As I dunked below the surface, the world quieted
July 7, 2024 1:02 PM   Subscribe

I think the foreignness of my new life also paved the way for this awakening: Because everything was unfamiliar, my perspective on the world and my place within it shifted. I was different in France, which meant that—just maybe—I could be different at home. Could I have found this part of myself if I’d moved to, say, New York, instead of France? Perhaps. But I think it often takes a total shake-up of our life to shake truths out of ourselves—and travel can often be a vehicle for that transformation. from In France, a Swimming Pool With a Story by Aislyn Greene [Afar]
posted by chavenet (1 comment total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
thank you for this deep dive
posted by HearHere at 1:43 PM on July 7 [1 favorite]

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