The hippos are charming -- that's plain
July 17, 2024 10:46 AM   Subscribe

If you like hippos and friends then you might like Maurice Sendak on his friend James Marshall (NYT archive)

"The George and Martha books teach us nothing and everything. That is Marshall's way. Just when you are lulled by the ease of it all, he pokes you sharply. My favorite poke comes at the end of ''The Surprise'' in ''George and Martha Round and Round.'' When George has ''a wicked idea'' and hoses Martha down ''one late summer morning,'' Martha screams ''Egads!'' and declares war on George. Nothing he can say will soothe her wrath, but Martha suffers the consequences of her inability to forgive. She can't tell George a funny story she's heard because ''she and George were no longer on speaking terms.'' But a falling autumn leaf does the trick. It's George's favorite season, so Martha goes straight to her old friend's house and they make up and watch the autumntime together. ''Good friends just can't stay cross for long,'' George comments. ''You can say that again,'' says Martha. A neat, sweet ending? Not a chance. Turn the page and there is a demented-looking Martha (how did Marshall convey dementia, malice and get-evenness with two mere flicks of his pen for eyes?), spritzing hose in hand, lying in wait for dapper George with fedora and cane to cross her path. Marshall's last line: ''But when summer rolled around again, Martha was ready and waiting.'' "
posted by RobinofFrocksley (2 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
A lovely remembrance of a great author and illustrator.
It's SUCH a delight to reread the George and Martha books with my 2yo. I'm always thrilled when he picks one of them.
posted by Dr. Wu at 2:35 PM on July 17 [3 favorites]

Oh yes, these are great
posted by mdoar at 5:13 PM on July 17 [2 favorites]

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