R1/B5, 5-7-5
September 15, 2024 5:44 PM   Subscribe

Over on Youtube
"Haiku Beta 5 is OUT!"
Action Retro shouts

Said right: "Be Oh Ess,"
Beta 5 brings huge upgrades
in stability

It's great advantage
Has long been responsiveness
Its UI runs well

A useful option
To make use of old hardware
Modestly it runs

If you want to try
I suggest VirtualBox
Or else KVM

If you try VB
To Other (64 bit)
You should set OS

And Pointing Device,
You should set to USB
Tablet, works the best

If you reply here
Please don't feel like you have to
Write them in haiku

I did this only
As a silly game, you don't
Have to do it too

But if you want to
Play along with this dumb post
Don't let me stop you!
posted by JHarris (5 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Ack! In all the editing for the post, I decided to move some of the stanzas beneath the fold, and so it looks like I'm renaming Haiku as BeOS, its predecessor, in the opening. Which kind of works if you account for poetic license, but mine was revoked!
posted by JHarris at 5:45 PM on September 15

haiku boots swiftly
yet the tears begin to flow
it lacks a geekport
posted by phooky at 6:17 PM on September 15 [3 favorites]

We used to get Byte mag at the office in the 1990s, and it was still pretty good.

I still remember the excitement of the BeBox issue, had a similar impact on me as the 1987 Mac II cover. It really looked like a better Amiga, but I guess NeXT had a 4 year head start and several hundred million dollars of R&D lead too I guess, so when Gil was looking for an OS in 1996, NexT was the only choice . . .

I guess Be just needed the www to mature underneath it, these days I do 99% of my stuff in the browser . . . which, ironically, NeXT had a hand in enabling TBL to get that ball rolling.
posted by torokunai at 6:33 PM on September 15 [1 favorite]

Why go halfway? Try NirvanaOS. It has no apps, no internet connectivity, and only one command line program: AUM, which has no man page. Oh, and it runs on everything.

Of course, after making this joke, I find there actually is a NirvanaOS. And it’s not even one of the 9 billion flavors of linux.
posted by jabah at 8:55 PM on September 15 [1 favorite]

I was looking for something light, so I tried it out on real metal with a middle aged thinkpad (X220). It is indeed quite snappy. Installation was a little weird about partitions, only mentioning doing it "properly" while also warning against the correct default.

The two browsers available just weren't up to snuff, though. They didn't work with all my self hosted sites' frontends (so maybe it's my fault on both ends). Falkon was the better of the two.

I, too, could get by with just web based tools, ssh with keys, and sshfs/nfs to a NAS. In a couple hours of testing across two days, I was only able to get the ssh keys working. But, hey, I read the manuals, so I learned something about something.
posted by Snijglau at 10:27 PM on September 15

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