I am unbroken, I still wear this crown
June 27, 2024 7:18 AM   Subscribe

there’s a youtube link, if sumerian.ink doesn’t yield 🔥
posted by HearHere at 7:35 AM on June 27 [1 favorite]

join that still-burgeoning nu metal revival

Still kind of blows my mind that this is a thing but I'm here for it.

Didn't know the album's full release was last week. They had the title track on apple music in the weeks leading up to it and it's good stuff.
posted by howbigisthistextfield at 8:39 AM on June 27 [1 favorite]

there’s a youtube link, if sumerian.ink doesn’t yield 🔥

I gave up on finding good, new metal. this is great. what else am I missing?
posted by Dr. Twist at 9:14 AM on June 27

Personally, I'm very partial to:

Spiritbox - Ultraviolet
JINJER - Just Another
posted by signal at 12:05 PM on June 27 [2 favorites]

So Ms Potato, recently turned seven, loves heavy music, 'girl singers' and cats, so it's been nothing but Kittie on repeat at our house since the album came out. We've also been playing her Halestorm, Opeth and In This Moment, but they aren't named after cats, are they?
posted by Jilder at 6:54 PM on June 27

I wonder if she might be interested in Harper, who's 12 and is already a heavy metal vocalist to be reckoned with.
posted by signal at 7:30 PM on June 27

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