No Dress Rehearsal..This is Our Life
September 22, 2024 7:16 AM   Subscribe

"It was a special thing for me to experience that outpouring of grief. It showed the true impact he had on people." With the new release of The Tragically Hip: No Dress Rehearsal documentary (directed by the late Gord Downie's brother, Mike Downie), a Toronto Life interview with the remaining members of the band on their musical legacy.

The documentary is currently available on Amazon Prime.

The Tragically Hip previously
posted by Kitteh (11 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
God bless the hip.
posted by whatevernot at 8:05 AM on September 22 [7 favorites]

posted by kbanas at 8:08 AM on September 22

Johnny Fay's mom mixing up the first names "Gord" and "Doug" is basically peak "Canada in the 1980s"
posted by Johnny Assay at 8:40 AM on September 22 [4 favorites]

This still really messes me up everytime I think about it. I wasn't even that huge of a fan of them back in their heyday. There were other bands I liked more but they came and went while The Hip were just ALWAYS THERE and now they are not. I'm not sure I can even watch the documentary. It's still feels so fucking raw.
posted by srboisvert at 9:40 AM on September 22 [5 favorites]

I maintain of the greatest moments of unity I've ever witnessed en masse was the night of the final show in Kingston (where I live). Vibe is really the only word I have for it, and it doesn't do it justice. I walked home from Stone City Ales (RIP) that night and passed so many people in the streets singing, walking through my neighbourhood and houses with their windows thrown open, either listening to the concert or watching the concert, all those voices singing songs that defined a few generations.

Honestly, THAT was magic. (I remain Hip agnostic but do appreciate the incredible impact they had on Canadian culture.)
posted by Kitteh at 10:41 AM on September 22 [11 favorites]

They took that magic cross-country, I saw the farewell tour at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, the only show I’ve ever seen where the crowd was simply grateful to attend and to have these moments.

I saw the Hip five times, twice in the United States. I think both audiences were almost 100% expats and Canadian tourists. Brings people together and reminds you of home.

One of the articles I read suggested that the surviving band mates were considering reconvening with a new singer. I hope they don’t do this. With the death of commercial radio they’ll never be able to recapture the lightning in a bottle. They’ve left behind so many live recordings, we can simply enjoy those. Gord’s rambles were the best part of the show, they’re not coming back.
posted by shock muppet at 1:43 PM on September 22 [4 favorites]

I finally got around to watching Gord’s the secret path which is a album - graphic novel about the sixities scoop and it was incredible. I miss him so much.
posted by St. Peepsburg at 1:58 PM on September 22 [2 favorites]

shock muppet, I got more of the impression that the Hip is dead and buried. I think even those guys know you leave the legacy as it's left.
posted by Kitteh at 2:53 PM on September 22 [1 favorite]

From this article:
"Gord tried to convince me about a year before he died that we should get another singer, but I said we weren’t going to be doing that," Langlois is quoted as saying.

“I would be actively opposed to the concept," adds Baker.

Even if they don't go the route of Queen or INXS, who replaced their late singers with new ones, the Hip musicians haven't written off some other version of themselves.

“We could make an instrumental record down the road. Who knows?” Langlois suggested in an interview.
posted by shock muppet at 4:37 PM on September 22

Instrumental record wouldn't be the same, imho. And anyway, until it happens or doesn't, it's all conjecture.
posted by Kitteh at 5:17 PM on September 22

I finally got around to watching Gord’s the secret path which is a album - graphic novel about the sixities scoop and it was incredible. I miss him so much.

I wholeheartedly second this recommendation.

Gord's greatest legacy is chronicling Canada's history while also bringing wider attention to Canada's atrocious treatment of indigenous peoples.
posted by thoughtful_jester at 1:09 PM on September 23 [2 favorites]

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