American Archive of Public Broadcasting 31m

In 1988, Los Angeles PBS affiliate produced this half hour video telling of a particular 1930s scandal, the likes of which were inspiration to a hungry writer of pulp fiction, Raymond Chandler. Narrated by Richard Widmark.

The story covers a bit of the Clifford Clinton bombing. Clinton, a L.A. restaurant owner and aspiring reform politico, drew the ire of Mayor Frank L. Shaw. Shaw sent Captain Earl Kynette, leader of the LAPD intelligence squad, to intimidate Clinton by bombing his house, and attempting to kill private eye Harry J. Raymond, who was in the employ of Clinton. The tricks failed and the aftermath upended Shaw and his administration.
posted by 2N2222 (4 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
LA is still a crooked town, but nothing like it was pre-WWII. Now most of the mob like violent crime activity is in all of the satellite towns that surround LA. LA's city and county council mostly seem to get up to the boring bribery and illegal electioneering stuff.

Gotta appreciate how much certain crime writers mine waves of scandal, like Chandler and Michael Connelly today.
posted by drewbage1847 at 9:11 PM on June 26, 2024 [2 favorites]

Second link is supposed to go here. Sorry bout that.
posted by 2N2222 at 9:14 PM on June 26, 2024

Ooo neat. Gonna give this a watch!
posted by samthemander at 10:23 PM on June 26, 2024

College acquaintance got wrapped up in LAPD corruption … David Dooros if you’re curious.
posted by torokunai at 8:44 AM on July 3, 2024

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