September 6, 2024 11:53 AM   Subscribe

The latest album from Red Hot is TRA​И​Ƨ​A, in development since 2021, with the aim of celebrating and supporting trans and non-binary communities.

With more than 100 artists contributing, the album has 46 songs including claire rousay, Rachika Nayar, Laura Jane Grace, and the first new music from Sade in 14 years. The album releases on November 22, and the first single, Lauren Auder + Wendy & Lisa's 'I Would Die 4 U,' is out now.
posted by box (8 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Quick reminder that today is Bandcamp Friday, one of a few Fridays throughout the year when the website waives most of its fees so the artist or recording label receives more money.
posted by ElKevbo at 11:57 AM on September 6 [4 favorites]

Is this the sort of album that someone could download onto their own device?
posted by Halloween Jack at 12:07 PM on September 6

Ah, never mind, just got to the site (it's blocked at work, grr) and yes, it will be available in a variety of formats. And, wow, what a lineup!
posted by Halloween Jack at 12:10 PM on September 6

In case anyone was wondering, from the last link:
Anyone with a passing familiarity with Portuguese will know that transa is the Portuguese word for lovemaking, but this is an album not about sex but about "love with no limitations on gender expression."

I was wondering why they would name their album with a Spanish word for a scam or funny business, which seems pretty weird in the context.
posted by ssg at 12:17 PM on September 6 [1 favorite]

Portuguese will know that transa is the [Brazilian] Portuguese word for lovemaking [for fucking, really]

posted by chavenet at 12:20 PM on September 6 [1 favorite]

I knew this was coming but did not know it was ready for pre-order. Thanks for the link!
posted by gentlyepigrams at 2:10 PM on September 6 [1 favorite]

Just preordered! I love the teaser track and can't wait to hear the others.
posted by Pallas Athena at 2:39 PM on September 6

An incredible set of artists! Thank you for sharing this album, I can't wait to listen.
posted by criticalyeast at 5:49 PM on September 6

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