Kamala Harris re-energizes U.S. presidential campaign
July 22, 2024 8:14 AM   Subscribe

A guide to the coming attacks on Kamala Harris. The frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination quickly raised over $50 million in small donations on her first day as a presidential candidate and has consolidated endorsements from many of the folks thought to be potential rivals for the nomination, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
posted by mediareport (417 comments total) 58 users marked this as a favorite
The frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination quickly raised over $50 million in small donations

I'm a statistic!
posted by phunniemee at 8:16 AM on July 22 [71 favorites]

Looks like folks are excited about a Harris campaign! I like to see the enthusiasm; that's ace.
posted by Kitteh at 8:17 AM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Last night I checked to see if Maryland's governor, Wes Moore, had endorsed Harris. He hadn't, but was expected to this morning, and sure enough now he has.
posted by Faint of Butt at 8:19 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Let the race for VP begin.
posted by NotAYakk at 8:19 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Wapo has a running tally of endorsers here.

You can sort by office (they’ve got senators, reps, and governors). I do kinda wish they had electors somewhere too.
posted by nat at 8:21 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

WaPo is keeping a running list of who among the 263 congressional Democrats and 23 Democratic governors have endorsed Harris in public statements. (gift link)
posted by mediareport at 8:23 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

I was onboard with Joe, for so many reasons, but I'm actually energized for Kamala. Donated yesterday.

I heard rumors about a Zoom call with 40k participants raising $1.5 million dollars in 100 minutes and my wife sent me this:

Hell yeah. Let's go.
posted by ZakDaddy at 8:24 AM on July 22 [30 favorites]

Looks like folks are excited about a Harris campaign! I like to see the enthusiasm

I have created a helpful graph to plot my enthusiasm.
posted by phunniemee at 8:24 AM on July 22 [32 favorites]

Harris will be giving her first public remarks in a few minutes from the White House: https://www.nbcnews.com/video/watch-live-kamala-harris-makes-first-remarks-since-biden-endorsement-215375429714
link here
posted by PistachioRoux at 8:25 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

I am proud of supporting Joe Biden until he decided to withdraw. I'm excited to work for Kamala Harris' campaign and an energized Democratic party.
posted by bluesky43 at 8:30 AM on July 22 [29 favorites]

I am thrilled to see the fundraising and endorsements are rolling in for Harris. She absolutely deserves the nomination. As far as VP goes, I love Andy Beshear, he's a fine human being, a great communicator and wonderful governor. But I don't think he's a good pick. Rural Kentucky will never abandon Trump. And Kentucky only has 8 electoral votes, they should pick someone from a legit swing state. Beshear is a tempting choice though, as an antidote to Vance. Get what Andy said on Morning Joe:

"The vice president is smart and strong, which will make her a good president, but she's also kind, and has empathy, which can make her a great president," Beshear said, "and the contrast between her and those running on the other side couldn't be clearer. As a prosecutor, as an attorney general like I used to be, she prosecuted rapists, domestic abusers, stood for victims and put away those abusers. Now look at the other side, where J.D. Vance calls pregnancy arising from rape 'inconvenient.' No, it's just plain wrong. He suggests that women should stay in abusive relationships. Now, listen, a domestic abuser isn't a man, he's a monster, and no one should support anyone having to stay in those relationships. The vice president is ready. She has my full endorsement. I'm going to do everything I can to support her."

posted by pjsky at 8:31 AM on July 22 [27 favorites]

I do kinda wish they had electors somewhere too.

nat: i think you mean "delegates"; the electors come later in the process!

At least a couple of the state delegations have already said that their votes are going to Harris, but i don't have links handy.
posted by adrienneleigh at 8:32 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Tim Snyder:

Smiling as I watch Black men on my feed promising to stan
if she endorses
. Culture loosening up, in a good way. Let’s go make a much better future.

Thank god for a short election cycle.
posted by MisantropicPainforest at 8:32 AM on July 22 [11 favorites]

Cross-posting from the end of the Biden thread, but in the spirit of the "guide to coming attacks": something I noticed on the BBC today was a Republican repeatedly mispronouncing Harris's name as kuh-MAH-luh. An innocent mistake when she was unknown, but now you have to suspect it's intentional, and it seems a tell to watch out for. My instinctive response would be to ask about their candidate duh-NALD.
posted by rory at 8:33 AM on July 22 [22 favorites]

The details in ZakDaddy's Daily Beast link are great:

By 7 a.m. Eastern time on Monday morning, a ticker showing real time donations on ActBlue’s website surged by more than $64 million after what it called the “biggest fund-raising day of the 2024 cycle.”

“This may be the greatest fundraising moment in Democratic Party history,” Democratic strategist Kenneth Pennington wrote on X. He posted later: “Democrats have raised $63 million today on ActBlue. Looks on path to exceed $90 million by the 24-hour mark from Joe Biden’s decision.”

...The tally is made up of smaller donors, and Democratic fund raisers have reported other boosters, including a group called Win With Black Women that raised $1.5 million in a 100-minute Zoom meeting attended by more than 45,000 supporters from around the country. According to The New York Times, Trump’s main fundraising site online took six months to raise $58 million in second half of 2023.

Reports from the "Win With Black Women" call with tens of thousands of folks joining were also linked in the Biden thread.
posted by mediareport at 8:34 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

phunniemee, I am pleased to see that tummy trouble levels appear to be low, while Harris levels are clearly high.
posted by Kitteh at 8:34 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Black educator and author Ally Henny says some important things:
White women, yall are going to have to get much thicker skin if we are to make it through this election cycle, let alone if we end up with Kamala as president.

If you can’t take a modicum of critique from Black women, or if you are going to run away from the conversation when pressed on your behavior, we are going to have a long road to hoe.

Dust off that “learning” that you claimed to get when Hilary ran and Black women took y’all to task for how you were acting.

I’m glad that y’all are energized behind Kamala, but take note that a lot of Black women and Black gender minorities have complex complicated feelings about her presumed candidacy.

Y’all need to listen a lot more than you “this white woman.”

Y’all need to stop acting like Kamala is y’all’s savior when y’all are the reason we are here in the first place.

Y’all need to pay attention to the broad range of Black political thought about Kamala. Specifically, her record as a prosecutor and the implications of her actions there.

Y’all need to take a lot of your Big Feelings to your journal instead of melting down in the comments.
posted by Faint of Butt at 8:35 AM on July 22 [30 favorites]

My anxiety yayas are out. Let's go Brenda!
posted by East14thTaco at 8:35 AM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Cross-posting from the end of the Biden thread, but in the spirit of the "guide to coming attacks": something I noticed on the BBC today was a Republican repeatedly mispronouncing yt Harris's name as kuh-MAH-luh. An innocent mistake when she was unknown, but now you have to suspect it's intentional, and it seems a tell to watch out for. My instinctive response would be to ask about their candidate duh-NALD.
posted by rory at 8:33 AM on July 22

That's one of Trump's favorite moves. He's such an idiot. and this morning he is apparently still attacking Joe Biden.
posted by bluesky43 at 8:37 AM on July 22 [10 favorites]

I'm eager to donate to Harris but somehow feel like I should wait until she's the actual candidate at the convention. Am I overthinking this?

PS to JB: STAY PUT! We need you where you are.
posted by JoeZydeco at 8:38 AM on July 22

Not to repeat myself from another thread (I'm gonna!), but the name mispronunciations are clearly the result of Screeching Weasel's song 'Kamala's too nice"
posted by stet at 8:38 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Good. A post that is actually about Kamala Harris and not titled Joe Biden steps down.
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 8:39 AM on July 22 [11 favorites]

I cancelled out my prior small monthly donation to the Biden-Harris campaign and have committed to a bigger one for the Harris-TBD campaign, and did so with considerably more enthusiasm than I'd set up the initial one ages ago.

Slightly nervous about whether she's going to take away my governor in a swing state that needs him, but you know, our lieutenant governor is pretty great too, we'll make it work if we need to.
posted by Stacey at 8:40 AM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Would rather not lose Shapiro because Pennsylvania needs a Democratic governor but he’d be good. So would Buttigieg.
posted by Peach at 8:43 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

“Now, We Beat Trump.” Michael Moore, 22 July 2024
posted by ob1quixote at 8:43 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

My Canadian in-laws, upon hearing the news of Harris being our new presidential candidate, apparently earnestly read the Star Spangled Banner to Shepherd (but not me, the American daughter in law) to express hope that the US will get through their troubles.
posted by Kitteh at 8:45 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

“Woke up thinking about the fact that Donald Trump is not remotely prepared for the AKAs. This is gonna be epic.” — Laura Seay, 22 July 2024
posted by ob1quixote at 8:46 AM on July 22 [14 favorites]

A law was made a distant moon ago here:
July and August cannot be too hot.
And there's a legal limit to the snow here
With Kamala.

That's how conditions are.
The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
With Kamala.
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 8:46 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I'm eager to donate to Harris but somehow feel like I should wait until she's the actual candidate at the convention. Am I overthinking this?

PS to JB: STAY PUT! We need you where you are.
posted by JoeZydeco at 8:38 AM

The fucking media is going to do their thing to drag Harris down but the rapid and overwhelming support shown by those in the Democratic Party will be very difficult to push back against. I'm astonished, actually, how rapidly almost everyone came on board. There are a few have waited (notably Obama, Pelosi and Jeffries) but from what I've read this is because they want to let the 'process' go through (whatever that means).
posted by bluesky43 at 8:46 AM on July 22 [10 favorites]

The frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination quickly raised over $50 million in small donations.

Trump raised $53 million in the 24 hours following his felony convictions -- a record for a single day that he likes to crow about.

Not anymore. ($85 million in the 24 hours since the announcement and counting as of this comment). [Updated from the prior thread.]
posted by The Bellman at 8:47 AM on July 22 [36 favorites]

Well I still feel good about this. 24 hours is forever this year.
posted by mazola at 8:48 AM on July 22 [17 favorites]

I believe the reporting that this was a snap decision on Sunday. But I also think it's strategically almost ideal. You maximize your chances of riding the positive momentum and excitement around Biden passing the torch (which momentum inevitably decays). You minimize time for your opponent to recalibrate. You get a significant amount of breathing room pre-convention, which will make the inevitable, absurd legal challenges to come harder to provide cover for. You dominate the news cycle directly post-RNC. You've got story hooks from here (money raised, endorsements, VP selection) to the convention, then an energized base to get out there and start doing the groundwork without being exhausted on a 3+ month run ...

I think it's the last available smart moment to drop out. It shows vision and preparation. Those are good signs.
posted by penduluum at 8:48 AM on July 22 [67 favorites]

I agree.
posted by bluesky43 at 8:49 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Kamala Harris is using her first live appearance to praise Joe and his accomplishments. She is a class act. Beautiful comments. She's not saying anything about becoming the next candidate.
posted by pjsky at 8:49 AM on July 22 [27 favorites]

Would rather not lose Shapiro because Pennsylvania needs a Democratic governor but he’d be good. So would Buttigieg.

Shapiro violently repressed nonviolent protests in PA. Sorry but that's not what we need to fight fascism.
posted by MisantropicPainforest at 8:49 AM on July 22 [14 favorites]

I sincerely hope it's not Shapiro - he's pretty publicly, vocally awful on Israel in a variety of ways and it would kill a lot of the progressive momentum that Harris stands to gain in this amazing opportunity to reset things.
posted by windbox at 8:49 AM on July 22 [22 favorites]

Shapiro gets shit done- the bridge repair was a truly remarkable display of how government can do good things.
posted by bluesky43 at 8:50 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Jay Kuo, one of my favorite voices of reason, offered the following re: Obama / Pelosi / Schumer, and it makes sense to me:

"The press and punditry want to create palace intrigue by suggesting there is something nefarious or off, simply because those in top leadership positions (and who indicated publicly that they had reservations about Biden’s ability to lead the party to victory) have not come out publicly for Harris yet. This includes former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former President Barack Obama.

"I want to offer a different theory that comports with my own understanding of what good and decent leaders do in a situation like this. First, good and decent leaders make the moment about Biden, who just gave up a second term and at least deserves to bask in the party’s adulation without those who helped nudge him to his decision talking openly about his replacement right away.

"Second, good and decent leaders don’t feed unfounded rumors that the goal all along was to elevate Harris in some kind of a White House coup. If we assume instead they advised Biden in good faith that they had lost confidence in his ability to win, they can’t have their very next move be to foreclose any contest for his replacement.

"Far better to allow Harris to plead her case to other officials, the state party leaders, and the delegates, as she immediately indicated she would do."
posted by ZakDaddy at 8:53 AM on July 22 [43 favorites]

Just chiming in again to note that I was solidly behind Biden before, was aware of his faults, note happy with his age, and thought Harris had little chance even if she was the nominee.

Happy to admit I was wrong about several things, am absolutely over the Moon about the outpouring of support for Harris. My god, the energy I'm feeling from the Democratic party is breathtaking and makes me proud!

I'd don't how things are going to turn out, acknowledge there will be strange twists and setbacks, but I'm glad to be motivated and joyful to hop on this train! I am giddly, joyfully hopeful and that's not a feeling I was having with Biden.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:57 AM on July 22 [53 favorites]

Kamala Harris is using her first live appearance to praise Joe and his accomplishments. She is a class act. Beautiful comments.

Yeah, I watched her via PistachioRoux's link as she started speaking, and that was classy and heartfelt. She tied it into a mention of his late son Beau, who she knew as AG.
posted by rory at 8:57 AM on July 22 [11 favorites]

I'm liking Andy Beshear. I think he might do the best to reach out to otherwise non-Harris voters. I feel the same about Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan could be a swing state.
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 9:00 AM on July 22

This shift feels like a big breath of fresh air for me! Of course the election is still terrifying and I understand and honor the shock and sadness many are feeling too. But this electrifying sense of relief and hope is exactly what we (and by we I mean all people opposed to fascism) need right now. Because like many elections these days, it's gonna be a turn out game. And people being enlivened and motivated is so key to that. So many more people are gonna to make sure to vote now and donate (as we've so dramatically seen) and organize to get more people out to vote. Let's win this!
posted by overglow at 9:00 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

WaPo is keeping a running list of who among the 263 congressional Democrats and 23 Democratic governors have endorsed Harris in public statements. (gift link)

For reference, WaPo called for Biden to drop out, then their editorial board called for a free-for-all primary when he did. They put up a counter listing how many Dems had endorsed Harris and how many had endorsed a primary.

When the Primary counter topped out at 1, they changed the category to "Have not endorsed" so that the number on the other side would be higher.

(h/t Don Moynihan, BSky)
posted by delfin at 9:02 AM on July 22 [51 favorites]

HAHAHAHAHA. The media sucks.
posted by bluesky43 at 9:04 AM on July 22 [33 favorites]

Just made my donation to Harris/DLCC.

The past month has been depressingly rough, but now it seems like we might have a chance after all.
posted by RonButNotStupid at 9:04 AM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Just chiming in again to note that I was solidly behind Biden before, was aware of his faults, note happy with his age, and thought Harris had little chance even if she was the nominee.

Happy to admit I was wrong about several things, am absolutely over the Moon about the outpouring of support for Harris. My god, the energy I'm feeling from the Democratic party is breathtaking and makes me proud!

This is more or less where I was and am as well. And this morning the feeling of "we're no longer trying to run a Weekend at Bernie's campaign against the end of the world" is amazing.

For VP, I'm liking the idea of Mark Kelly more and more, myself.
posted by Navelgazer at 9:05 AM on July 22 [33 favorites]

There were 40K Black women on a Zoom call, planning how to help Harris and beat Trump?! Oh shit, y'all better start actin' right!
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:08 AM on July 22 [36 favorites]

It's been quite interesting watching the bots and trolls recalibrate over on Threads. There are more than a few low-follower accounts who haven't posted anything for 5 weeks that are suddenly commenting stuff like "ACAB includes Kamala!!!" wherever they can.
posted by mrjohnmuller at 9:08 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Mark Kelly is a goddamn astronaut, which is exciting to people. And he checks a lot of boxes for the people who are afraid of liberals being too “soft” or whatever, as he was a navy pilot, a combat veteran, and the child of TWO cops. And he flew a goddamn space ship.

In my hopes, he comes out with some kind of riff on how lies from the right-wing noise machine is what inspired the shooting of his wife Gabby Giffords, and those lies have metastasized throughout America and he’s here to stand against them and for truth as a large macho-looking man who went to goddamn space.
posted by Jon_Evil at 9:09 AM on July 22 [90 favorites]

I made the biggest monetary donation to a political campaign I have ever made in my life after the debate because I was scared shitless that Biden's performance was going to sink our chances of defeating fascism come November. That donation was my way of saying "I will support literally any Democrat that is on the ballot, even one that is old and feeble, because we must defeat Trump." I usually donate more of my time than my treasure because I have more time than I have money. But money talks. So, anyway, I just made another donation to Kamala because I want to be counted in that huge fundraising haul. And I think she'll make a great president. Let's Go!
posted by pjsky at 9:09 AM on July 22 [15 favorites]

I've lived here in CA for all the years of Kamala's rise in the ranks and I haven't been paying attention yet to the attacks, but I'm guessing:
  • we're going to see a lot of Willie Brown based attacks because no woman would ever succeed without sleeping her way to the top.
  • "she's inexperienced!" - *sigh*
  • On the left, there will be a ton of attempts to splinter progressive votes because "she's in bed with the cops" after her stint as CA's AG (which admittedly wasn't the most progressive, but it's the State AG's office - they're going to be more cop friendly than any other position in Sacramento except the head of the police union) [on edit: jinx to mrjohnmuller's comment]
posted by drewbage1847 at 9:10 AM on July 22 [6 favorites]

if we're going to fantasy football who's going to be vp, i have a small request:

can nobody else suggest a republican (who are, fundamentally, believers in a preposterous, destructive ideology inimical to a functioning society) out of some misguided, masturbatory dedication to "unity" or "comity"?
posted by i used to be someone else at 9:10 AM on July 22 [41 favorites]

I don't see that it can be Whitmer. I love her, but two women on the ticket is a huge risk. Newsom definitely thinks it can be him, but the 12th adds a wrinkle and even California Democrats find him annoying. I can only imagine what the rest of the country thinks of him.

I think you really need a mainstream protestant (sorry, Shapiro), straight (sorry, Pete) white dude. Kelly would be good (we wouldn't even lose a seat, because (a) the governor is a Democrat and (b) he's required by law to appoint someone of the same party anyway). Cooper is term-limited as NC governor, so he's an option.
posted by It's Never Lurgi at 9:11 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Y’all need to take a lot of your Big Feelings to your journal instead of melting down in the comments.

While all of this is true, it took exactly as long as I thought for various elements of what passes for a left here to start pointing fingers at one another in the new context. So, basically, nothing has changed and I'm still bracing for Trump.
posted by ryanshepard at 9:11 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

I just like the idea that there are stacks and stacks of "Let's Go Brandon! / FJB" merchandise sitting in warehouses that will now be scrapped. Imagine if you had a container full of this shit on its way over the ocean at this very moment.
posted by JoeZydeco at 9:11 AM on July 22 [64 favorites]

I've been hoping for Harris as the candidate mainly because she had the money I've already contributed, and reopening the primaries sounded like chaos.

This morning, I'm feeling excited about this campaign. Partly, I want the difficult decision Biden made to count. And I think Harris is a good candidate. And the sexism and racism that will be heading her way are things we need to be fighting. Supporting Harris feels different from trying yet again to get TFG to go away.

(My representative wanted an open primary of some kind, last week; I may give him a nudge about endorsing.)
posted by mersen at 9:12 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I just like the idea that there are stacks and stacks of "Let's Go Brandon!

Yassss, my credit card is getting a workout today.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:14 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

I love this Andy Beshear energy. Can credibly take on JD Vance on Appalachia (he is extremely popular in Kentucky) and is a liberal fighter to boot.
posted by Gadarene at 9:18 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Also delighted to see the check that Trump used to donate to Harris on the Drudge Report.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:19 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

I think you really need a mainstream protestant

Yeah, unfortunately I agree. Harris will be fighting an uphill battle on her religious creds because she's from the heathen state of California. Somebody like Beshear would outclass Mr. "Converted to Catholicism Right Before My Senate Run" and Mr. "Saw at a Church Once From My Limo" in that category.
posted by credulous at 9:20 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I believe Americans have held together a tenuous peace over politics through a tacit agreement that all politicians are liars and both sides are terrible.

You really can’t go into a neutral space like an office party or an online community forum and espouse one candidate or another without breaking that peace, so people have settled on “are these really the best two candidates we could get?” as a neutral statement everyone can bond over. It makes “we the people” feel powerful and it keeps the peace.

This is bad for Kamala Harris, because it requires a general agreement that she’s terrible, Trump already having been initiated. So people will rapidly decide in what way she’s terrible, probably that she “seems like she’s drunk” or just “she’s an idiot.”

There’s a chance that this election cycle will be so short that general opinion won’t have time to coalesce. But my guess is it will take about a week. The urge towards “they’re both terrible” is so powerful that “are you kidding? She’s an idiot” will be doctrine by then.
posted by argybarg at 9:22 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

MetaFilter: kindly do not address me on this website futher
posted by Klipspringer at 9:22 AM on July 22 [25 favorites]

I’d love to donate but I already get SO MUCH text spam (allegedly) from the Dems
posted by gottabefunky at 9:23 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Yeah actually people are going to do this, embarrassingly naive to be shocked about it

Oh fuck, we went 10 minutes without a vote scold and it felt pretty good.
posted by Artw at 9:23 AM on July 22 [15 favorites]

Happy to join the Harris cheering section!

I still think Tim Walz (MN) is a strong contender for dark horse VeeP pic.

2nd term Gov who is: Great lakes Gov, Pro-pot, frmr House member, old guard Dem, outdoorsman, Vet, and can hand off a Dem held Gov seat to a Ojibwa tribal woman in Lt Gov Flanagan.
posted by djseafood at 9:26 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

oh good, we're doing this already

Welcome to a thread on politics, its what we talk about!
posted by MisantropicPainforest at 9:27 AM on July 22 [12 favorites]

I’d love to donate but I already get SO MUCH text spam (allegedly) from the Dems

Just donate. When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop. Seriously it works. Sure you'll get more because lists get shared but slows down. But surely a minor annoyance is worth helping reject a fascist?

I was on my county democratic party org's exec body, worked on the Clinton campaign and donate to one or more (largely Dem) candidates every cycle (and usually in primary AND general). I do not get so many texts that it's overwhelming. If anything it's amusing and interesting to learn about races in random other states (but I almost never contribute to out of state races so those get immediate STOP).
posted by R343L at 9:28 AM on July 22 [15 favorites]

Fetterman just endorsed Harris.
posted by bluesky43 at 9:30 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

Mark Kelly is a goddamn astronaut, which is exciting to people.

I know nothing about the guy but the astronaut stuff perhaps points to the single most essential quality in any VP -- that they won't lose their shit if the troubles of the whole nation suddenly land in their lap (ie: something happens to the President and it's on them to lead).
posted by philip-random at 9:31 AM on July 22 [39 favorites]

Yes, I did mean delegates, sorry. Is there anywhere keeping a running tally of which delegates have committed to Harris and how?

Also, does anyone know who the uncommitted delegates are? As in, who are the humans? I get that some states allow a vote of “uncommitted” and I get the political reasons people may have voted for “uncommitted”, but I don’t understand who the people are (by definition they can’t have been chosen by any one candidate, so who *did* choose them?)
posted by nat at 9:33 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop.

*laughs in 3 dozen spam texts a week from trump despite literally never once giving the republicans one single penny*

That said, STOP worked immediately for my one DNC/Harris text.
posted by phunniemee at 9:35 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

The VP candidate doesn’t have to be a politician. They just need to be able to rassure those who are uncomfortable with Kamala for probably shitty reasons, and to dumpster Vance in a debate.
posted by snuffleupagus at 9:36 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Major Biden, get ready for your promotion. You’re really going to show the Secret Service hell now.
posted by Artw at 9:44 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I've been nervous for weeks and this feels like the best resolution possible.

I now look forward to the fair and even handed editors at the nyt and the post publishing 5 stories a day for months on how trump is an old and senile felon who should drop out for the good of the nation. Right?      RIGHT?!?
posted by being_quiet at 9:45 AM on July 22 [17 favorites]

merrick garland should be the VP that would really make mitch mcconnell's head explode
posted by logicpunk at 9:46 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

There were 40K Black women on a Zoom call, planning how to help Harris and beat Trump?!

WarKamala 40K. More votes for the vote goddess.
posted by otherchaz at 9:53 AM on July 22 [37 favorites]

But for the 2x California problem, not Garland but Goodwin Liu, who went on the CA Supreme Court after McConnell and the GOP blocked Obama’s attempt to appoint him to a Federal judgeship; the first to be blocked in that FedSoc obstruction campaign. (Then put him on SCOTUS mid term, and triangulate a new pick for the next cycle.)

Not practicable but it would feel good.
posted by snuffleupagus at 10:00 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Can someone briefly explain what happens next? How does Harris get the actual nomination, and when will that happen? I can't pretend to understand the process anymore and it's making me anxious. The talking heads on tv have not made this easier to understand.

posted by archimago at 10:00 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

merrick garland should be the VP that would really make mitch mcconnell's head explode

I'll take the astronaut over the quivering milquetoast, thanks. If he'd done his job Trump would be behind bars already.
posted by leotrotsky at 10:01 AM on July 22 [31 favorites]

As soon as I heard the news yesterday, I sent her a $100 donation.

It's very relieving to see so many Dems get in line so fast, and I agree that the big-name holdouts are doing so to counter the "coronation/coup" narrative. Obama in particular famously did not endorse Biden until the convention in 2020.

Neverthelss, don't let initial enthusiasm hide the fact that in short order we're likely to be right back at tied-within-the-margin-of-error territory. Short of an irrefutable landslide win for Harris, the Republicans are committed to a scorched-earth campaign to put Trump in the White House by any means necessary. I think Harris can bring a lot more energy to the last leg of the campaign , but everybody needs to be prepared for a very tough fight with a very uncertain outcome.
posted by briank at 10:03 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop.
This has not been my experience recently ugh.

But I just donated to Kamala through Act Blue. 🌷 So much is looking good today, adding my tiny bit to the big pile!
posted by Glinn at 10:03 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Just donate. When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop. Seriously it works. Sure you'll get more because lists get shared but slows down. But surely a minor annoyance is worth helping reject a fascist?

My phone number somehow got on a political list with "Beatrice" as my identifier. I have sent STOP many times, I have pled my case that I neither am nor know a Beatrice, both autoresponders and alleged humans have replied saying that I will be removed, and then a few months later it picks up again. Amusingly, the last time texts sought out Beatrice on my phone was a Nikki Haley advocacy group rather than a leftist group.
posted by delfin at 10:05 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Can someone briefly explain what happens next? How does Harris get the actual nomination, and when will that happen? I can't pretend to understand the process anymore and it's making me anxious. The talking heads on tv have not made this easier to understand.

Delegates at the Democratic convention need to vote for her to be the nominee.
posted by AndrewInDC at 10:05 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

The VP candidate doesn’t have to be a politician. They just need to be able to rassure those who are uncomfortable with Kamala for probably shitty reasons, and to dumpster Vance in a debate.

Hear me out for a second…

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

There is absolutely no one that can upstage The Rock in a promo battle. This would also position him to run in the 2030s, fulfilling the prophecy of NBC’s “Young Rock” series.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 10:08 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

One thing that has me CACKLING is how Trump is now stuck with two old white men on this ticket against Kamala Harris. Bet he's kicking himself for not picking Nicki Haley or Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate LOL. What an idiotic time in history to deliberately double down on his anti-woke message.
posted by MiraK at 10:09 AM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Can someone briefly explain what happens next? How does Harris get the actual nomination, and when will that happen? I can't pretend to understand the process anymore and it's making me anxious. The talking heads on tv have not made this easier to understand.

I don't know this for certain, but I believe that with all the endorsements lining up, Harris will be locking up delegates between now and August 19th, when the DNC begins in Chicago. The convention will formally nominate her (absent something truly wild happening between now and then, but "truly wild" shit is happening at a rate of about once every two days right now, so who knows? This is one reason that Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries haven't weighed in yet, as I understand it.) Generally, the nominating process at the convention is a pro forma affair, but won't be here, or at least not as much as usual. I genuinely don't know if some number of delegates are bound by state laws to nominate Biden in the first round even with him dropping out of the race, but if so, it won't be enough to create an actual hurdle to (probably) Harris' nomination, though might possibly force things into a second round of voting, though it'll at least be fairly predictable.

They'll want to make sure that this voting happens as early as possible in the convention, because they'll want Obama for a keynote and everyone will want him to be able to give his full-throated support behind the nominee and if that can happen on night two that'd be just dandy (giving Unknown VP pick the night three keynote and Harris Night Four.)

That's my guess.
posted by Navelgazer at 10:10 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

GOP expected to challenge Harris's control of Biden fundraising (WaPo gift)

“Replacing a presidential candidate and handing over his committee to someone else is unprecedented under current campaign finance law,” Sean Cooksey, a Republican who is the FEC chairman, said Sunday. “It raises a host of open questions about whether it is legal, what limits apply and what contributors’ rights are.”

Dara Lindenbaum, an FEC commissioner appointed by Biden, offered the opposite view: “The Biden for President Committee is the campaign committee for President Biden and Vice President Harris,” she said. “The funds stay with her so long as she remains on the ticket.”

Can Harris Inherit Biden’s Campaign Cash? Most Likely, Yes. (NYT ungated)

“In my view, this is not an open question,” said one Federal Election Commission member. But Republicans are likely to try to block the transfer.

Politico seems certain Harris can take the funds:

There is no comparable situation to Biden’s withdrawal since the advent of modern campaign finance law in the 1970s, but federal law states that: “Any campaign depository designated by the principal campaign committee of a political party’s candidate for President shall be the campaign depository for that political party’s candidate for the office of Vice President.” That opened the opportunity for Harris to take control of the campaign account.

GOP lawyers making lots of harrumphing noises means the challenge will likely end up at the FEC, then in the courts. At issue is the money the Biden/Harris campaign has already raised, which is at least a hundred million or so.
posted by mediareport at 10:10 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

This has not been my experience recently ugh

unless things have changed significantly in the last couple of cycles, you can sue for spam messages from real organizations, and the companies that provide that service spend time/money honoring STOP to avoid this

(as opposed to traditional fraudulent spammers who are misrepresenting who they are and may not be identifiable)
posted by lescour at 10:10 AM on July 22

Trump and Biden constipated our politics. Now we've got some movement, and it's such a relief! Kamala, get him!
posted by robbyrobs at 10:13 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

I heard there will be a DNC rules committee meeting on Wednesday that will be live streamed, not sure what they are deciding. There was already a plan in place to do a digital convention vote in early August to satisfy a ballot deadline for Ohio so i suspect that will move ahead. Then the convention it self will be somewhat symbolic.

My dearest hope for the convention is for them to use music from They Not Like Us to introduce some speakers.
posted by being_quiet at 10:13 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

I'm fairly certain he's a Republican.
posted by Gadarene at 10:13 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

The Rock has flipped to some shitty culture warrior views recently, there have been mutterings about him running for some office as a Republican.

But, yeah, someone charismatic from outside politics could work. Who can smack Vance around on any combination of biography, charisma, intellect, and policy. Since Vance has branded and bound himself to perform on all of those fronts.
posted by snuffleupagus at 10:14 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

She will barely need the Biden campaign funds at this rate. 🤑
posted by tiny frying pan at 10:14 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

One thing that has me CACKLING is how Trump is now stuck with two old white men on this ticket against Kamala Harris.

Vance isn’t old, he’s only 40. But yeah, he probably wishes he had a woman.
posted by Liquidwolf at 10:15 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

I know this isn't serious, but it would be hiarious to watch the birthers actually, physically burst into flames trying to wrap their heads around the idea of a guy born in the US, son of a Samoan (half US territory, but not that half) and a Black Nova Scotian (Canadian descendants of freed American enslaved people, I think?).
posted by The Bellman at 10:18 AM on July 22 [6 favorites]

so one thing to take into account when performing vp-selection calculations is that much of the recent mess can be traced back to one key decision made by barack obama back in 2008: the decision to put an older white man reputed to have foreign policy experience on the ticket in order to "balance" said ticket. iirc said white man was additionally considered a safe choice because he stated, i may be misremembering this, that he didn't intend to run for president after obama's two terms, i.e. the candidates signaled that the vp pick was based on pure political calculation rather than the desire for that person to be president, a necessary move due to how pretty much no one who wanted obama had biden as their second choice.

so what i think is that although obviously one of the prime considerations involved in selecting a vice president is the need to eke out a few fractions of a percentage point for the ticket in the general election by projecting a certain image, there is a reality, a capital-r real, behind that image — i mean, insofar as there is a coherent reality to be found in this universe, which is an open philosophical question but one that we are allowed to, phenomenology-style, bracket off in this case — ahem, as i was saying the reality behind this image is that the person holding the office of vice president is the person who will step in as president in the event that the president takes a bullet fired out of a gun subsequent to that gun's trigger being pulled by one of the crazed trigger-happy gunmen of which this country has a surfeit or else develops a mental condition that makes it impossible for them to do the job or else in some other way gets hit by a metaphorical-or-literal bus.

i am going to make the bold claim that the way to project the right image, the one that ekes out those desired fractions of a percentage point, is to actually focus on the reality, on the vice president's capital-r real job as understudy for the role of president, and that establishing balance through some sort of mismatched beanie feldstein / lea michele pairing is a bad idea. almost no one who wants feldstein has michele as their second choice and absolutely no one who wants michele wants feldstein at all.

i have absolutely no name in mind — absolutely no name, i am drawing a genuine blank — but i propose the following rubric for anyone who finds themselves by chance or calculation in the position of selecting a vice president to stand alongside them on their ticket. the vice presidential candidate should be:
  1. someone who shares the values of the presidential candidate
  2. someone who has worked and worked well with the presidential candidate in meaningful ways
  3. someone who the presidential candidate knows and trusts
  4. someone who people who like the presidential candidate would like to see as president
given that i am not kamala harris, given that i am shockingly ill-informed, and given that thinking about united states federal-level electoral politics causes my brain to spin and spin while adrenaline pulses like bad electricity through my body and my eyes alternate between skittering nigh-randomly across the surface of news-article text and pointing fixedly at an empty patch of air about twelve feet in front of me or at whatever wall happens to keep my eyes from pointing at that empty patch of air, i don't know who fits this rubric for kamala harris. but whoever that person is, they're the right person, and i believe that choosing that person will contribute more to the success of the ticket than going out for a shopping trip at the discount midwestern white man emporium would.

so basically i think harris should use her vice presidential candidate pick to signal her convictions and that she has the courage of those convictions. as such my bold claim, backed only by the paired hunches that
  1. the american electorate likes presidential candidates who have the courage of their convictions
  2. the chief goal of a democratic party presidential candidate at this dire historical juncture is to convince all the people who are making the rational decision to sit on their couches because of that party's palpable longstanding lack of convictions that the party and their candidates are worth spending precious and irreplaceable minutes and hours of their lives traveling to polling places for and filling out ballots for
is that whoever that person is, that's the person who kamala harris should name as her vice presidential candidate.

hey, people who know more than me: who is that person, do you think?
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:18 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

> She will barely need the Biden campaign funds at this rate

The fundraising she's doing is still under the auspices of the Biden campaign. They sent a letter to the FEC renaming it, but I think there's a risk of the last 24hrs windfall getting locked up in courts.
posted by constraint at 10:18 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

The Rock’s charisma died sometime around trying to make Black Adam a thing, and yes he’s clearly got political ambitions that revolve around being Very Serious in an extremly dumb way and probably RW culture war bullshit.

Basically it feels like he wants to do revenge politics on us for a Captain Marvel villain being a fourth tier DC character.
posted by Artw at 10:20 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Can someone briefly explain what happens next? How does Harris get the actual nomination, and when will that happen?

The party had planned to host a virtual vote of the delegates Aug.1-7 and name the nominee afterward. This was to ensure the nominee would slide under all of the states’ deadlines for getting names on ballots. Some states’ officials (Ohio) suggested they might keep the Dem nominee off the ballot, since the nominee wouldn’t be known until the convention, which falls after a few deadlines.

I assume this process is still the plan.
posted by notyou at 10:20 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

They sent a letter to the FEC renaming it, but I think there's a risk of the last 24hrs windfall getting locked up in courts.

If so, hopefully they do what the Republicans would do and just spend the money anyway.
posted by Captaintripps at 10:21 AM on July 22 [21 favorites]

Kelly would be good (we wouldn't even lose a seat, because (a) the governor is a Democrat and (b) he*'s required by law to appoint someone of the same party anyway).

*she : )

I'm hoping for Kelly, literally the only take I've heard on him from anyone out in the world has been "oooooo astronaut"

like if you dated him in college you'd better HOPE shit worked out because your parents would forever be asking "why did you break up with that nice Mark Kelly, he was an astronaut you know"
posted by taquito sunrise at 10:23 AM on July 22 [42 favorites]

When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop.

This has not been my experience recently ugh.

Yeah, solidarity for everyone going through this - the GOP has been convinced since 2022 that I'm a "James" and they won't STOP.
posted by coffeecat at 10:24 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

I don't see how Harris "deserves" the nomination, as no one voted for her this year or in the 2020 primary, since she dropped out in 2019, before any votes were cast. But I don't care who "deserves" it; I care desperately about avoiding chaos and holding on to the White House, and she's the one who can do that.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 10:24 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Welp, there goes my dream of seeing Vance get called a “rooty-poo hillbilly candyass” on live television.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 10:25 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

hey, people who know more than me: who is that person, do you think?

Cardi B
posted by phunniemee at 10:25 AM on July 22 [17 favorites]

Anyway, re: Whitmer - she announced she's co-chair of the Harris campaign, which seems good - she has a knack for messaging and will be a great surrogate. I'm for Beshear as VP - I'd say a stealth liberal who's from the heartland is a good pick.
posted by coffeecat at 10:27 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

mismatched beanie feldstein / lea michele pairing

Wait, which one is Harris in this metaphor?
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 10:28 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

but I think there's a risk of the last 24hrs windfall getting locked up in courts.

Again, at the rate she's going, it won't matter even if she has to start over. Yawn.
posted by tiny frying pan at 10:28 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I think VP picks that have any influence over the outcome are rare. They’re just fun for political junkies to talk about.
posted by argybarg at 10:28 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Wittmer is out as VP.
And hold on! Bloomberg says we shouldn't rush to pick Harris.
posted by 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4a at 10:28 AM on July 22

*she : )

taquito sunrise, thanks for the correction. Gov. Katie Hobbes would choose Kelly's replacement.
posted by It's Never Lurgi at 10:30 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

taquito sunrise, thanks for the correction. Gov. Katie Hobbes would choose Kelly's replacement

Only for the remainder of his term, though, so they'd have to start running for reelection almost immediately
posted by Gadarene at 10:32 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

(There is a big difference between explaining why you disagree with what another user wrote, and essentially just snidely rolling your eyes at what they wrote, and this site would be better if more users understood the difference.)
posted by coffeecat at 10:32 AM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Former House Speaker Pelosi endorses Harris. [@w7voa | Mastodon]
posted by mazola at 10:32 AM on July 22 [18 favorites]

I'm finding this TikTok about the amazing justice work that Kamala Harris has done in her career extremely exciting to listen to -- wanted to share it so ya'll can listen, too.
posted by cnidaria at 10:33 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

> Wait, which one is Harris in this metaphor?

the metaphor is so hilarious and weird that picking out the order is irrelevant, and as such everyone should favorite that long tangled comment because of said metaphor regardless of whether they like or indeed have read the rest of it
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:33 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I’m not seeing where Bloomberg is still calling for some mini-primary. Is there a link?
(I’d like to say that Bloomberg can fuck right off, but I’d like to read what was actually said first)
posted by nat at 10:34 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

though obviously harris is michele because, like her or not, she's clearly suited for the job
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:35 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

hey, people who know more than me: who is that person, do you think?

at this point i am ready for Harris/Snowglobe With a Frog Wearing a Hat In It 2024
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 10:38 AM on July 22 [20 favorites]

Bloomberg says we shouldn't rush to pick Harris.

It is so refreshing to see that the insurgency is headed up by Joe Manchin and Mike Bloomberg. For a moment there some of us were worried that serious people might be involved with it.
posted by jackbishop at 10:38 AM on July 22 [52 favorites]

consequential really is the adjective du jour isn't it
posted by Klipspringer at 10:39 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Even Pelosi has endorsed Harris at this point, so it's hard to imagine any serious challenger surfacing.
posted by coffeecat at 10:39 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

okay so having a good position/record on labor rights is totally crucial. are there any astronauts out there who fit the bill? cause i fuckin' love astronauts and america does too
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:47 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

actually wait i haven't done this in a minute and if anything is worth it it's this:

i fuckin' love astronauts!

this has been your bombastic lowercase pronouncement of the day
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:47 AM on July 22 [16 favorites]

aw dang missed that : (
posted by taquito sunrise at 10:48 AM on July 22

Here’s Bloomberg’s statement, on X: link

It’s a little less odious then it could have been, but dude that man is out of touch.
posted by nat at 10:48 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I don't see how Harris "deserves" the nomination, as no one voted for her this year or in the 2020 primary, since she dropped out in 2019, before any votes were cast.

81,283,501 people voted for Biden/Harris in the 2020 election. 14,465,519 people voted for Biden in the 2024 Democratic primaries. They voted for her to take over if something happened to Biden.
posted by kirkaracha at 10:48 AM on July 22 [52 favorites]

> Vance isn’t old, he’s only 40.

wow I seriously thought he was about 60 (and yes I was playing at/affecting a provocative persona calling him old at that age). Is it just me or does anyone else get the sense that Hillbilly Elegy has been around for at least 30 years?? I've never read it or seen the movie, but it seems like I've been hearing the name since I was a teenager.

In other news, if he's really 40, he's also the first time a candidate on a presidential ticket has been younger than me! Wheeee.
posted by MiraK at 10:49 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

All the news articles I’m reading sound so disappointed about all the potential challengers to Harris endorsing her instead. Like I get that your job is to report on chaos things and that you enjoy doing so but don’t we have enough of those on the go right now?
posted by saturday_morning at 10:49 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Gov. Katie Hobbes would choose Kelly's replacement

I get the attraction for Mark Kelly. I really do. He’s an amazing guy and a unicorn as a candidate, whatever his other views.

That’s why I really want him to stay in AZ as our senator for the next quarter century. There’s no one in AZ that Hobbes could pick to replace him that would lock down that senate seat like Kelly can.
posted by darkstar at 10:50 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

I'm available as veep if they need the sneetch vote.
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 10:50 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

That first article is interesting and depressing. I think I’ll make a bingo card to check off the various jabs as we go. Kinda takes away the power when you can say, “oh, there they go, under the B again…”
posted by rpfields at 10:50 AM on July 22

Reincarnated Confederate Soldier years old.
posted by Artw at 10:50 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I aspire less to ascribe astronauts since Bill Nelson's old-ass astronaut ass got his ass kicked by Rick Scott's assy ass.
posted by credulous at 10:52 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

He has a twin brother . . .
posted by cmfletcher at 10:52 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

When you get a text from a group you don't like reply STOP and they stop.

I lived in Pennsylvania from 2011 through 2014. I have been a California resident since late 2014. I *still* get political spam from PA folks on the regular. I reply "STOP" every time, and I rarely get more than one from a particular political entity, but my name's still on rolls somewhere and new campaigns start up every cycle.
posted by hanov3r at 10:52 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Whereas Beshear is very good on labor /pro-union.
posted by coffeecat at 10:53 AM on July 22 [8 favorites]

Mummy just reminded me her late mother was named Kamala.
posted by infini at 10:54 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

I'm available as veep if they need the sneetch vote.

As tempting as that is, I feel I have to remind everyone to Vote #1 Quidnunc Kid.
posted by briank at 10:55 AM on July 22 [57 favorites]

> Can someone briefly explain what happens next? How does Harris get the actual nomination, and when will that happen? I can't pretend to understand the process anymore and it's making me anxious. The talking heads on tv have not made this easier to understand.

Delegates at the Democratic convention need to vote for her to be the nominee.

Waiting until the convention to formally nominate her means missing the Aug 7th deadline to get on Ohio's ballot. (Ohio passed a law moving that deadline to September 1st, but that law doesn't take effect until September 1st. So there would definitely be some litigation if the Aug 7th deadline was missed.)

Originally the plan was to meet the Ohio deadline by holding a virtual roll call vote sometime between Aug 1st and Aug 5th, which would formally nominate Biden, making the convention roll call more ceremonial. Apparently those plans are now in flux.

I heard some Democratic strategist interviewed on NPR who said they would like to proceed with the virtual roll call as planned, if no serious competitors to Harris turn up. Personally I am hoping for that outcome, and I think it looks good given that nearly anyone who might challenge seems to have already endorsed her. I think the desire to still meet that deadline may have played a roll in the timing of Biden's announcement, and may explain why people have been so quick to get on board with Kamala. I believe others in the party are trying to meet that deadline too.
posted by OnceUponATime at 10:55 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

How is Beshear on Palestine or are we not allowed to ask that here
posted by MisantropicPainforest at 10:56 AM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Seems that Joe's last act was to orchestrate the support for Kamala that appeared so quickly on Sunday. A true statesman to the end.

I remain a) in dread of the sexist, racist smarmy things that are inevitable to come; and b) very, very concerned about the "legal" shenanigans from the party of illegality and disbarred lawyers that is sponsored by Musk and Russia. All it takes is one feint of standing, to land this rig at SCOTUS. I am very, very concerned that naive belief in the way things have always gone will doom us.

In the meantime, she has all of my support.
posted by Dashy at 11:00 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

Not to Canadian hijack but now if we can have Trudeau be similarly humble as Biden and step side for new blood then I’ll be properly hopeful for us as people like it’s 2008 all over again.
posted by St. Peepsburg at 11:00 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Ok maybe 2008 is a bit much but you know what I mean.
posted by St. Peepsburg at 11:01 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

> I aspire less to ascribe astronauts since Bill Nelson's old-ass astronaut ass got his ass kicked by Rick Scott's assy ass.

although obviously any astronaut who runs for political office must have good politics and must be able to promote themselves well, those who have guided ships to space and then carried out human work there have trod the starry heavens and are therefore something more than regular humans. they have very literally transcended the mundane world, and so they are the closest thing we have to demigods in these demythologized times. moreover the united nations outer space treaty — the only human law i respect — states that astronauts shall be regarded as the envoys of mankind, and if that's not worthy of respect i don't know what is.

thus ends my statements on astronauts and/but i will brook no dissent on this matter.
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 11:01 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

“The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.” — Nikki Haley
posted by kirkaracha at 11:02 AM on July 22 [16 favorites]

My take on the Harris veepstakes is that they should use this as an opportunity to turn each of the prospectives as campaign surrogates even if they don't get nominated down the line. Use this as an opportunity to position Shapiro, Cooper, Beshear, Kelly, Pritzker, Whitmer, Newsom, etc. to get out the vote. Showcase their enthusiasm. As much as I respect Tim Kaine for his recent road to Damascus conversion on Palestine he didn't exactly inject a lot of energy to the 2020 campaign. The Harris strategists really should use the mystique and fun of the veepstakes to bolster their candidate by showing off the talent they have at hand, who will still be there even if they're not the running mate.
posted by Apocryphon at 11:03 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I'm available as veep if they need the sneetch vote.

star bellied or ... ?
posted by philip-random at 11:04 AM on July 22 [20 favorites]

I'm so effing relieved this happened. I'm going to take that hope and turn it into volunteer work for the campaign. I'm in a deep deep red state so that likely means working a phone bank. Happy to do it. I'm not going to look back on 2024 with regrets.

BTW my personal opinion thinks Mark Kelly is the best choice here.
posted by ShakeyJake at 11:07 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Seems that Joe's last act was to orchestrate the support for Kamala that appeared so quickly on Sunday. A true statesman to the end.

Harris was reportedly on the phone for 10 hours yesterday - I'm not trying to be divisive, but I'd say she deserves credit for part unity, not the guy who led the party into its deepest division in recent times these past three weeks.
posted by coffeecat at 11:13 AM on July 22 [20 favorites]

Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged
Whatever happens next, the frame has altered. Now it is the Republicans who are saddled with the elderly candidate, the one who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence without veering off into anecdote. Now the Democrats are instead proposing something new.
Remember, if you still can: The Republican convention was a carefully curated, meticulously planned presentation. As my colleague Tim Alberta has said, the theme was “strength.”
But then Trump himself appeared, and it was as if the emperor with no clothes had taken the stage. There was nothing strong about an overweight, heavily made up yet nevertheless shiny-faced elderly man who rambled and babbled for an hour and a half, completely undermining the slick image created in the previous four days.
posted by kirkaracha at 11:13 AM on July 22 [40 favorites]

Is it just me or does anyone else get the sense that Hillbilly Elegy has been around for at least 30 years??

It was only recently that I realized Hillbilly Elegy and The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things weren't, like, the same book/same author.
posted by mittens at 11:14 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

And yet they were both written by frauds! Funny life's little coincidences.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 11:18 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

How is Beshear on Palestine or are we not allowed to ask that here

Pretty boilerplate "We stand with Israel"/"right to defend themselves" rhetoric post-10/7, nothing on ceasefire, otherwise pretty empty page. Standard C- on my report card at least but also like...not sure what is to be expected from Governor of Kentucky.

I think he is by far the least bad option given how much backbone he showed standing up for trans kids in Kentucky, how much his labor policy is consistent with the current administration, and how satisfying it would be to see an Appalachian guy smack down JD Vance.

IMO the only real goal with the VP pick is to piss off the least amount of voters and keep the energy going that is driven by drawing contrasts with the opposition, not proving how much you can be like them too. The fact that Kelly is bad on labor and Shapiro is pretty much a total right-wing freak when it comes to Israel would piss large groups of people off.
posted by windbox at 11:18 AM on July 22 [11 favorites]

The last less than decade has felt like thirty years.

I really have to wonder what happened to Thomas Frank. He should've been the WWC whisperer after 2016, not Vance!
posted by Apocryphon at 11:18 AM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I stated in the last thread that I like the idea of Kelly. The only thing I've heard the GOP attack him with is the fact that he runs a gun control advocacy group with Giffords (gee, I wonder why...) but the people put off by that weren't going to vote for a Democrat anyway. The union thing is disappointing though but at least as VP he wouldn't have any sway over that anyway. If he becomes president later on that's an issue though.
posted by downtohisturtles at 11:19 AM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Right, similar to windbox from what I can tell, Beshear has pretty much ignored Gaza-Israel beyond some boilerplate statements, which I realize isn't going to excite people, but better than Shapiro who compared college students protesting the conflict to the KKK.
posted by coffeecat at 11:19 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

As an old NASA contractor who was actually manning a console, processing telemetry and calculating launch and early orbit data during his mission I've gotta chime in here to clarify: yes, Bill Nelson is a NASA administrator now; however, he wasn't actually an astronaut but a merely a passenger. He was then a congressman from Florida, who became the second sitting member of Congress to fly in space.

But Mark Kelly is the real thing.
posted by Rash at 11:21 AM on July 22 [37 favorites]

wait wait wait, so incompetent invisible Kamala was just a Republican talking point?!
posted by chavenet at 11:30 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

there's right wing seethe, but the real gauge that the democrats are making the right choice here is all the centrist columnists who are now all "no no what are you doing you're supposed to be in disarray!! disarray yourselves at once!!!!"
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 11:30 AM on July 22 [49 favorites]

I wanted to like Kelly as VP, but then ran into this nugget on an article about his failure to support the PRO Act:
SEN. MARK KELLY has resisted co-sponsoring a major piece of labor law reform legislation known as the PRO Act, citing a policy of not endorsing measures that don’t also have Republican support, according to sources familiar with the reasoning provided to advocates of the bill.
I'm not familiar enough with his voting record to know how closely he followed this "policy", and it may have been limited to co-sponsorship or merely an early-days schtick to burnish his reputation in a purpley-red state. But if he stands by it then it's definitely not the energy we need on the ticket. Better electorally to find somebody who can reinforce the"blue wall" states rather than just Arizona, anyway.
posted by Rhaomi at 11:31 AM on July 22 [9 favorites]

FWIW I just heard Tim Walz on MN public radio, he is co-chair of the rules committee and said they will get the process decided by the end of the week so that they can stick to the plan of the virtual roll call and make all the relevant ballot deadlines. I don't know how much power a co-chair has but he was completely confident in his statement.
posted by Emmy Rae at 11:31 AM on July 22 [7 favorites]

RE Kelly and the union thing:

We don't know if this is a personal issue for him. It might be a "Arizona won't re-elect me if I don't" thing. The bill wasn't going to get through the Senate, because they didn't have enough votes to get past a filibuster, so it's not like he killed it (people frequently get "permission" to vote against a bill that their party otherwise supports). He stated that he objected to the "independent contractor" part of the bill, but agreed with the general ideas behind it. Maybe that's BS. Maybe that's politics. Maybe that shouldn't have been enough to get him to scuttle the bill. IDK.

Maybe he's genuinely bad on this, but not everyone is good on everything. If this is a deal-breaker for you, however, then so be it.
posted by It's Never Lurgi at 11:39 AM on July 22 [20 favorites]

This Is Exactly What the Trump Team Feared
On the evening of Super Tuesday, March 5, shortly before Donald Trump effectively ended the Republican primary and earned a general-election rematch with President Joe Biden, I asked the co-managers of Trump’s presidential campaign what they feared most about Biden.

“Honestly, it’s less him,” Chris LaCivita told me. “And more—”

“Institutional Democrats,” Susie Wiles said, finishing her partner’s thought.

It was a revealing exchange, and a theme we would revisit frequently. The Democratic Party, Wiles and LaCivita would tell me in conversations over the coming months, was a machine—well organized and well financed, with a record of support from the low-propensity voters who turn out every four years in presidential contests. Ordinarily, they explained, Democrats would have structural superiority in a race like this one. But something was holding the party back: Biden.
“I don’t think Joe Biden has a ton of advantages,” Wiles told me on Super Tuesday. “But I do think Democrats do.”
They know that from the moment they partnered with Trump, everything they intended for this campaign—the messaging, the advertising, the microtargeting, the ground game, the mail pieces, the digital engagement, the social-media maneuvers—was designed to defeat Joe Biden. Even the selection of Ohio’s Senator J. D. Vance as Trump’s running mate, campaign officials acknowledged, was something of a luxury meant to run up margins with the base in a blowout rather than persuade swing voters in a nail-biter.
posted by kirkaracha at 11:42 AM on July 22 [41 favorites]

This Is Exactly What the Trump Team Feared

Good. I approve of anything that makes those people afraid.
posted by Faint of Butt at 11:45 AM on July 22 [28 favorites]

Who do we think would be the ideal female candidates for VP if Harris decides to go with a two woman ticket?

Personally, I think not doing so would be a missed opportunity. This is the abortion election. There is one side that wants to demote American women to breeding stock, and one side that doesn't. An unapologetic display of righteous fury is what's called for.
posted by mrjohnmuller at 11:46 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Who do we think would be the ideal female candidates for VP if Harris decides to go with a two woman ticket?
We think Elizabeth Warren would be the ideal candidate for anything ever forever the end.
posted by Don Pepino at 11:50 AM on July 22 [49 favorites]

Ditto Stacey Abrams.
posted by Don Pepino at 11:51 AM on July 22 [24 favorites]

I have always thought Katie Porter is awesome.
posted by cmfletcher at 11:54 AM on July 22 [10 favorites]

(Agree cmfletcher - but Katie is from CA)
posted by Glinn at 11:56 AM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I think the VP candidate has two main roles: to eviscerate Vance in a debate and to be the odds-on favorite to be the next presidential candidate. Warren might be able to do the first, but she'll definitely be too old to run for president in 8 years. There are better jobs for her.
posted by ArbitraryAndCapricious at 11:56 AM on July 22 [17 favorites]

Katie Porter is a bad-ass. I would pay to watch her destroy JD Vance in a debate.
posted by bwvol at 11:57 AM on July 22 [16 favorites]

Harris could always do a Dick Cheney and change her registration to Wyoming the night before the convention.
posted by cmfletcher at 11:58 AM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a ticket that has two women. Highly doubt the Dems will do that, but it would be awesome. There's so many great women to choose from! Katie Porter would have the same problem Gov Newsom and Adam Schiff have, they are from CA and you can't have two people from the same state be on the ticket. I'm hoping it's Mark Kelly - astronaut, sitting senator, swing state, gunsense advocate, veteran, safe for white guys to get behind. I mean it's ridiculous that's still a factor, but here we are.
posted by pjsky at 11:59 AM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Katie Porter is a bad-ass. I would pay to watch her destroy JD Vance in a debate.

Especially if she brings her whiteboard with her.
posted by grubi at 11:59 AM on July 22 [13 favorites]

Katie Porter is from California, which presents constitutional hurdles to having her as the VEEP candidate.
posted by Winnie the Proust at 12:03 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I just picked up my mail today and there were three flyers in the pile dissing Joe Biden.

It gives me warm fuzzies knowing that all of the marketing, campaign messaging, etc. they have invested millions of dollars and months of toil in suddenly became worthless, overnight.
posted by darkstar at 12:04 PM on July 22 [49 favorites]

I feel like the kind of white guy who cares about what kind of candidate a white guy should get behind has already made up his mind to vote Trump/Vance. I don't see the Dems actually losing that much support over a two woman ticket, and the collective apoplexy that it would give Republicans would definitely be worth it.
posted by mrjohnmuller at 12:05 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Is it just me or does anyone else get the sense that Hillbilly Elegy has been around for at least 30 years?? I've never read it or seen the movie, but it seems like I've been hearing the name since I was a teenager.

The book was only released in 2016, but it's deals with Vance growing up during the Clinton years, so it's possible you read some reviews and came away thinking that the book had been written in the '90s?

You may also be mixing up the title with Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology (1915), which was (and may still be, I'm old and don't have kids) on a lot of high school English reading lists.
posted by Strange Interlude at 12:08 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

FYI, Kamala can't pick any Californian I've seen mentioned (Newsome, Katie Porter) without the risk of losing 54 California Votes in the Electoral College to Republican Court Filings based on Article II.
posted by Chrysopoeia at 12:09 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

^didn't stop Cheney from changing his state of residency from Texas to Wyoming in 2000.
posted by torokunai at 12:11 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

I would pay to watch her destroy JD Vance in a debate.

My distaste for Vance is so vigorous that I would pay to watch any and all of the VP hopefuls destroy him. Ideally lined up one after the other, winner take home the candidacy. It doesn't even have to be a debate. I would also be fine with: cage match, rap battle, bake off, getting thrown into a tank of spiders fear factor style, hunger games. I'm not picky.
posted by phunniemee at 12:12 PM on July 22 [30 favorites]

Can't say I ever knew much about Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, but I like what he had to say about Mike Johnson's crazyass threats and his chances of becoming VP (from rawstory)

Speaker Mike Johnson's stern warning of imminent legal action failed to impress a Democrat who called his argument utter nonsense.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis shrugged off Johnson's assertion that President Joe Biden could be legally forced onto November ballots during an interview on CNN Monday afternoon.

"That's total bunk," Polis said. "The truth is the Democratic Party doesn't have our nominee yet. ... That's what the Democratic conventions are for."

....Polis also downplayed the importance of running mates and his own eligibility... "If they do the polling and it turns out that they need a 49-year-old balding, gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, they have my number."

posted by pjsky at 12:13 PM on July 22 [36 favorites]

The vast majority of votes are fixed. (The only event that's moved more than a handful of votes over the past several years was Biden's debate performance. Trump's conviction did almost nothing.) It's true that picking a female VP wouldn't lose "that much support," but the fight is for the couple of percent of voters who are on the fence. Yes, in theory moving to the left could motive some left-leaning votes to show up rather than sit this one out, but pulling a few of the uncommitted to the Dems is where the real action is.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 12:13 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

azpenguin, I'm literally saying Harris deserves the bulk of the credit for what we've witnessed in the last 24 hours. I'm sorry that makes you angry? But go on, curse at another user.
posted by coffeecat at 12:14 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

My new fundraising pet peeve is petitions/signatures.

I already donated money today. I do not need to be tricked into clicking through to another donation page by a text message asking me to add my signature to a card thanking President Biden for his service. Unless you're going to print all the signatures out on a comically enormous card that's hand delivered to the President, I'm going to call dark pattern BS on it and quickly reply with a STOP.
posted by RonButNotStupid at 12:14 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I would pay to watch her destroy JD Vance in a debate.

Man you guys are way more positive than me. Trump just kicked ass so hard in a debate, Biden gave up and retired. God is not on our side.

I hope her VP opponent ties, and Harris barely loses the next debate.
posted by The_Vegetables at 12:16 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Nikki Haley voters PAC endorses Kamala Harris
posted by darkstar at 10:38 AM on July 22

Oh that is delicious.
posted by bluesky43 at 12:19 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Trump didn't kick ass in a debate, Biden failed spectacularly. There's a difference.
posted by Ferreous at 12:19 PM on July 22 [67 favorites]

The Nikki Haley PAC that announced their support for Harris is the Haley for Biden PAC, which is now the Haley for Harris PAC, so not as exciting as one might think.
posted by pjsky at 12:23 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

:( but I'll take it.
posted by bluesky43 at 12:25 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

yeah I was wondering wtf that was about, it sounded weird! Haley For Biden PAC clarifies things a bit (maybe??) because it just sounds like a spoiler PAC that might have been intended to run deliberately damaging ads "for" Biden.
posted by MiraK at 12:27 PM on July 22

The vast majority of votes are fixed.

I'd agree that most people in America know which candidate they prefer, but this is not the same thing, because turnout matters. This isn't Australia, where voting is mandatory* and a candidate can be relatively certain that those who prefer them to their opponent are expressing that preference. Candidates aren't really, when all's said and done, really in direct competition with their opponent; they're in direct competition with apathy. Their goal is to move people who are nominally in their column to get off their couches or take time off work in November, and to move people who are nominally not with them in the opposite direction.

*FWIW, it's certainly legal and a time-honored tradition in Australia to turn in a blank ballot or scrawl "they're all bastards" across it, but the point is that showing up is not optional, and once you've shown up, you're pretty likely to register an opinion. Whereas in America, between the fact that it's optional to show up for, and that for many people it can be difficult to budget the time and energy for, people who don't vote at all are a large group.
posted by jackbishop at 12:29 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

I'm curious about how the ~15–20% of Republican primary voters that backed Haley feel about her cosying up to Trump.
posted by kirkaracha at 12:30 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Who do we think would be the ideal female candidates for VP if Harris decides to go with a two woman ticket?

I haven't seen the possibility so much as mentioned anywhere, but I would vote so hard for a Harris–Duckworth ticket.
posted by aws17576 at 12:32 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

Just checking back in to report that the Black women's group on FB is now at 156,000 members and just full of joy and good energy, with thousands responding to check-in posts (all the sororities are chiming in) sharing memes, making song playlists, etc. It's nice to see and I'm letting it calm some of my anxieties for now.
posted by TwoStride at 12:33 PM on July 22 [54 favorites]

Trump just kicked ass so hard in a debate, Biden gave up and retired

He speaks elliptical nonsense very enthusiastically and at length, but if the content ever counts he’s fucked.
posted by Artw at 12:34 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

Man you guys are way more positive than me. Trump just kicked ass so hard in a debate, Biden gave up and retired.

Trump 100% did not "kick ass so hard" in the debate. He babbled and lied and said astonishingly stupid things that somehow got no press attention whatsoever. He said Americans were better off under his presidency because "we had H2O." He said Democrats want to abort babies "after birth." He said hundreds of thousands of people were being killed by illegal immigrants. His response to a question about rural Americans struggling with an opioid epidemic that has destroyed countless lives was to blather about his polling numbers. Utterly brainless. A sharper, quicker challenger would have nailed him mercilessly for those and a hundred other stupid lies he told. But Biden was not that sharp, quick challenger who was so badly needed in that moment and in this campaign, which is why he stepped down.

Someone like Harris-- not just younger and sharper and quicker, but a prosecutor, someone with a well-earned reputation for throwing elbows and twisting the knife-- would have eviscerated Trump on that debate stage. If Trump has the bare modicum of courage to stick to the debate agreement now that Harris is the likely nominee (and courage is far from Trump's strong suit so I wouldn't bet on it) that's just what she'll do, eviscerate him. The idea that Biden hoofing it in that debate means Harris will not do well against Trump is just, uh, malarkey.
posted by Method Man at 12:34 PM on July 22 [75 favorites]

Trump just kicked ass so hard in a debate, Biden gave up and retired. God is not on our side.

I suppose that could be the assessment of what's happened to some; but to me that's a fairly peculiar perception of what transpired.

And note Biden has not retired (although I agree with the Republican that he should step down now. He's given notice; why stick around? Let Kamala campaign as President Harris!)
posted by Rash at 12:34 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

(Someone posted this video in the old Biden post, but I want as many people to see it as possible.)
posted by box at 12:35 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]

considering they rarely get the thanks they deserve for enormous amounts of unglamorous campaign work, I'm deeply relieved to see Black women step up (once again!) to bail the democrats out of their collective problems
posted by The demon that lives in the air at 12:37 PM on July 22 [22 favorites]

Manchin announces he would not accept a Harris VP spot. Rick Wilson writes (on Xitter):
Funny, Joe. You were on the list and everything in a Chapter called "If all other humans with legal qualifications to be Vice President were eaten by wolves."
posted by The Bellman at 12:38 PM on July 22 [32 favorites]

^didn't stop Cheney from changing his state of residency from Texas to Wyoming in 2000.

Why would that have been an issue for Republicans? The Supreme Court was almost as conservative then as now, Folks remember Bush v Gore, right?

And I'm pretty sure the Center for American Progress or whatever existed back than that might be considered a liberal counterpart to the Heritage Foundation wasn't saying they'd go after Biden's replacement in court cases to invalidate a candidate like the Heritage Foundation plans to.
posted by Chrysopoeia at 12:38 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

And note Biden has not retired (although I agree with the Republican that he should step down now. He's given notice; why stick around? Let Kamala campaign as President Harris!)

Because there'd be no Vice President, because congress wouldn't confirm one. And nobody wants the risk of President Mike Johnson.
posted by Navelgazer at 12:39 PM on July 22 [31 favorites]

Some links -

A concerning one from "The Hill":
Once the Democratic primary takes place, whoever wins the contest is automatically placed on the November ballot.
Seems to imply that it's already too late for Harris to get on the ballot in New Mexico?

But then there's this from a local New Mexico TV station:
New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver weighed in Monday, stating the ballot deadline hasn’t passed yet.

“New Mexico follows major party rules for the selection of presidential candidates. As long as they meet the ballot deadline of August 27, 2024 [per NMSA 1-8-8], whoever is nominated for president at the upcoming Democratic Convention will appear on New Mexico’s General Election ballot,” Toulouse Oliver stated.

“Democratic voters voted to allocate delegates to the Democratic Convention where the formal nomination will take place. Now that Biden has withdrawn from the race, he will release his pledged delegates who will choose how they wish to allocate their votes at the convention, along with the unpledged delegates,” Toulouse Oliver stated.

The secretary of state said that Biden’s campaign will need to file a notarized statement of withdrawal as a candidate to their office by August 27 to get his name off of the ballot.
And from USA Today, an update about how many delegates have already pledged their support to Harris:
A USA TODAY count of delegates shows the 59-year old Harris is more than 40% of the way to the 1,968 delegates needed to become the party's nominee in the first round of voting. There are 3,936 Democratic delegates in total, including former presidents, state and local party leaders, members of Congress and governors.
posted by OnceUponATime at 12:41 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I like the idea that Biden isn’t stepping down for two reasons:

1. He is still very capable of presidenting. He is not actually senile, as some would like to argue. He just wasn’t (or wasn’t perceived as being) up to running an inspiring, energetic campaign where clarity and vigor were needed. And…

2. If Kamala were to step in as President now, it gains her very little in terms of incumbency benefit, but would absolutely soak up all of her energy and attention over the coming few months, when we want her to be out there campaigning like it’s the End Times.

So I’m very happy with Joe tending the hearth while Kamala goes out and fights.
posted by darkstar at 12:41 PM on July 22 [74 favorites]

well organized and well financed

it always makes me feel a little better to realize that everybody says this about the opposing party
posted by atoxyl at 12:48 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I feel like the kind of white guy who cares about what kind of candidate a white guy should get behind has already made up his mind to vote Trump/Vance.

I don't think this is true, unfortunately. I think the kind of white guy who's self-aware and shameless enough to say that they care has probably already made of his mind to either vote Trump/Vance or not vote at all. But a lot of bias is subconscious and manifests itself as "I don't think she's experienced enough" or "I don't like how she talks" or "She doesn't understand the issues" or "I don't like her husband" or "I don't like her record on this issue even though I give white guys a pass" or "I just don't vibe with her" or or or -

The left is not at all free of this type of bias. I wish it was, but I encounter it all the time.

I also suspect that your opinion on this, and my opinion on this, are irrelevant. Even if I'm wrong and you're right, I don't think the Democratic Party is brave enough to attempt to prove it.
posted by Kutsuwamushi at 12:51 PM on July 22 [18 favorites]

Republicans are taking recent events with their typical quiet dignity and grace.

(Ohio State Senator George Lang, after screaming FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT at the audience: "If we lose this [election], it's going to take a Civil War to save the country. And it will be saved.")
posted by delfin at 12:51 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Reid J. Epstein NYT

Eric Holder, the former attorney general, will lead the running mate vetting process for Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a person briefed on his plans. Holder will lead a team from his law firm, Covington & Burling, which will conduct the research on possible vice presidents for the Harris campaign.
posted by bluesky43 at 12:52 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

“Biden's Out: Regroup to Defeat MAGA: a mass call for white people,” Showing Up for Racial Justice, Mobilize.US, 22 July 2024
Time: Monday, July 22, 8 – 9pm EDT
Location: Virtual event – Join from anywhere

About this event
Biden has officially dropped out as the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. The hot takes are flying, and everyone is bringing a range of emotions into this moment– fear, relief, dread, overwhelm. Join SURJ to come together to hold all those emotions- and to discuss the important role and responsibility that white people have right now.
posted by ob1quixote at 12:53 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

NYT: Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the two top Democrats in Congress, said on Monday that they were not endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, but instead were respecting her wishes to “earn” the nomination through an open and competitive process.

“Vice President Kamala Harris is off to a great start with her promise to pursue the presidential nomination in a manner consistent with the grassroots and transparent process set forth by the Democratic National Committee," the two, both of New York, said in a joint statement. “She is rapidly picking up support from grassroots delegates from one end of the country to the other. We look forward to meeting in person with Vice President Harris shortly as we collectively work to unify the Democratic Party and the country.”
posted by bluesky43 at 12:54 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

>Why would that have been an issue for Republicans?

yeah the asymmetrical nature of the house rules we're living in now did occur to me. I don't have any solution* but I certainly admire the problem.

*Well I do but it's the difficult path the SPD decided not to follow in 1932.
posted by torokunai at 12:54 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I was devastated by Biden stepping aside; I like Harris just fine and was happy to vote for her when she was my Senator, but I still feel burned from 2016, when I thought this country was ready to elect a woman, and instead we got a serial sexual predator. (And I need to remind myself: the country actually WAS ready to elect a woman, just not ready enough to overcome the racist electoral college.) And I also believe Joe Biden has been the greatest president of my lifetime.

So I've been giving myself a day to come to terms with the news, and I have to say: hearing from long-time progressive friends that they are really happy about this has helped a lot, but what helped me most this morning was the Jay Kuo column that ZakDaddy posted above - specifically this:
I watched with satisfaction as a zoom call for Black women—the party’s most reliable voters—to mobilize for Harris grew from a planned 1,000 people, then swelled to 20,000, then 30,000, before topping out at more than 40,000 people according to attendees and raising a reported $1.5 million.

The labor unions began moving quickly, too. By Sunday evening, the American Federation of Teachers had endorsed Harris, as had the powerful SEIU, or Service Employees International Union, which represents 1.9 million workers and is key to victory in the swing state of Nevada.

Progressive PACs also announced their support. Three of them representing AAPI, Black and Latino voters—AAPI Victory Fund, The Collective PAC and Latino Victory Fund—issued a joint statement of endorsement, which carries significant symbolic value.

The Human Rights Campaign, on whose national board I serve and which is the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, mobilizing millions of equality voters across critical battleground states, came out yesterday evening with our own endorsement of Kamala Harris for President.
(Go read the whole thing. It made me feel much more hopeful.)

Four years ago, one of my heroes, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, spoke in a sermon about the hope that Harris represents. He also said, then,
We can celebrate now for a moment, but we must go to work and make sure that people can soon feel that their votes will result in policy change.

As I said to Vice President Biden when he was running, our hope is in the mourning.
Mourning, yes; hope, yes.

Thank you for giving me the space to share this.
posted by kristi at 12:55 PM on July 22 [55 favorites]

Kristi - I felt/feel the same way but the energy from the Democratic party is such a welcome change to the past month of constant bad Biden reporting. I'm cautiously optimistic about Harris, and the quick support from the Democratic Party is both remarkable and necessary.
posted by bluesky43 at 12:58 PM on July 22 [14 favorites]

As tempting as that is, I feel I have to remind everyone to Vote #1 Quidnunc Kid.

A Quidnunc Kid ticket would require running with JHarris on a platform of economic support, obscure video games, and pleasant media. That would be awesome, but I don’t think 2024 is their year.
posted by GenjiandProust at 12:59 PM on July 22 [18 favorites]

Harris isn't a woman who had been demonized for 24 year by the media in every household across the nation. Clinton had been.
posted by Ferreous at 1:00 PM on July 22 [43 favorites]

Man you guys are way more positive than me. Trump just kicked ass so hard in a debate, Biden gave up and retired.

I watched as much as I could stand and Trump did not kick ass - he blustered over and around an elderly guy who was clearly not feeling well and struggling.

I'm not optimistic either, but Trump has been winning a fixed game his entire life - let's not buy into his narrative of prowess.
posted by ryanshepard at 1:01 PM on July 22 [41 favorites]

>> mismatched beanie feldstein / lea michele pairing

> Wait, which one is Harris in this metaphor?

also don't @ me but biden was the beanie feldstein, biden himself, in your heart you know i'm right
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 1:06 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Also, Black Voters Matter - who released a statement on July 13 rejecting the prospect of replacing Biden - issued a statement today supporting Harris:
The Democratic Party’s elected officials, delegates, donors, and pundits should join President Biden in endorsing VP Kamala Harris immediately so that the very important work of defeating Trump again can be the sole focus over the next 15 weeks.

Today, we ask the Democratic Party delegates to join this movement and nominate VP Harris as the Democratic nominee. Black Voters and all marginalized voters must raise our voices right now, in our communities and online, and demand that the Party direct its resources and infrastructure to support VP Harris and a progressive agenda. Black voters were correct in 2020, and we are correct now!

We have the power to build on the past 4 years and to achieve even more, on issues such as economic justice, reparations, police accountability and the war in Gaza. But we must unite now in support of VP Harris. If we do so, not only will we make history, but we will make progress. Let’s go!
posted by kristi at 1:06 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

I watched with satisfaction as a zoom call for Black women—the party’s most reliable voters—to mobilize for Harris grew from a planned 1,000 people, then swelled to 20,000, then 30,000, before topping out at more than 40,000 people according to attendees and raising a reported $1.5 million.

Can any Zoom or Zoom-like platform actually handle 40,000 participants? Their own documentation suggests 1000 is the max.
posted by ryanshepard at 1:08 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Climate change is my number one issue. If the Republicans get anywhere near the WH, it's game over for meaningful US climate policy at the exact moment we have zero time left to lose on dithering around. My politics are generally far to the left of Kamala's, but I'm pleasantly surprised by a lot of what I'm seeing related to her prior record on climate change. I'm sure SCOTUS will continue to be on the side of setting the planet on fire, but at least Kamala in the White House would hopefully be able to build on the climate work embedded in the Infrastructure Act and Inflation Reduction Act.
posted by mostly vowels at 1:09 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

I think it was probably a webcast and not an actual Zoom conference. Zoom is quickly becoming a genericized term for live video event.
posted by cmfletcher at 1:11 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Brat campaign: Harris team swiftly embraces Gen Z memes about VP (Axios)

The Charli endorsement was needed to win back all the boys who crashed Grindr at the RNC.
posted by mittens at 1:13 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Can any Zoom or Zoom-like platform actually handle 40,000 participants? Their own documentation suggests 1000 is the max.

If it was indeed Zoom, it was probably a Zoom broadcast, which caps at 50,000.
posted by rhymedirective at 1:15 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Health care's mine. But if she wants to make climate the drum to bang on then by all means.

What I want to see is a Democrat be for something. You aren't just voting against Trump, you're voting for this.
posted by East14thTaco at 1:16 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

FYI, a couple useful reminders from a Desi American (Shiv Ramdas) over on Bluesky:

I get that the coconut tree thing is kinda funny and super innocent in origin but considering that coconut is literally what we call the desi version of an uncle tom and that she is literally half indian I just can't do it lol y'all gonna have to carry this meme without me (post)

PSA: I know its become a sort of rallying meme but trust me white folks, you do not want to be asking your desi friends/colleagues "are you team coconut" just had someone try that and the results were... not good. Just don't. It won't end well. (post)

Seriously, if you (like me) are a white person, it's important to be cautious and mindful around the whole "coconut" thing.
posted by adrienneleigh at 1:16 PM on July 22 [46 favorites]

Can any Zoom or Zoom-like platform actually handle 40,000 participants? Their own documentation suggests 1000 is the max.

44,000 Black women raised $1.5 million for Kamala Harris in 3 hours on a Zoom call that crashed the online meeting platform
In a post on X, Eaddy thanked Zoom COO Aparna Bawa for helping "create the space for history." A marketing manager who wrote on X that she was on the call added that Bawa stepped in to allow the online meeting platform to accommodate tens of thousands of participants. Representatives for Zoom did not immediately respond to Business Insider's inquiry about Bawa's involvement in the event.
posted by hydropsyche at 1:20 PM on July 22 [17 favorites]

My main worry about Biden stepping down was that the party leadership would spend the next month sniping at each other over potential nominees and never really unify even after the convention vote. The past 24 hours have been an extremely pleasant surprise on that front and I think somehow the party is better off for this nightmarish two-and-a-half weeks.
posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 1:21 PM on July 22 [40 favorites]

I really enjoy that the photo making the rounds for the news today is Kamala standing in front of a bunch of college athletes. Whooooo!
posted by PistachioRoux at 1:23 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

As a US citizen doing the absentee voter thing, where could I get an official HARRIS/INSERT NAME HERE sign when the time comes to put on my lawn here in Ontario?
posted by Kitteh at 1:29 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Seriously, if you (like me) are a white person, it's important to be cautious and mindful around the whole "coconut" thing.

Coconuts, too, exist in the context of all in which we live and what came before us.
posted by longtime_lurker at 1:32 PM on July 22 [50 favorites]

Where could I get an official HARRIS/INSERT NAME HERE sign?

If you don't want to wait for the INSERT NAME HERE announcement, there's an official 'Harris for President' sign you can order right now.
posted by box at 1:35 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I dunno if they’ll give you a yard sign, but Democrats Abroad has good resources for US citizens living abroad (although I’ve been back in the US 7 years now so take with grain of salt).
posted by nat at 1:36 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

hey, people who know more than me: who is that person, do you think?

Cardi B

posted by Greg_Ace at 1:39 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

It would be a disaster for the Federation to allow a Cardi that close to the presidency.
posted by a faded photo of their beloved at 1:42 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Mod note: A few deletions made. Please allow others to express themselves without misrepresenting their words and avoid turning this conversation into a fight with specific members.
posted by loup (staff) at 1:50 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

At a minimum I'm just glad I don't have to hear anything about Hunter Biden for the next three months.

Instead though, we're already starting to hear increasing claims on the right that she's not invested in the future of the nation because she doesn't have children of her own (She's a stepparent), and that this somehow makes her less capable as a national leader. Problems with this attack include that it is indirectly an attack on a substantial portion of the voter base, and that it may draw comparison with Trump's own complicated relationship with his children. Plus Founding Father-1 George Washington was also a stepparent, and there were other presidents, including Trump hero Andrew Jackson, who had no biological offspring.
posted by xigxag at 1:51 PM on July 22 [22 favorites]

It would be a disaster for the Federation to allow a Cardi that close to the presidency.

Okay, Captain Maxwell.
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 1:53 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

My workplace full of young women, upon hearing the Biden retirement, immediately burst into cheers that we are going to have a woman President. Did my heart good
posted by Jacen at 1:53 PM on July 22 [18 favorites]

Yeah, but that's not a charge that anyone is going to level at a man. Women are fundamentally baby-making machines according to their ideology, and women are unnatural if they haven't had babies. Men should probably have babies, too, but it's not their most important function in life.
posted by ArbitraryAndCapricious at 1:54 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Plus Founding Father-1 George Washington was also a stepparent, and there were other presidents, including Trump hero Andrew Jackson, who had no biological offspring.

Remember that Republicans are immune to accusations of hypocrisy, and that this is a barely-dog-whistle to make the conversation about a woman's "place."
posted by Navelgazer at 1:56 PM on July 22 [33 favorites]

Jacen, you go outside right now to turn around three times and spit. I am excited, but still traumatized
posted by The demon that lives in the air at 1:57 PM on July 22 [10 favorites]

It would be a disaster for the Federation to allow a Cardi that close to the presidency.


we don't use racial slurs here on metafilter
posted by i used to be someone else at 1:57 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

Jacen, you go outside right now to turn around three times and spit. I am excited, but still traumatized

I don't care how much Sorkin beclowned himself yesterday, you still do not tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing
posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 1:59 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

I would vote so hard for a Harris–Duckworth ticket

If only! The brilliant Sen. Duckworth was born in Thailand. I'm hoping Harris fills her Cabinet with similarly awesome Dems who aren't considered 'strategic' VP picks for whatever reason (Duckworth; Porter + Whiteboard of Justice [tm]; Plaskett; Gallego; Abrams; Crow [prescient, & currently in the doghouse]; another Tammy, Wisconsin's Sen. Baldwin; Warren, forever, because a gal can dream... ), but remember, it's not just about the election — as VP, Harris has cast a record 33 tie-breaking votes in the Senate.

In a previous thread I said Harris/Pritzker; he's not my fave but I think he's on the short list for Reasons which predate Harris as nominee. If he's chosen, his former-Trump-supporter cousin, the LGBTQ+ rights activist, philanthropist, historic preservationist, and so on, Col. Jennifer Pritizker (Ret.) campaigning for them could be neat.
posted by Iris Gambol at 1:59 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

If only! The brilliant Sen. Duckworth was born in Thailand.

To a US citizen father, from whom she derived US citizenship at birth, thus satisfying the "natural-born citizen" requirement.
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 2:02 PM on July 22 [25 favorites]

Elon Musk announcing that he was spending forty-five million a month to support Trump right after the debate debacle felt like a real gut punch to me. Then JD Vance as Trump's VP added to the feeling that Theil and Musk were two jaded billionaires that were just going to buy the election.

Kamala Harris opposed Dick Cooley in her run for California Attorney General, and Cooley was a really strong law enforcement based Republican determined to repeal most gun laws in California and had a lot of support from some very wealthy donors. It was a very impressive victory.

I am hoping she can do the same at the Federal level here. The grassroots donations are a great counter to the billionaires cynical election bids. I would be so pleased if all Musk and Theil got out of their collective investments was a ninety minute useless Trump ramble and a dated campaign tee shirt.
posted by effluvia at 2:03 PM on July 22 [14 favorites]

Elon Musk announcing that he was spending forty-five million a month to support Trump right after the debate debacle felt like a real gut punch to me.

The clown who sells electric cars supports the clown who wants to ban electric cars.
posted by Faint of Butt at 2:06 PM on July 22 [20 favorites]

Alright! When is the epic rap battle coming out?
posted by eustatic at 2:08 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

It's true that we live in extraordinary times, but it's really only been in the post-war era that there has been an excess of decorum, transparency and, frankly, predictability in the vetting and choosing of candidates for president.
The R's have clearly thrown the decorum out the window, and are not versed well enough in history to understand that when the gloves are off the precedents you've broken get broken for both sides.
I'm loving that all of a sudden the Magats are crying "no -fair!" and are feeling out-maneuvered.

More importantly my 30 y.o school teacher daughter says her cohort are super energized by Harris and back in the game for organizing and working for her, whereas they were completely apathetic about Biden.
posted by OHenryPacey at 2:09 PM on July 22 [17 favorites]

This election cycle is like an accelrationist roller coaster! I'm so glad that the mood (nationally and here at Metafilter) is turning from "we're all doomed, how do we move to Canada?" to "let's go win this!".

Just saw a headline arguing that Trump now feels he made a mistake selecting a "loser" for VP. You bought it, you own it, grandpa!

I would (no: will) be so glad to see Beardy and Baldy (TM) being sent packing, and a certain comrade crying in his Borscht accordingly.

And I will chip in to send obsolete Trump T-shirts to Musk, Thiel, Andressen et al. in November.
posted by Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... at 2:13 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I'm loving that all of a sudden the Magats are crying "no -fair!" and are feeling out-maneuvered.

My favorite thing about this, and it's just a feeling that I'm getting more than anything I can point to, is that I'm sure that they were thinking that, if somehow Biden dropped out, which would never actually happen but if it did, there'd be a feeding frenzy for the nomination that they could capitalize on. And instead, the Democratic Party is, somehow, closing ranks and finding unity faster than anyone thought was physically possible for them. So whatever plans they had in store for this possibility are also getting tossed because the aftermath of Biden dropping out has not been what they expected.

And maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think I am. And it's delicious.
posted by Navelgazer at 2:15 PM on July 22 [36 favorites]

and a certain comrade crying in his Borscht accordingly

I would just like to point out that neither Putin nor anyone who works for him is in fact a communist. And that red-baiting is extremely fucking tiresome, especially when applied to a state which is just as capitalist as the US and run by even worse people.
posted by adrienneleigh at 2:18 PM on July 22 [25 favorites]

If you don't want to wait for the INSERT NAME HERE announcement, there's an official 'Harris for President' sign you can order right now

They are not shipping internationally but my bestie in DC says she can send me one.
posted by Kitteh at 2:20 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Where could I get an official HARRIS/INSERT NAME HERE sign?

Can they find someone with the name Onford for running mate? That would be popular with the focus groups, very presidential.
posted by Ashenmote at 2:20 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

"She prosecuted sex predators. He is one." (Kamala Harris PAC ad, SL Twitter).
posted by Paul Slade at 2:21 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I believe that line is from 2019, but you can dust it off and ship it today, no edits.
posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 2:27 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I've seen some questions both on how the DNC delegates are selected and also of course what the heck they are supposed to do now.

The selection process is different in every state but I've been a state level Democratic delegate multiple times and can therefore tell the people of Metafilter how it is done in my state of Missouri.

National level delegates, the ones who go to represent Missouri at the DNC, are, for the most part*, elected by state level delegates who attend Congressional District Conventions and the state Democratic Convention. The number of those DNC delegates who are pledged to each Democratic candidate in a primary is determined by how primary voters vote.

But how are the state level delegates who choose the national delegates chosen?

1.) In the Missouri Democratic presidential primary**, voters vote. Once those votes are tallied, each county of the state is assigned a certain number of state level delegate slots based on the results. The slots are assigned to be pledged to candidates, or assigned a status of uncommitted, in proportion to the vote totals for particular candidates, or for uncommitted. For example, in 2016, because the Missouri Democratic presidential primary votes were split about 50/50 between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, with none of the other candidates earning enough votes to earn any delegates, about half the state level delegate slots were assigned to Hillary Clinton and about half to Bernie Sanders. In the 2024 primary election, enough voters voted as uncommitted that the uncommitted voters did win a few state level delegate slots, but the majority of the state level delegate slots were assigned to Biden because the majority of voters in the state primary voted for Biden.

2.) Once the number of state level delegate slots have been determined by the results of primary election, then it's time to select people to fill those spots. Local Democratic delegate selection meetings for that purpose are held in every county (and within some of the larger population counties, in every township or ward of that county). Any registered voter who resides in the state, who voted in the presidential primary, and who is willing to sign a pledge in support of a particular candidate (or to sign paperwork formally declaring their status as uncommitted, if they are running as an uncommitted delegate) is allowed to participate in the delegate selection meeting for their local county/township/ward, the date and location of which are publicly advertised by the state party. The delegate selection meeting participants who show up vote, caucus-style, to choose state-level delegates from among those meeting attendees who choose to file as delegate candidates.

As a safeguard to prevent shenanigans, during this process, the Democratic presidential candidates who earned delegate slots are given a chance to object to any state-level delegate candidates they do not want to have as representatives for their voters, but note that an objection rarely actually happens, because it turns out running as a delegate under false pretenses is not something people actually do very often.

As far as uncommitted delegates go, there is no objection process for them since uncommitted delegates are not bound to a candidate who could object to them.

Once selected and confirmed as eligible, the state level delegates go to two meetings: their local Congressional District Convention, and the Missouri State Democratic Convention, to elect national level delegates.

In order to run as a national-level delegate, you have to be elected as a state level delegate first, and then approved as an eligible candidate for the DNC by the campaign of the presidential candidate you are pledged to (unless you are uncommitted; then just like when running at the state level, you skip the candidate approval step).

To be clear, ordinary voters in my state are meant to and can and do participate in the delegate selection process; I was an ordinary voter with minimal political experience the first time I was elected as a state level delegate. In fact, that first time I got elected, I showed up at my local delegate selection meeting thinking I would just try doing democracy slightly harder by participating in voting for state-level delegates, and I wound up getting elected as a state-level delegate without even planning to! (Please take note of what I learned then and know even better now: the American political process at the local level really is largely controlled by people who show up. Seriously, if you don't like the way things are being run by a political party at your local level, start showing up at party related meetings and just keep showing up. I can almost guarantee you that as long as you seem like a generally responsible person, if you keep showing up eventually someone will give you something official to do. Whether having something official to do actually lets you make much change in the party or the country may, of course, turn out to be another story, but give it a try, would you? American democracy could really use the help of people who want to make it run better.)

The people who this year's state-level delegates elected to represent my state at the DNC this year are a mix of current and former elected officials (from both high and low level offices), campaign volunteers, community activists, union organizers, and also some people who are brand new to politics (our delegation for example includes several young voters who are voting in their first presidential election this year). They are from every corner of the state and they are a diverse group including a lot of people who are members of traditionally underrepresented communities because both the national party and the state party have inclusion goals that they really, really emphasize during the delegate election meetings at every level, and the people choosing delegates listened to that and chose accordingly.

Okay, so that's how my state's DNC delegates were selected, and who they are. Now what are they supposed to do in this extra interesting national convention situation?

Well, now that Biden has dropped out, his delegates have been released from their pledge to vote for him at the national convention. This means that they can vote for any Democratic presidential candidate who is considered by party rules to be eligible to run at the convention. But there are two reasons why I think that, not just politically speaking but ethically speaking, most of the Biden delegates will want to vote for Kamala Harris:

1.) The voters who the Biden delegates represent voted for Biden knowing that Kamala Harris was also on his ticket. In voting for Biden, voters implied support for VP Harris, so supporting Harris for President is about as close as the delegates can get to honoring the original votes of the primary voters they represent.

2.) The candidate whom they were originally pledged to, Biden, has endorsed Kamala Harris, which means that if they vote for her, they will also be following the wishes of the candidate they were originally pledged to.

If I were a national level delegate for Biden this year, I can tell you that I would 100% be voting for Kamala Harris for those two important reasons. It's just really obviously the most ethical thing I can think of for a delegate to do in this scenario.

The uncommitted delegates were never pledged to any candidate and so their situation has changed a lot less than the Biden delegates' situation has. If I were an uncommitted delegate right now, I imagine my plan would be be to just go ahead and do what the Uncommitted Movement activists originally organized to do, which is put pressure on the national party to do more to address their concerns about how the current administration has handled the Israel/Palestine conflict. Just by being there at the convention, the uncommitted delegates are bringing media and political attention to the issue, which was their original goal, and they can still do that even with Biden out of the running. Unless one or more strong candidates show up to compete with Harris at the convention (unlikely considering the groundswell of support for Harris that is happening now), there are not enough uncommitted delegates that uncommitted delegates' votes for any particular candidate could have much of an effect on the outcome in terms of who is ultimately chosen as the nominee. But even if the convention is uncontested, the uncommitted delegates might still be in a better position to negotiate some concessions from Harris than they were with Biden, because winning over some of their votes might bolster her status as a consensus replacement pick.

*There are a certain set of Missouri delegates, called PLEO delegates, Party Leaders and Elected Officials who are not elected by voters at the delegate selection meetings. The PLEOs are chosen by the state party rather than by the voters. There are also some automatic delegates from Missouri. Automatic delegates are the so-called "Superdelegates" who automatically get a delegate spot on at the DNC based on their status as elected officials or party staff.

**Note that in Missouri this year, Missouri Democrats did hold a primary despite a recent legislative attempt by the Republican controlled state legislature to force both parties to change to a caucus system; the Missouri Republican Party did hold a caucus and ran it so badly that all of Missouri's Republican delegates to the national convention were disqualified .
posted by BlueJae at 2:28 PM on July 22 [38 favorites]

Promising numbers:

We @Civiqs started tracking Trump vs. Harris two weeks ago. Normally this info is paywalled, but this deserves sharing:

- Through 7/21, Biden trailed Trump 46-44 nationally; Harris was ahead 48-46. Trump is stuck at a ceiling of 46. Harris gains from 3rd party/undecided voters.

Digging into the pres vote crosstabs:

- Young voters (18-34) go from Biden 44-36 (+8) to Harris 57-37 (+20)
- Independents go from Trump 48-32 (+16) to Trump 49-41 (+8)
- Harris picks up 7pp among Black voters and 8pp among Hispanic voters, almost all from 3rd party/undecideds

Reminder this polling is from *before* Biden announced that he was exiting the race.

posted by windbox at 2:30 PM on July 22 [34 favorites]

> I would just like to point out that neither Putin nor anyone who works for him is in fact a communist

my god yes i immediately lose all respect for anyone who speaks that damned foolish nonsense. like say what you will about putin and say what you will about stalinism and say what you will about the pizza hut stalinism of the gerontocrats of the late soviet union, anyone who trots out this “lol all russian dictatorships are the same amirite” nonsense is revealing themselves to be both ignorant and also at least mid-key russophobic. if you’ve got to use a blazingly ahistorical reference to talk about putin at the very least have the decency to refer to that black hundredist creep as the new tsar.

and yes, this remains true even though russia’s current dictator got his start as a kgb creep. the three tentpoles of putin’s dictatorship are autocracy, nationalism, and a nasty strain of orthodox christianity. “autocracy, nationality, orthodoxy” is the tsar’s line, and the bolsheviks were not great but nevertheless their beliefs and their power weren’t built around those three things.

apologies for getting all het up here and i promise not to literally bite anyone’s head off, but nevertheless i see red (no pun intended) at this sort of confident ignorance of history. it’s like if someone rolls up on mefi and starts taking about how people in the middle ages were stupid and didn’t bathe and that the medieval church stunted scientific progress etc etc. it’s just plain wrong and it’s just plain wrong in an embarrassing way.
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 2:31 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

I will admit that, viewed as a political gambit, I was ambivalent about Biden dropping out. Not that Harris is a bad candidate, just that it seemed to create even more unknowns in a very uncertain situation.

However, judging from the apoplexy this has induced on the right, this was a brilliant maneuver.
posted by adamrice at 2:33 PM on July 22 [25 favorites]

I don’t blame folks for imagining the possibility of a months-long knife fight among Democrats should Biden step down. That was my concern, as well, based on a sadly robust corpus of evidence.

But…I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Democratic Party move this fast, act this unified, or pivot so effectively, in my life. Has it ever happened before? I can’t think of an example in U.S. history to match it. It seriously feels a little surreal.

We are literally 24 hours from Biden stepping down and Harris already has more unified support from her party than maybe any other presidential candidate since perhaps FDR. It’s breathtaking.

I’m so glad that party elders are taking the approach they are: keeping their thumbs off the scale and letting the support develop from the grassroots-up. That’s perfect.

Really encouraged by all of this!
posted by darkstar at 2:42 PM on July 22 [58 favorites]

> this was a brilliant maneuver.

It was beautifully timed and well executed, which is 2/3rds of the battle won, IMO.

- They deliberately waited until tfg had announced his running mate, and now this news is sucking all the air out of his veep announcement.

- They had AOC putting out pro-Biden staying in office statements from about 10 days ago IIRC? So that progressives do not get unfairly blamed for forcing him out.

- They've got the site, the merch, the papers, the graphics, and all kinds of major endorsements ready to go the minute the news dropped.

Smooth move, Biden & team. Smooth move.
posted by MiraK at 2:42 PM on July 22 [39 favorites]

Biden trailed Trump 46-44 nationally; Harris was ahead 48-46. Trump is stuck at a ceiling of 46. Harris gains from 3rd party/undecided voters.

Trusting the polls too much is dicey (see Romney v. Obama), but I would say that the one-day fundraising numbers for Kamala suggest some real excitement, and that some people who might have simply not bothered to vote for Biden will now enthusiastically show up on election day.
posted by CheeseDigestsAll at 2:51 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

I don’t blame folks for imagining the possibility of a months-long knife fight among Democrats should Biden step down.

I have to imagine that the incentives of rank-and-file delegates to the Democratic convention played a role in making sure a knife fight didn't happen. If I were a delegate and my options were "Replay 1968" and "Let's party! I'm gonna get hella turnt," I know what I'd pick.
posted by jonp72 at 2:52 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]

First campaign event on MSNBC and NYT. The 1st gentleman just finished, Biden spoke with a ringing endorsement of Harris, Kamala last.
posted by bluesky43 at 2:57 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Pardon if this has been answered but has the DNC clarified at all how the convention will work? Will there be other contenders?
posted by DeepSeaHaggis at 2:57 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

“They truly are like family to us,” Harris said of President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. From a speakerphone, Biden responded: “It’s mutual.” He added: “I’m watching you, kid. I love you.”
posted by bluesky43 at 3:00 PM on July 22 [43 favorites]

posted by VTX at 3:00 PM on July 22 [10 favorites]

Re: surprise at how quickly and extensively support for Harris is coalescing:

I, too, am pleasantly surprised, but I shouldn't be: Dems in disarray hasn't actually been really true for quite some time.

Moreover, while this is just me speculating, I will note that there are two very experienced, powerful Democrats in Washington who have shown exceptional skill at rounding up Democratic cooperation when it matters most: Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. I can easily imagine both of them rallying support for Harris behind the scenes for the past week or two.
posted by kristi at 3:02 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

I think it was a particularly smooth move to have this right after the gop bigwigs got home from the RNC and basically finalized their attack plans against Biden. They won’t have such an opportunity again and they’re probably all still hungover, etc for them to not be on their a-game out of the gate.
posted by Jon_Evil at 3:02 PM on July 22 [10 favorites]

They truly are like family to us,” Harris said of President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. From a speakerphone, Biden responded: “It’s mutual.” He added: “I’m watching you, kid. I love you.”

🥺 😭
posted by darkstar at 3:03 PM on July 22 [23 favorites]

Electoral-vote.com just updated their candidate photos.

They will be shifting to Harris v Trump polling moving forward. It’s beginning to feel real!
posted by darkstar at 3:09 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Speaking of her career as a prosecutor, Harris just said: “I took on perpetrators of all kinds.” She added: “Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say: I know Donald Trump’s type.”
posted by bluesky43 at 3:10 PM on July 22 [67 favorites]

this is all like a Batman movie to me, with the politician talking to the public and media about The Joker, who in-universe is clearly criminal-bonkers but for some reason is considered a normal person.

Not just him, either, the entire shit-show we were treated to December 2016 - January 2021. I guess we non-nazi normies weren't paying attention or have repressed our memories.
posted by torokunai at 3:18 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Harris says Trump’s policies will put Social Security and Medicare “on the chopping block” and treat healthcare as a “privilege for the wealthy” instead of “a right for every American.” The United States has “tried these economic policies before. They do not lead to prosperity. They lead to inequity and economic injustice. And we are not going back. We are not going back.”

Harris is saying that her campaign will be about more than “us versus Donald Trump.” She said she and Trump have “two different visions of the future of our country,” adding that Trump wants “to take our country backward to a time before many of our fellow Americans had full freedoms and rights.”
posted by bluesky43 at 3:19 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

I think that was a good start! Energetic and direct. Not a line longer than necessary, thank God -- politicians do love to bloviate.
posted by grandiloquiet at 3:20 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Re-posting from the previous thread: If a presidential nominee drops out, what happens to states’ ballots?

In almost every case, Biden dropped out well before any of the deadlines and the main key is that this is almost double the number of days before military and overseas ballots are shipped out, which is 45 days before the election.
posted by LostInUbe at 3:23 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

It took me all of maybe one hour to go from "oh man, we're screwed" to "YASSSSS" and I think maybe it was the Brat memes that got me pumped. Either way, it is fantastic to have someone super sharp and smart and powerful in the candidate's seat. I am actually amped up.
posted by grumpybear69 at 3:23 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

Final tally: $81 Million raised in the first 24 hours!

Largest 24-hour raise in presidential history.
posted by darkstar at 3:24 PM on July 22 [30 favorites]

So here has been my nagging fear for the last few months: Turnout. A couple of data points here - one, Romney was polling almost dead even with Obama in 2012 and we had already seen the 2000 election with Dubya winning despite losing the popular vote (thanks to the Supreme Court.) Yet Obama beat Romney convincingly in the EC and was over 50% in the popular vote. The biggest reason is that Obama got his voters to go to the polls. He turned them out better than Romney did. Next data point is 2020. Trump, despite losing, got 74 million votes. He had a lot of people chomping at the bit to go vote for him. While I wouldn't expect that kind of enthusiasm this time for him, he still has a large core of hardcore supporters ready to turn out. We were fortunate that Biden was able to turn out even more and it was still too close for comfort. One thing I didn't expect with Biden stepping down is the absolute explosion in enthusiasm for Harris. I expected a bump, maybe even a sizable one, but things went supernova here. We might just have a chance.
posted by azpenguin at 3:26 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

First campaign event on MSNBC and NYT. The 1st gentleman just finished
Assuming you mean Doug Emhoff, he’s not the 1st Gentleman… yet.
posted by mbrubeck at 3:26 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Early reports are suggesting Harris will have enough delegates pledged by this Wednesday to lock up the nomination.
posted by darkstar at 3:29 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Not to derail a good conversation, but for what it's worth the Putin reference had nothing to do with communism, just the fact that Putin and his regime is behind all kinds of machinations that prop up the far right in multiple elections, and fund massive misinformation and voting interference campaigns in the US and worldwide. It was a delight to see France and the UK defeat their local putin-adjacent affiliates (Le Pen's and Farage's respectively), and it would be nice to see many alt-right, far-right and what have you's in the US be defeated.

Admittedly, the word "comrade" was ill-chosen. But what are you going to call him? "a certain gentleman"?

We now return to our pleasant discussion.....
posted by Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... at 3:30 PM on July 22 [10 favorites]

Via CNN: Pelosi just endorsed Harris. Jeffries and Schumer expected to follow later today.
posted by darkstar at 3:31 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

This is an article which I’ve always returned to in my mind when thinking about Kamala Harris. It was written by Andrew Romano, and was about how she was shaped by her family and experiences growing up in Berkeley. Here’s the beginning:
If you want to understand where Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s newly announced vice presidential pick, is coming from, listen to her talk about Berkeley, Calif. — the city where she spent the first dozen years of her life. Listen, in particular, to how she talks about Berkeley to Black audiences.

In July 2019, more than a year before Joe Biden picked her as his running mate, Harris swept onstage at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City in her usual uniform — beige blouse, gold necklace, dark pantsuit — to address members of Omega Psi Phi, one of America’s oldest Black fraternities. After a few pleasantries, the California senator and then presidential candidate launched into a recollection of her youth.

“I was born,” she declared, “as a daughter of the civil rights movement.” The year was 1964. Donald Harris, Kamala’s father, had come from Jamaica to pursue a doctorate in economics at the University of California, Berkeley; Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, had come from India to do doctoral work in endocrinology. They met in one of the many small activist study groups then forming off campus, and they kept protesting as Berkeley became ground zero for pretty much every left-wing movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

“My sister, Maya, and I, we joke that we grew up surrounded by a bunch of adults who spent full time marching and shouting for this thing called ‘justice,’” Harris said in Atlantic City.

It’s a story that Harris has told many times before. The reason she relies on it is to explain, and defend, what happened next. Inspired by the “heroes” of her childhood — from civil rights icons such as Thurgood Marshall and Constance Baker Motley to the “first generation of Black lawyers” to emerge from her “community” in Berkeley — she decided to become a lawyer too.

But not just any lawyer.

“So my family gathered round and said, ‘OK, Kamala, so what are you gonna do in your fight for justice?’” Harris recalled. “And I got all excited and I said to them, ‘Well, I’ve decided to become a prosecutor.’”

At the time, Harris knew that Black Americans and their liberal allies, especially in the East Bay, saw prosecutors as the enemy — the courtroom representatives of a racist criminal-justice system. And she is well aware that many progressives and African-American voters still feel the same way today.

In the second round of Democratic primary debates, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard gave voice to these concerns when she said Harris was in “a position to make a difference and an impact in these people's lives” but “did not,” and the criticism again surfaced on the left when Biden made it clear that she was near the top of his vice presidential shortlist.

Which is why, at events like the Omega Psi Phi gathering, Harris always circles back to Berkeley and to the case she constructed while trying to sway her first skeptics.

“If you have any sense of who my family is, you will know that at best they found it a curious decision — and with some of them, I had to defend this decision like one would a thesis,” Harris said onstage. “But what I said is, ‘Look, do we always and only have to be on the outside, trying to change it from the outside, banging down the door on bended knee? Can’t we always also be thinking about how we can be on the inside, where the decisions are being made?’”

In other words, to understand where Kamala Harris is coming from — to understand the choice that has both defined and complicated her career, and that has now propelled her to the brink of the vice presidency — you have to understand what she learned, as a young woman of color, about the power and limitations of being on “the outside, banging down the door on bended knee.”

You have to understand what she learned in the town once known as “the People’s Republic of Berkeley.”
Incidentally, the study group her parents met in was the same one that gave rise to the Black Power movement.
posted by Kattullus at 3:32 PM on July 22 [32 favorites]

at the risk of being macabre, Father Time has been coming for the Fox News core viewership since 2020, even excluding the covid death distribution age factor.

The pre-boomers are all at least 79 this year so we're losing ~2M/yr from the top of the population pyramid while age 18 (those born in 2006 and basically came of age in the Trump-Biden covid times) numbered 4+ million.

Demographically, we should have this, unless the youth vote goes too much into the cynical 'let's put Trump and his team in for the LULZ' mode like 2016.

Clinton and Obama only had a Democratic congress for 2 years, as did Biden (Trump too suffered this fate). 5 seats out of 222 need to flip in the House, it'd be nice to get that too . . . without friendly majorities, the next 2 years are going to be . . . frustrating.
posted by torokunai at 3:38 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

The Senate was always going to be a real problem for us this year. A real uphill climb, given the certain loss of Manchin’s seat and the possible loss of a few others. The main hope was to flip the House, though. But polling showed Joe’s lack of downballot coattails, which is what really caused all the panic among establishment Dems in both House and Senate.

With Harris, I think we win the Presidency and flip the House back to Dem control, while still losing the Senate, but mitigating the loss to only 2-3 seats, maybe. (I’d love to be proven wrong about the Senate, and maybe if we get a Blue Wave, we could keep it, but the odds are really against us there.)
posted by darkstar at 3:46 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I'm with Bigbootay tay tay. We need lame-duck Joe Biden, who recently got a nice cover of immunity from SCOTUS, to start deploying military teams to cut the networking cables to Russia.
posted by JoeZydeco at 3:51 PM on July 22 [18 favorites]

Perhaps related to the demographic point by torukanai: one in six Tory voters expected to die before next UK election.
posted by Rumple at 3:51 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Elon's at it again: https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1e9m5vr/trumplover_elon_musk_is_already_causing_kamala/
posted by jenfullmoon at 4:02 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

i mean dude is pretty brazenly not only endorsing trump but bending the architecture of the platform he owns to game the algorithm and visibility in favour of his boy and to the detriment of harris. he is--and i am not a specialist in the field so if any research psychologists want to correct me on this by all means please do--a great big piss-pants crybaby with a poopy diaper
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 4:08 PM on July 22 [22 favorites]

Elon's at it again:

from the comments:

Biden should nationalize Twitter.

Even if it's not legal, SCOTUS gave him permission.

posted by philip-random at 4:10 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

What's an Elon?
posted by East14thTaco at 4:13 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I would love it if Elon so thoroughly marginalized his brand people would finally stop using fucking Twitter. I'm on Bluesky and it's lame as hell because too many of you are still on that nazi app. Get off it!!
posted by kittens for breakfast at 4:15 PM on July 22 [40 favorites]

$20, Same As In Town.
posted by Navelgazer at 4:15 PM on July 22 [14 favorites]

I admit I like this definition of brat (WaPo): “You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown but parties through it. It is honest, blunt and a little bit volatile. That’s ‘Brat,’” she said.

Back to Elon, I just finished reading "Extremely Hardcore" and that shit is right outta his playbook.
posted by jenfullmoon at 4:18 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Elizabeth Warren is scheduled to be on MSNBC momentarily. If you're like me and don't have cable, you can listen on line.

Also thanks ya'll for the high info density in the past few hours (a refreshing change from off the cuff hot takes).
posted by bluesky43 at 4:20 PM on July 22 [13 favorites]

losing the Senate, but mitigating the loss to only 2-3 seats

Right now, it's 51 D 49 R. With Manchin stepping down, he will almost certainly be replaced by Jim Justice, current Republican governor of West Virginia. That leaves us at 50-50.

But: other Democratic candidates for Senate are doing better than expected. Even Jon Tester in Montana is hanging on at the moment. It's very possible that Democrats could hold onto that 50-50 split, and if Harris and the VP to be named win in November, the new VP would cast the tiebreaking vote in the Senate and keep Democratic control.

Add in the few seats that Democrats need to win to take control of the house, and you could see Democrats in control of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, all three.
posted by gimonca at 4:24 PM on July 22 [13 favorites]

May it be so!

(What a year this week has been.)
posted by darkstar at 4:26 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

Lemon, it's Monday.
posted by Justinian at 4:28 PM on July 22 [38 favorites]

Of all the things to pick on Kamala Harris for, the right has chosen her laughing, which is delightful. I think being able to laugh in the face of opposition is incredibly courageous, and Kamala has a great laugh — a full-bellied version that’s therapy to hear.

What a bunch of weird people.
posted by argybarg at 4:32 PM on July 22 [29 favorites]

Senate: and looking ahead to 2026, because we are in this for the long haul, there'll be 20 Republican Senate seats up for re-election ... many in states where there are now strict anti-abortion laws and strong pushback from the voters.

"In 2020—the last time these 33 seats were up for regular election—five seats changed party hands. Democrats picked up four seats and Republicans picked up one seat. "
posted by kristi at 4:32 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Add in the few seats that Democrats need to win to take control of the house, and you could see Democrats in control of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, all three.

posted by kirkaracha at 4:33 PM on July 22 [15 favorites]

Dammit, y’all — if you’re not careful, you’ll be getting my hopes up for a Senate that might actually vote to create Medicare for All, expand SCOTUS, uphold reproductive rights, support a living minimum wage, make transformative steps in addressing climate change, institute humane immigration policy, promote access to affordable housing…
posted by darkstar at 4:42 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]

People were eventually able to follow KamalaHQ so it's 50/50 that Elon did something malicious or Elon broke twitter somewhere along the way.

Elon: I will burn the money Tesla gave me/give 45 million dollars a month in support of Trump.

Trump at the RNC: I will end the electric vehicle mandate (which doesn't actually exist but still, it's the thought that counts).
posted by LostInUbe at 4:45 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]

The NYT has a piece on Musk noting primarily how many times he has made dramatic promises to donate money.... and then never did it (kind of like the low cost EV he's been promising for literally years, and remember the portable battery chargers? yeah, never happened).
posted by bluesky43 at 4:47 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Of all the things to pick on Kamala Harris for, the right has chosen her laughing, which is delightful. I think being able to laugh in the face of opposition is incredibly courageous, and Kamala has a great laugh — a full-bellied version that’s therapy to hear.

What a bunch of weird people.

It's like when they went after AOC for the existence of videos of her... singing and dancing with friends. Bullies are gonna bully and they're gonna go after whatever scares them the most about someone. In AOC's case, it was being cool and fun. In Harris' case, it's going to be her warmth, humor and humanity.
posted by Navelgazer at 4:53 PM on July 22 [15 favorites]

I think both the coconut tree and unburden quotes started as the right wing trying to mock her. So, good job fellas.
posted by LostInUbe at 4:58 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Laughing is not a weakness! It's the most appropriate response to the crazy stories, the pretentious sermons and the arrogant preening of the Right.

It's high time that someone tell Orange Face that tariffs and tax cuts for the rich are a preposterous answer to our economics, that deporting 10+ Million people and spending billions to build a wall that doesn't keep anything out is stupid, that book bans won't keep people from having inconvenient feelings, etc etc etc.

"Donald, you're just being silly, don't make me laugh!" is a perfectly appropriate thing to say. Let's all keep laughing, all the way to the White House, Senate and the House.
posted by Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... at 5:01 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I think both the coconut tree ... started as the right wing trying to mock her.

And now it's an all-time 404 page!
posted by Navelgazer at 5:03 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

This Quidnunc Kid I'm not that familiar with, but JHarris always gets my vote.
posted by valkane at 5:04 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Honestly, this goes without saying, but Donald Fucking Trump is in fact the weirdest candidate we've ever had. And creepy weird too.
posted by ishmael at 5:04 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

I agree with the Republican that he should step down now. He's given notice; why stick around? Let Kamala campaign as President Harris!)

darkstar gave a couple of good reasons why this is a bad idea, including what I consider the biggest one: freed from the need to perform the duties of the presidency, Harris can campaign full-time. But the second-biggest reason is a near-tie for me. It’s section two of the 25th Amendment:

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

With Republicans holding the House, there is no way in hell they would allow Harris to choose a non-repugnant VP. And I would really hate for us not to have a VP, because if something were to happen to her, then Mike Johnson becomes president for a while, and in this election season, with one assassination attempt already, that’s not a chance I want to take.
posted by Pater Aletheias at 5:05 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

Good ol Nate Silver says he's not bullish on her chances, which I kinda expected out of him. Same with Morris who took over 538. I don't think they realize just how big a switch got flipped. Over the last few months, I've seen some people I know who normally lean pretty conservative take a different tone than they had in the past. They do NOT want Trump back in office. These are women who really didn't care for Hillary either. They have been feeling a sense of doom with how the polls have been going. They're charged up now.
posted by azpenguin at 5:05 PM on July 22 [17 favorites]

So sorry Senator Susan Collins is not up for reelection this cycle. I'd love to see her lose her seat to a progressive candidate.
posted by effluvia at 5:09 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

I don't think it's unreasonable to be not particularly optimistic about Harris' chances in the same way it wasn't unreasonable to be not particularly optimistic about Biden's chances, given the polling. There is a story to be told about how the polling doesn't capture everything that is happening, yes, and I hope that story is correct! But in general it's better to not be in a position where you have to argue the polling isn't fully capturing the moment.
posted by Justinian at 5:12 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

So many deeply weird quotes from Russian TV pundits over the past couple days:"Putin’s Pals Panic That Trump’s Opponent Is No Longer Old, Sick Guy." They seem to be having the same sort of breakdown as the Republicans, go figure.
posted by nobody at 5:12 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

idk i think if the right were trying to use the "you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you" quote as some kind of dunk it grossly backfired. it's a great quote. it's unifying, invites a person to think beyond just themselves, and to consider the sacrifices that came before them. and as noted team harris has embraced it. so if the right did mock her for saying this, consider that another rake they stepped on in their long history of attempting to ridicule people by pointing out how cool they are
posted by Aya Hirano on the Astral Plane at 5:21 PM on July 22 [15 favorites]

I don't think it's unreasonable to be not particularly optimistic about Harris' chances in the same way it wasn't unreasonable to be not particularly optimistic about Biden's chances, given the polling. There is a story to be told about how the polling doesn't capture everything that is happening, yes, and I hope that story is correct! But in general it's better to not be in a position where you have to argue the polling isn't fully capturing the moment.

In this case the polling truly may not be capturing the moment. One big difference is that before this, Harris was polling as a hypothetical while Biden was polling as the nominee. Now the polls are going to start showing her as the nominee, so this is real. We'll find out soon enough what the polls are going to say then.
posted by azpenguin at 5:22 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

But in general it's better to not be in a position where you have to argue the polling isn't fully capturing the moment.

I dunno. My greatest hope is that this shit goes down like it did in Europe; we beat the Nazis like fucking Indiana Jones. My greatest fear is that America will fall down the hole of fascism, and I don't want to believe that's who we are. My grandfather fought the Nazis, and now the republicans are putting a rapist felon as their candidate? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I don't understand how we got here, and I sure as shit don't know how we get out.

Anyway, Metafilter seems to think this is the right way. I hope.
posted by valkane at 5:22 PM on July 22 [15 favorites]

Navelgazer, someone JUST sent that to me and I was going to post it but you beat me to it. Yay and thank you.

I am now officially a massive fan of Kamala Harris. VENN DIAGRAMS!
posted by kristi at 5:22 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I'm more optimistic with Harris and, if nothing else, I'm enjoying watching this. I had nothing but sickly dread around every one of Biden's appearances, and over the announcement of new polls. Now I'm excited to see what comes next. Even if that count for nothing (and I can't imagine it does), it makes my life easier.
posted by argybarg at 5:32 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Hell of a day - I hope she's well protected.
posted by ryanshepard at 5:32 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

That said, there are two fundamental problems that generate a huge headwind for Harris:

1) Inflation. It's the most charismatic and tangible economic crisis there is, and it made everyone sick for a while. The negative effects of it are not gone just because it seems to be easing lately.
2) As I said up above, a lot of people are very committed to the narrative that "both candidates are idiots." It's just fundamental doctrine at this point, and a way to stay out of political commitment without sounding apathetic. Soon everyone will "know" that Kamala is an idiot, or "awful" or whatever. This will cause us to lose our minds and will be good for Trump.
posted by argybarg at 5:37 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Soon everyone will "know" that Kamala is an idiot, or "awful" or whatever. This will cause us to lose our minds and will be good for Trump.

I disagree.
posted by bluesky43 at 5:40 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]

The right is already pushing that Harris is an airhead (amongst other things) and everything else they've said so far has backfired so here's hoping that will too.
posted by LostInUbe at 5:40 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

posted by bluesky43 at 5:41 PM on July 22

I think it's going to be very hard for Trump and Vance, in particular, to attack Harris without looking like gross country club boys picking on a nice lady.

Trump called Harris "dumb as a rock" earlier today on Truth Social, which I agree with LostInUbe seems destined to backfire as people see her speak. It also runs a big risk of inspiring other right wingers to say gross racist and misogynist stuff that explodes in their faces.

The GOP also seems to be going after her for allegedly help cover up Biden's mental deterioration, but I suspect that gracefully managing an over-their-head authority figure will be seen more as relatable than disqualifying.
posted by smelendez at 5:42 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I mean, I still can't get over how politically bad Vance's statement on Harris was - calling her a “childless cat lady” who is “miserable” with her life because she didn’t have children, and that not having children means that she doesn’t have “a direct stake” in America. To start, she has step-kids. Second, she has a niece, who has two kids. So the message is "step-children don't count as real kids, the only way to be connected to the future of America is through your biological children, and cat ladies can't be joyful." As others have pointed out, please, please, take this message to the suburbs, I'm sure it will go over great! ;)

Beyond the upcoming election, I think there is even some reason to hope for something bigger - the decline of MAGA. Trump lost in 2020, and his preferred candidates lost in 2022. For a moment there, it seemed like his position in the GOP was under threat - until all the indictments came in, and suddenly the grassroots fervently supported him and he won the primaries easily. But it's good to recall that moment of weakness was real. By the time the GOP primaries happened it was kinda a done deal for Trump, but before the indictments, reporting showed a majority of GOP voters looking for an alternative. And even though that shifted, Haley still got 30-40% of the vote in several states. The GOP might still be the party of Trump, but the cracks are there.

So imagine, if in November we get our first woman of color as president, and hey, maybe the Dems hold on to the Senate or maybe they are just down one seat, and maybe they flip the house or at least gain ground. That will be the fourth election in the row that MAGA shits the bed. And while I'm not so naive that I think that will spell the end for it, but I'd be shocked if the Haleys, Christies, etc. of the party don't sneer "I told you so!" and the Grahams and all the others who only instrumentally support MAGA and are as pliant as a blade of grass, will likely concede the point. Vance may be Trump's "successor" but there may be nothing to succeed to.
posted by coffeecat at 5:47 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

Another positive sign: 60% of her record-breaking donations came from first-time donors!
posted by coffeecat at 5:50 PM on July 22 [32 favorites]

Soon everyone will "know" that Kamala is an idiot, or "awful" or whatever. This will cause us to lose our minds and will be good for Trump.

this just sounds like argybargy to me
posted by philip-random at 5:50 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I would love to be wrong; it may be that the campaign is short enough that a consensus that Kamala is awful won't have time to coalesce. And maybe people are actually looking for an alternative to Trump instead of sticking with "a pox on both their houses."

I just think we underestimate the safety that "both sides are awful" has given people who really don't want to think about politics but recognize that they're supposed to have an opinion. Her low approval numbers (which could change) were formulated within that framework, because there's nothing specific about her that would earn her approval or disapproval — just the "I hate everyone" mood.

But like I say, I hope to be proven wrong.
posted by argybarg at 5:53 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

A cri de couer from Lansing, Michigan:


We like her.

I know she’s not gonna be the VP candidate, but seriously I feel my bowels turn to ice water whenever I think about losing her.
posted by Well I never at 5:53 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

My greatest fear is that America will fall down the hole of fascism, and I don't want to believe that's who we are. My grandfather fought the Nazis

My grandfather also fought the Nazis; he was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. He was also a product of his culture and era (born in the southern USA in the 1920's), and was deeply racist and sexist. He's been dead for 35 years, but if he were still with us I sort of suspect he might be on the MAGA train. That ugliness has always been part of who Americans are, as a nation; it's right there in our founding documents (3/5ths compromise, fugitive slave clause) and most of our history for the subsequent two centuries. We can be better, and in some ways, for a little while, have been better, but it's an ongoing process and it takes effort to fight against the weight and inertia of history and prejudice.
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 5:55 PM on July 22 [21 favorites]

Trump has nothing to campaign on as far as reaching the voters in the middle who could vote for either candidate. His one big thing was “Biden’s old.” It’s becoming clear that they really had nothing else of any substance ready to attack her with. The issue of Biden’s stumbles have dominated the news and the campaign issues lately. That’s gone. We now have a very clear difference in personalities. So what is Trump going to campaign on? Harris said her campaign is going to be about more than beating Trump. If she manages to make this campaign about the issues, Trump is going to be in huge trouble. (I also have this thought in my head, imagine Mark Kelly, decorated Navy officer and combat veteran, out on the stump telling people just how badly Trump has imperiled our national security with the classified document thefts and his big mouth talking to people who shouldn’t even get a hint of a lot of that info.) Harris is definitely going to campaign on abortion, she is likely going to campaign on Supreme Court reform, and on climate as well.
posted by azpenguin at 6:10 PM on July 22 [10 favorites]

but it's an ongoing process and it takes effort to fight against the weight and inertia of history and prejudice.

I hear you, but I worry (like JHarris) that the misogyny, and racism that is systemic in American culture is a rough hill to climb.

Like Lincoln I'm hoping the better angels of our nature win out. I will vote, and I will hope.
posted by valkane at 6:12 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

1) Inflation. It's the most charismatic and tangible economic crisis there is, and it made everyone sick for a while. The negative effects of it are not gone just because it seems to be easing lately.

Reagan won reelection despite having presided over an even higher peak inflation rate during his first term. People get used to the higher prices as long as the rate of increase slows down and recency bias takes care of the rest. Harris just needs to acknowledge the pain, build a case for there being a strong foundation for the future, and explain how she is going to capitalize on the foundation being in place and the issue is at worst neutralized.

The problem she's going to have is striking the right balance between making the case that the future is looking bright and reminding people of the pile of bricks that will fall on all our heads should the other guy win.

If we were a more sane country, I'd lean in to climate change, not in a doomer way, but noting the rapid progress we're already making on making many sectors more carbon efficient and laying out a program of mitigation strategies that will allow us to avoid the worst impacts of the warming that is already baked in. We aren't that country, though, so probably better to talk about jobs coming back to America, economic strength outmatching any other country worldwide, etc etc. There are a pile of reasons to be hopeful for the future if we can continue to build on the progress that has been made in the past few years.
posted by wierdo at 6:16 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

A journalist on Bluesky posts: "It’s over: A majority of the pledged DNC delegates have now endorsed Kamala Harris, virtually ensuring she clinches the Democratic nomination on the first ballot. The endorsement of California’s delegation just now put her hundreds of delegates over the threshold needed."
posted by maudlin at 6:18 PM on July 22 [37 favorites]

I hope Kamala Harris puts out an ad that shows her with demon-red eyes and uses Vance's words, followed by:

She likes cats!
She believes that step-children are real children!
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 6:20 PM on July 22 [18 favorites]

I have no doubt that the Republicans will pull themselves together and figure out a way to smear Harris that doesn't make them sound deeply weird. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it. There is literally nothing to be gained from anticipatory panic. I think we should all take a break from freaking out, enjoy the rare win, and gear up for whatever shit we'll have to deal with next.
posted by ArbitraryAndCapricious at 6:21 PM on July 22 [29 favorites]

Re: using coconut and Indians

It is true, coconut is a specific type of slur/anti term for a specific kind of Indian/South Asian who's perceived to have lost too much of their cultural roots (to use one definition). Kinda like banana is for Chinese people. It's sort of tolerated as an in-group thing but don't simply be using it without the necessary signposting.

I do think the pitfall lies in the contraction - Kamala Harris's meme isn't the coconut, but the coconut tree. Just my $0.02.
posted by cendawanita at 6:27 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

just think we underestimate the safety that "both sides are awful" has given people who really don't want to think about politics but recognize that they're supposed to have an opinion.

But why does this even matter? The "both sides are awful" people don't vote. Spend energy on people that do vote.
posted by oneirodynia at 6:43 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

Google is useless for finding examples right now, but I feel sure that I have heard "just fell out of the coconut tree" as an idiom with the same meaning as "born yesterday" in old movies or books or TV shows. I have the impression that it's sort of mid-century slang, from the era of tiki bars, maybe?

I suspect Harris's mother used it because she was the right age to have heard it and used it before.
posted by OnceUponATime at 6:46 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Google Ngram doesn't show anything for, 'out of the coconut tree,' for 1500 to 2019.
posted by Ignorantsavage at 6:51 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

'out of a coconut tree,' does have some results, but not many, at least in print.
posted by Ignorantsavage at 6:55 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

A journalist on Bluesky posts: "It’s over: A majority of the pledged DNC delegates have now endorsed Kamala Harris, virtually ensuring she clinches the Democratic nomination on the first ballot. The endorsement of California’s delegation just now put her hundreds of delegates over the threshold needed."

Holy crap, we are moving at, like, warp factor 9.6 here.
posted by darkstar at 6:56 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

This is the release of the pressure of fear and anxiety pushing the ball further and faster than the observer expected. Hopefully the pressure won't peter out before November.
posted by Ignorantsavage at 6:58 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Google is useless for finding examples right now, but I feel safe that I have heard "just fell out of the coconut tree" as an idiom with the same meaning as "born yesterday" in old movies or books or TV shows. I have the impression that it's sort of mid-century slang, from the era of tiki bars, maybe?

Earliest example from Google Books is from 1946, "babbling and talking on like something that fell out of a coconut tree", in Wake of the Red Witch by Garland Roark.

Also appears in "Walk Good Guyana Boy", 1994, with the given meaning "to seemingly have no roots or origins".
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 6:58 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

It’s definitely in the ilk of “just fell off the turnip truck” and not difficult to parse.
posted by argybarg at 7:00 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

I wouldn't be surprised if it were a translation of an idiom in one of the other languages that Harris's mother spoke, but also, who cares? We're not going to vote for Harris because her mom used an idiosyncratic expression to express the sentiment that people are products of their contexts?
posted by ArbitraryAndCapricious at 7:05 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

No one seems to have any difficulty parsing it. Just taking a side trip to see if it is actually the kind of thing that we can document. A harmless discursive exchange in the longer discussion.
posted by Ignorantsavage at 7:06 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1quD5 shows gas prices are the same they were 10 years ago.

rents are up 25% and corporate profits are up 50% since 2020 . . . not sure why this is the Biden admin's fault but people under economic stress naturally vote for change, any change.

https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1quFc compares YOY wage rise vs the official CPI rate, showing how tough the 1970s really were, and that today's setup is similar to twenty years ago.

In other threads certain people were complaining about the administration's economic programs, apparently ignorant of the fact that Congress flipped in 2022 and that pretty much ended any positive programs. The 2023 GOP shutdown compaign eventually arrived at the compromise that locked government spending down until now (costing McCarthy his job since the radicals wanted to see actual cuts to more strongly kneecap the. "Biden economy").

is real (2017 dollars) per-capita (age 15-64) government spending (less interest payments).

https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WALCL is the truly 'interesting' FRED graph, showing the Fed's balance sheet has been rolled back to when Biden came into office.

$3T of truly 'emergency' printing to fund PPP and other programs in 2020 is still on their balance sheet, but the two years of the further $2T of stimulus -- much of it into mortgage bonds -- has been pulled back (via 'quantative tightening') the last 2 years.

https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1quHM shows we're well above the 1999 'peak employment' of 74% of age 15-64 having jobs. There's a lot more people age 65+ working now vs 1999 so this isn't entirely accurate, but it's pretty close.
posted by torokunai at 7:11 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

and that not having children means that she doesn’t have “a direct stake” in America

Okay so, children don't really have anything to do with this but if grant for a moment that it does. Let me say that, as a father, BUUUUULLLLSHIT! I simply cannot count how many childless people have helped, directly or indirectly, raise my child. People are awesome and I appreciate it (I really, really do). I mean, even just existing as a yourself helps. Children don't, in any way, matter to whether or not anyone has a direct stake in America but NOT having children does not at all preclude anyone from having a stake in children's futures.

Geez Vance, tell me you don't understand parenting without telling me you don't understand parenting.
posted by VTX at 7:15 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

Kamala Harris tells supporters 'I know Trump's type' - watch speech in full
(She starts at about 9:04)
As many of you know, before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as United States Senator, I was the elected Attorney General of California. Before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.
Hey...all those things apply to Trump!
posted by kirkaracha at 7:18 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

Shiv Ramdas reflecting upon all of this on BlueSky:

my big picture takeaway from today is that we have never seen a coordinated display like this from dems and we have never seen a seamless transition of support from voters like this and the real political reason is that every hates that fucking guy like they've never hated any fucking guy before

it is actually unreal how much how many people hate this fucking guy

he got literally shot on camera and ppl were like "don't care I hate this fucking guy"

posted by delfin at 7:19 PM on July 22 [30 favorites]

gas prices are the same they were 10 years ago

Right before they declined to something closer to the longterm average; 2011-2014 saw a spike in fuel prices due to supply constraints (in part related to the Syrian civil war) that eased as newer US production came online. That's something that's visible if you start that graph before that happened, with that period (2011-2014) representing the highest fuel prices to date apart from the spike before the 2008 financial crash.
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 7:21 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

LOL, I just got my first MAGA Inc. text trashing Harris. Evidently, she covered up for Biden’s inability to do his job, and did it all herself as the shadow President that gave us inflation, killed the American Dream, etc., etc.

It’s so excruciatingly ham-handed and juvenile it’s laughable. If flopsweat were a text, this would be it.
posted by darkstar at 7:21 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

If we were a more sane country, I'd lean in to climate change, not in a doomer way, but noting the rapid progress we're already making on making many sectors more carbon efficient and laying out a program of mitigation strategies that will allow us to avoid the worst impacts of the warming that is already baked in

Oh no you campaign HARD on climate. Heat waves are hitting far more frequently now, with more intense heat and they’re lasting longer. I’m in Arizona and everyone has noticed it’s getting worse. Look at the gulf coast and hurricanes. Look at the Midwest and tornadoes. Look at the west and wildfires. Even if you don’t get hit by one of these disasters, your homeowners insurance most certainly is. Rates are way up and many people have seen their policies dropped because of climate driven insurance losses that are only going to get worse. People are noticing this shit.
posted by azpenguin at 7:22 PM on July 22 [12 favorites]

in my above graph of per-capita gov't spending:


I see I missed an analytic teaching: the 2011-2013 period where the Tea Party took over control of the House and engaged in shutdowns and budget hostage taking, resulting in no more spending growth for the remainder of the Obama admin, and directly leading up to the 2016 election result.
posted by torokunai at 7:23 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

>People are noticing this shit.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, between 1980 and 2023 Texas experienced an average of four natural disasters per year with damages in excess of $1 billion—droughts, floods, storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and winter storms. In recent years, such disasters have become much more frequent. Between 2019 and 2023 Texas suffered an average of eleven billion-dollar events each year, with sixteen in 2023 alone.

Florida is similarly f---ed of course.
posted by torokunai at 7:26 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

People are noticing this shit.

Many days late and many dollars short but still.
posted by kirkaracha at 7:26 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

...he has a twin

Yes, and Scott Kelly is also an astronaut!

I'm surprised by anyone, on either side, wanting Biden to resign. Why? We don't ask presidents at the end of their second term to resign. What possible validity is there to such an argument?

Kamala has such an advantage: the preqs of a public office with very few onerous duties, giving her lots of time to campaign, while Joe stays in Washington and does what great presidents do, with fewer distractions. Win-win, I say.
posted by lhauser at 7:26 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

> ArbitraryAndCapricious: "I have no doubt that the Republicans will pull themselves together and figure out a way to smear Harris"

*me, nodding in agreement*

"that doesn't make them sound deeply weird."

*me, pausing mid-nod, raising an eyebrow*
posted by mhum at 7:28 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Netanyahu faces delicate balancing act in US after Biden exits race

With headlines like this, let's sincerely hope that worldwide world leaders will recognize and reflect the potential that KH has to bring some worldwide stability -- especially to this demographic transitional by-product of post-industrial old boys club bullsh*t. I'm sure she's going to inherit a certain amount of policy-level status quo, but geez... sure would be nice to see, hear and feel that change of tone come into effect.

As for the coconut thing...

Seriously, if you (like me) are a white person, it's important to be cautious and mindful around the whole "coconut" thing. [42 likes]

Coconuts, too, exist in the context of all in which we live and what came before us. [46 likes]

That these polar opposite views on the context of indians and Coconuts is reflected by a near-even split in Metafilter's form of popular opinion is no surprise -- it reflects the underlying schism that haunts our ability to unite, the divide between those willing to use their small parcel of inherited privilege as useful for opening up possibilities including the cultivation of empathy at a species-level, and those who enjoy the privilege not to.

Anyhow, what can I really say? Us coco-nuts from the South Pacific, that's just how we are. So funny that we ended up scattered in in places that higher-caste Homo sapiens use as vacation spots. If sugarcane were white inside, the xenophobic overseer-caste would've been calling us husks too.


Upon refreshing...

Also appears in "Walk Good Guyana Boy", 1994, with the given meaning "to seemingly have no roots or origins"

... yes, that was the point. Erasing and Invisibilizing Human Beings was the point of this subconscious attitude North Americans have towards ethnic anomalies that wash up throughout the former colonies -- like myself! That way, post-Holocaust and post-Gaza, we can all feel very comfortable in our White Earther approach to the future, telling ourselves that these people never really existed, and even when we meet them today, they still don't really exist because we know they're in the process of going extinct into order to support God's Plan for Our Rise to Racial Supremacy (or White Comity, as it's been aptly coined), nudge nudge, wink wink. Mass genocide and ongoing invisibilization of post-slavery and post-indenture rootless "nuts" was the f**king point of the Colonial Pacific, but hey... capitalism's high-caste North Americans will need to feel comfortable long after the Pacific's been cleansed, amiwite? Moving on...

Google is useless for finding examples right now, but I feel safe...

I wish "feeling safe" could become a benchmark reflection of my reality too, but that's not where this is going...

...that I have heard "just fell out of the coconut tree" as an idiom with the same meaning as "born yesterday" in old movies or books or TV shows. I have the impression that it's sort of mid-century slang, from the era of tiki bars, maybe?

See comments above. It does not mean something harmless like "born yesterday" as romantic and post-colonial as that may sound. If you really want to understand Kamala and support her in her potential strengths, try improving your awareness on race-sensitive blindspots such as these... exactly where it doesn't make sense but somehow magically-thru-capitalist-innovation for you it feels safe.

I suspect Harris's mother used it because she was the right age to have heard it and used it before.

Ok, well, with edits I will agree you're right on that point.
posted by human ecologist at 7:30 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

I'm surprised by anyone, on either side, wanting Biden to resign. Why?

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one and probably unfit to effectively execute the duties of his office (certainly if he has "good days and bad days" and isn't "at his best" after 4pm). This is the sort of situation we have a 25th Amendment for. The only reason there's no discussion of it now is because Republicans would never confirm a replacement VP and Mike Johnson a heartbeat away from the presidency is entirely too close for comfort.
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 7:30 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Trump campaign began preparing for Biden exit in May, confidential memo shows
The existence of the memo underscores how the Trump campaign has for months been eyeing the prospect of facing a non-Biden opponent. Those preparations accelerated after the June 27 debate, when Democrats mounted a pressure campaign to get Biden to remove himself from the ticket.
As my dad would have said, those preparations sound half-assed.
posted by kirkaracha at 7:30 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

rents are up 25% and corporate profits are up 50% since 2020 . . . not sure why this is the Biden admin's fault but people under economic stress naturally vote for change, any change.

Perhaps Harris will raise awareness that under the Biden-Harris administration, the Department of Justice is helping prosecute corporations that are illegally conspiring to price-fix rent increases, and also highlight all the things HUD has been doing in the past 3 1/2 years to help lower housing costs (HUD = the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development).
posted by kristi at 7:30 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I'm sure Biden had a playbook for facing someone other than Trump, too. These are both, frankly, very old men, and the idea that one or both could just not wake up one morning is hardly unlikely.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 7:33 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

>Right before they declined to something closer to the longterm average

OK, here's the graph of how many gallons of gas the hourly wage can buy back to 1990:


The point is the "Biden Did That" sticker on gas pumps doesn't really sting people all that much, or shouldn't.

Now rents going up $1000/mo, that's some f---ing pain, and I'm sure the party of landlords is going to get on that.


posted by torokunai at 7:34 PM on July 22

The "both sides are awful" people don't vote.

My anecdotal experience is that people who
say they believe both sides are awful use it as justification for voting for a factually awful person who is somewhat aligned with their interests or is a member of their in-group.
posted by zippy at 7:35 PM on July 22 [20 favorites]

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one

He's not leaving the race because he's unfit to serve a second term, he's leaving the race because he realized he can't win one. He has never acknowledged that he is unfit to serve, and quite the contrary.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 7:37 PM on July 22 [13 favorites]

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one and probably unfit to effectively execute the duties of his office

Or alternately not having to travel constantly, not deal with the constant stress of the impact of harmless but media attention grabbing flubs, etc allows him to conserve energy and attention to do the job of the president competently. It's also reasonable for an 80+ year old to decide (better late than never) that maybe he's not up for another 4 years (esp after yet another illness). Like campaigning is hard by itself. Any major leadership job is hard. Both at once is extra hard. I am completely fine with him asserting he can serve out his term -- especially as being the president is a team -- but not feeling he can campaign AND be president AND serve four more years.
posted by R343L at 7:39 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

(This is obviously leaving aside the "can he win" and "is it worth weeks/months of bad media" concerns risking the dems losing which are less in his control but present perfectly good reasons to withdraw.)
posted by R343L at 7:41 PM on July 22

That these polar opposite views on the context of indians and Coconuts is reflected by a near-even split in Metafilter's form of popular opinion is no surprise[...]

(Oh, for what it's worth, my read on the second comment was that it was meant to be an endorsement of the first, not a criticism of it (or a whitewashing attempt to deny its applicability), but maybe that's not how it was intended? I took it to be saying (deeply paraphrasing): open your eyes, white people, the significance of coconut language has reverberations/roots outside of your own little supermarket world.)

(And if you look at the two lists (1, 2) of people who favorited each, there's a bunch of overlap between them, so I'd guess at least some of those people intended to be endorsing that reading.)

(But I also did see how it could be read either way, and didn't favorite it myself, and, yeah, probably some of those people were endorsing the opposite.)
posted by nobody at 7:42 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

we've got the Heritage Foundation 6 months away from the start of their bloodless coup and people are talking about coconut trees. FFS.
posted by torokunai at 7:46 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Yeah, I also didn't mean to say that it's okay for white people to throw the word coconut around thoughtlessly. I just really do feel sure ("safe" was an autocomplete error, which I edited) that I've heard it before. And slang changes meanings. A phrase used by the mother of a 59 year old might be have meant something different to her than it does to people today.
posted by OnceUponATime at 7:49 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one and probably unfit to effectively execute the duties of his office

This is literally literally the same statement made by creepy Christian Nationalist and treasonous shitweasel House Speaker Mike Johnson.

So, no.
posted by soundguy99 at 7:50 PM on July 22 [20 favorites]

>I'm surprised by anyone, on either side, wanting Biden to resign. Why?

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one and probably unfit to effectively execute the duties of his office

I think it's a stretch to say he's unfit for either. The only we're pretty clear he can't do is win a second term. It's not the same thing.
posted by lhauser at 7:50 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

The coconut thing is a derail so let's move on. Now watch this drive...
posted by downtohisturtles at 7:50 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

omg can we stop with coconut navel gazing. It truly doesn’t matter and is spoiling the vibes.
posted by flamk at 7:51 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

I don't really get the coconut thing, but I'm here for the Charli XCX thing.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 8:03 PM on July 22

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one

I thought I was 30 years from retirement, but I guess I should just throw in the towel now, because apparently any acknowledgement of the possibility of performing somewhat less well in the future is exactly equivalent to an admission of current incapability.
posted by solotoro at 8:06 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Kamala is half-Desi.
'Coconut' is a term that is charged for those of Desi heritage.
Wild that so many of y'all just want to dismiss people who may be of Desi heritage trying to negotiate the sudden use of the term means.

Or are we just saying "fuck it" to the whole microaggression policy that finally was put into place after so much buttoning in the preceding years when it was clear Mefi had a race problem?
posted by i used to be someone else at 8:06 PM on July 22 [8 favorites]


^ I approve of this meme collection
posted by torokunai at 8:08 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

If he's unfit to serve a second term he's unfit to finish his first one

So why hasn't every Republican elected official who doesn't plan to run for re-election stepped down from their office immediately?
posted by lefty lucky cat at 8:10 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

Oh no you campaign HARD on climate.

You're missing the point, which is to project confidence and hope. The message on climate should be that we are already in the process of rapidly reducing our carbon intensity, that work continues apace, and we will invest in mitigation strategies to deal with the rest of it. There's enough doomerism that isn't avoidable thanks to Trump and the Christofascists. Talk of threats needs to be balanced out with a message of hope.

This is not to say that more doesn't need to be done on climate, it's just that the primary message needs to be about the fact that we have a foundation in place that we can build upon and Kamala intends to continue the work, so there's reason for hope on this and other issues. It's morning in America, with a Democratic twist.
posted by wierdo at 8:11 PM on July 22 [5 favorites]

I mean, I am comfortable not referring to myself as having been coconut-pilled, both because it feels like something that could be racist, and because it also feels like a weird stannish thing to say, and I feel like we need fewer cults of personality in both politics and general American life.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 8:13 PM on July 22 [6 favorites]

He's not leaving the race because he's unfit to serve a second term, he's leaving the race because he realized he can't win one. He has never acknowledged that he is unfit to serve, and quite the contrary.

On top of that, anybody facing retirement knows there's a big difference between, "Can I make it through six more months of this shit?" and. "Can I make it through four and a half more years of this shit?" It's reasonable for Biden to come to terms with not being able to handle the latter even if he's fairly confident he can slog his way through the former.

Another good thing about having Harris fighting for this is she is in a better position to be a standard bearer against the massive attack on women's rights that we've seen happen in the wake of the Dobbs decision. The difference between the two campaigns on this issue could not be more stark. Hopefully this will draw attention away from some of the more questionable "accomplishments" of the Biden administration and toward this vitally important issue. And provide a lift to down-ballot races nationwide.
posted by xigxag at 8:13 PM on July 22 [4 favorites]

METAFILTER: It truly doesn’t matter and is spoiling the vibes.
posted by philip-random at 8:29 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Harris was my first choice in the 2020 primaries. I am genuinely thrilled to see the excitement and positive energy that flipped like a switch with Biden's endorsement of her. I remain very worried that the Project 2025 ratfuckers are going to try to find a way to block her, or any Democratic, eligibility for the ballot on some bullshit procedural grounds about "invalidating the primary voters' will" (regardless of the transparent lack of merit in eich an argument). But the best defense against that is exactly what's happening now. At the end of the day, all politics, even the Federalist Society controlled courts, operates only within the bounds of what public sentiment will tolerate. A tepid response to Harris, and a disunified, disorganized Democratic base that can't settle on a single candidate would be a clear sign to the ratfuckers that they can throw this election in the courts and finish off democracy forever. When the calls for Biden to step down started, this is exactly what I was terrified of. But this: this level of unity and excitement is a clear message to any would-be-kingmaker judge that it would not be safe -- literally dangerous for them personally -- to use the courts to deny Democrats the franchise. I am still worried they may try, but I'm greatly encouraged that they will not dare to after the past 24 hours.

I think Harris is going to be a very good president.
posted by biogeo at 8:36 PM on July 22 [9 favorites]

Another positive sign: 60% of her record-breaking donations came from first-time donors!
posted by coffeecat

That is encouraging. :)
posted by Pouteria at 8:36 PM on July 22

We exist in the context that social media is 100% on board and united behind Kamala.

She is going to win.
posted by zymil at 8:37 PM on July 22 [7 favorites]

I thought I was 30 years from retirement

in other words, you're 40, and not 81 (and presumably haven't experienced a steep decline in the past year)? not remotely relevant, then, and I'm not really sure what the point of this absurd non-sequitur is.
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 8:54 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I'd like to think the way the entire media machine has already started treating her like the nominee is probably a good sign that the Democratic high ups won't screw it up by giving her the boot at the convention and pissing off every single Black woman in the Party. Other people too, but let's not forget that Black women are one of the, if not THE, strongest organizing forces in the Party at the local level.

Still though, she got the XKCD endorsement, she's been releasing utterly VICIOUS attack ads on Trump, I'm liking what I see so far and I think we might have a good chance at winning if this keeps going like it is.
posted by sotonohito at 8:55 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Pseudonymous Congomen, do you seriously propose trying to go through whatever procedural bullshit is necessary to enact the 25th Amendment in order to, what, humiliate Biden and shorten his term by, when all is said and done, probably a week or two, if the gambit is even successful? To what possible fucking end? The lulz?
posted by kittens for breakfast at 9:00 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

I posted this in the Joe Biden thread and am re-posting here since it feels more relevant. I have not read this thread and have no idea what people are saying, though I'd be shocked if there weren't misinformation being floated around. Regardless, here are several links refuting common misconceptions about her, with graphs and other citations to verify that the information is correct.

This idea that Kamala Harris was "tough on crime" is extremely misguided at best. It's simply untrue that she sent thousands of black men to jail over minor marijuana convictions. "Harris served as San Francisco D.A. from 2004-2011, over which time her office oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana-related convictions, though those convictions resulted in state prison incarcerations at a significantly lower rate than her predecessor. Harris’s district attorney successor, George Gascon, eventually expunged the records of all marijuana offenses dating back to 1975." I saw a video saying she sent just 45 people out of 1900 to jail over marijuana convictions, though I can't currently find a source to back that up. If anyone can confirm that that would be excellent.

She created a reentry program for low-level drug convictions, and it was so successful less than 10% of its inhabitants reoffended.

She supports criminal justice reform and has stated she would support creating a national standard for police use of force and a federal review board that can investigate officer-involved shootings.

She opposed the death penalty for a man convicted of killing a cop.

Rates of prison incarceration decreased between 2004-2010 when she was district attorney

Marijuana-related admissions dropped from 817 her first year as attorney general to 137 her last year. She was NOT directly involved in blocking evidence that would have freed a man on death row (oh, and he later failed the DNA testing). She introduced legislation to reform the cash bail system and prevent people in poverty from being held in jail.

Here is an excellent video on Tik Tok refuting many of the claims I mentioned and a bunch of others, with receipts to verify what he's saying.

I'm not saying we can't criticize her--we can and we should if we want a more fair, Democratic society. But I am saying that if we do criticize her we at least need to get our facts right.
posted by Amy93 at 9:01 PM on July 22 [19 favorites]

According to the ActBlue Ticker Tracker, July 22 just passed July 21 as their biggest day ever for donations (previous highest days were Sept 2020 after RBG's death).

As of midnight EST Monday, it is ActBlue's 7th highest week ever, and this week is only two days old.
posted by judgement day at 9:02 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

Holy crap, we are moving at, like, warp factor 9.6 here.

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct!
posted by greenland at 9:03 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

Pseudonymous Congomen, do you seriously propose trying to go through whatever procedural bullshit is necessary to enact the 25th Amendment in order to, what, humiliate Biden and shorten his term by, when all is said and done, probably a week or two, if the gambit is even successful? To what possible fucking end? The lulz?

No? If any of you people could read you'd see that I said that wasn't happening, and why?
posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 9:03 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Okey dokey. Well, you're a lot smarter than us, I guess. I hope you aren't too lonely looking down on the rest of us from your sad tower of incomprehensibility. With great resignation, I will wearily trudge onward.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 9:10 PM on July 22

I lived in Pennsylvania from 2011 through 2014. I have been a California resident since late 2014. I *still* get political spam from PA folks on the regular. I reply "STOP" every time, and I rarely get more than one from a particular political entity, but my name's still on rolls somewhere and new campaigns start up every cycle.

I got you beat - each election cycle for the past few years, I get a handful of texts asking me to respond to an opinion poll about election issues that would concern me most as a resident of Minnesota. ....I do not live in Minnesota, and I never HAVE lived in Minnesota. Texting "Stop" to them all doesn't stop my name from still being shared on the master list that these groups have all purchased. I do not know how I got onto this list by mistake, but there I am.

I was already seeing three other memes start circulating on FB last night - a couple that were shout-outs to Kamala being the heir to Ruby Bridges and to Rosie The Riveter, and then a shout-out to the "I am no man!" scene in LORD OF THE RINGS, with Trump as the Witch King and Kamala as Eowyn. It hasn't even been twelve hours since Biden stepped down when those memes started up.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:12 PM on July 22 [2 favorites]

tower of incomprehensibility

Sorry, but if this is incomprehensible, the only explanation is that you're either functionally illiterate, or a moron:

The only reason there's no discussion of it now is because Republicans would never confirm a replacement VP and Mike Johnson a heartbeat away from the presidency is entirely too close for comfort.

posted by Pseudonymous Cognomen at 9:14 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

Please stop personally insulting each other and start personally insulting Republicans instead.
posted by Faint of Butt at 9:17 PM on July 22 [11 favorites]

Look, I'm flagging your comment and I imagine it'll be deleted, but why the fuck would the democrats try to 25th Amendment Joe Biden even if the speaker of the house were FDR? The reason no one's following your logic is because whatever you're talking about is stupid. And irrelevant, because who even cares about Biden at this point? Like, whatever you're even on about has nothing to do with anything that's happening in real life.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 9:18 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

rents are up 25% and corporate profits are up 50% since 2020 . . . not sure why this is the Biden admin's fault but people under economic stress naturally vote for change, any change.

Corporate profits exploding while wages are barely keeping pace with increasing prices has been enabled by decades of approving mergers and acquisitions and failing to break up monopolies. These stats say there's too little genuine competition in America. The Biden admin has actually been the best on anti-trust in generations, so it's unreasonable to expect them to undo consolidation that began before Reagan (even Carter's anti-trust record isn't great). Still, even the more anti-trust the better.

With rents, Biden's mistake in keeping Powell as head of the Fed is a bigger deal. Trump broke norms and fired Yellen, Biden could've followed suit. Powell's stubbornly high interest rates are partially responsible for the rent hurt. I don't know about y'all, but my rent's grown substantially faster than my income under Biden.

More aggressive action from D admins, ensuring more widespread economic benefits, would help beat the right-wing racist authoritarians back into their holes. Go Harris!, and go big for ordinary Americans.
posted by airing nerdy laundry at 9:20 PM on July 22 [1 favorite]

I thought it would be cool if Biden resigned so Harris was already president during the campaign, but the way things are going now is better. It avoids succession issues and leaves Harris free to focus on campaigning. So glad that the party is lining up behind Harris without any other shenanigans necessary.
posted by snofoam at 9:26 PM on July 22 [3 favorites]

So I guess this is what it feels like to not be in a car that already went over the cliff five seconds ago. Under the circumstances I will happily take teetering precariously on the edge, please and thank you!
posted by Ryvar at 9:28 PM on July 22

Harris steps into the limelight. And the coconut trees and memes have followed [AP]: Here’s a meme primer for following Harris’ newly launched 2024 campaign
posted by mazola at 9:31 PM on July 22

And note Biden has not retired (although I agree with the Republican that he should step down now. He's given notice; why stick around? Let Kamala campaign as President Harris!)
Would that mean she could only serve one actual term as President? It seems like this is not the case, but who knows how the SCOTUS might come down if there was a challenge.

'Coconut' is a term that is charged for those of Desi heritage.
Perhaps not really relevant to the US, but it also used to be a derogatory term for people from the Pacific Islands.

I'm so glad this has turned out how I never expected it to. Not just for people in the US, but for everyone, because of the enormous influence US politics has on the whole world. Which is all kinds of stupid, but here we are.
posted by dg at 9:31 PM on July 22

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