Dance, pumpkin, dance! it's your weekly free thread!
October 7, 2024 5:14 AM   Subscribe

What does one do with 22 minutes of dead air on Hallowe'en? If you're Matt Geller of KXVO, you put on a black unitard and a pumpkin mask and dance. How will you celebrate the spooky season? Or talk about anything you like!
posted by seanmpuckett (52 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
i also posted a free thread. i've asked the mods to remove it

i will celebrate by enjoying cool weather
posted by HearHere at 5:30 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

Thanks for the extra layer of provision HearHere

2 free threads are way better than none!
posted by dutchrick at 5:46 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Spooky season is great for stocking up on spooky clothes and decor for the rest of the year. Full-time goths need options!
posted by limeonaire at 5:48 AM on October 7 [8 favorites]

We're going on a trip and will probably be in the Balkans on October 31st. I hear they're big on Halloween. We'll see.
posted by signal at 6:09 AM on October 7

Not a fan. Too much shenanigans going on, and not the good kind.
posted by Czjewel at 6:12 AM on October 7

You know what I am gonna say: it's Jack Fear Halloween Mixtape Season! Here's this year's; here's the archive.

Jack is one of my oldest Internet friends (over 20 years!!) and one of the coolest people I know.

Other news: Was in Toronto this past weekend for Henderson Brewing's 2nd Annual PickleFest. Had a faboo time; my sister from SC and my bestie from DC came up for it again. We stayed over in the Bloor-Annex neighbourhood (last year we were in the Trinity-Bellwoods area). My sister has incredibly weird city "luck": last year she walked in on a blowjob at Sneaky Dee's mid-afternoon, this year she witnessed a medical emergency. Shepherd, former TO resident and monthly TO work trip visitor, said, "Your poor sister! She attracts weird happenings around here." Me: "Fair, but lbr, it's not like a blowie at Sneaky Dee's is a one-off occurrence."
posted by Kitteh at 6:19 AM on October 7 [3 favorites]

We live in Salem, MA. This year, Salem is expected to see 1.2 million visitors in the month of October. Our coping mechanism for the last three years has been to leave town for the last two weeks of the month. This year we are going to the UK.
posted by briank at 6:20 AM on October 7 [6 favorites]

briank, I feel for you guys, living in a place that gets way too many people for Spooky Season. I hope you find a place of temporary respite!
posted by Kitteh at 6:21 AM on October 7

The 1974 Christopher Lee Dracula was our weekend feature. It had Klaus Kinski being himself -- in a padded cell, throwing soup at the wall and eating bugs, just another day for him I'm sure. Christopher Lee in one of his seven theatrical Dracula performances (I think he holds the record; Lugosi's record is for the stage). Some extremely bad colour timing. The cinematographer showing off a brand new zoom lens way too much. Styrofoam rocks hurled at real horses. Honestly how do you make Dracula boring, but this movie pulled it off. And Lucy's post-vampirism outfit was like ... that's not scary, she's just going to the club.
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:37 AM on October 7 [4 favorites]

I will be putting up the decor.... sometime this week. We didn't get many trick or treaters last year but you never know.

Feels like I will be enjoying Halloween while also holding my breath to see if we get to have a country the next week. Found myself putting off some purchases and plans until I know because of that.
posted by emjaybee at 6:44 AM on October 7

Yesterday, we celebrated Comrade Doll's birthday (3rd or 4th time this week) by going to a breakfast place near here where you can order a croissant the size of a tire and a big giant pot of cappuccino. It was a good time.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 6:53 AM on October 7 [5 favorites]

I just finished Wednesday on Netflix last night, and I have to say that it was a fun watch. I was a bit skeptical that it'd be somewhat CWfied, but it was a good mystery that had a bunch of fun callouts to the OG Addams Family and other spookified shows, e.g., Scooby-Doo. The first thing I've seen in a longass time from Tim Burton that I've liked (since Big Fish? or Sleepy Hollow?). However, this does not reduce the animus I hold for his Alice movie. He continues to be dead to me in that regard for the foreseeable future.
posted by the sobsister at 6:57 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Spooky season is all year round for my wife; she makes art from bones and doll parts and broken antiques and all sorts of things.

She also likes taxidermy. Last week I was on the road for work and if I have a few minutes I'll stop into an antique shop to stretch my legs. This one was brand new but not opened yet when I was through there in September, and was open for my October trip, so I stopped in. One of the dealers -- which I found out was the husband of the owner of the shoppe -- had taxidermy for sale everywhere. like, every wall had some on it. The owner, his wife, was working at the counter and apparently hates taxidermy with a white-hot flame of anger. With mild disgust, she pointed out that the stuff hung high on the wall can't be sold because of the various arcane and esoteric laws about what animals can and can't be sold.

In one dark corner I found a crow. I know my wife has been looking for one; they are hard to come by because they generally fall on the 'illegal' side of the line, but I wasn't going to argue (crows were hunted as pests in the early 20th century, so there's rules which allow it). I texted my wife a photo; no answer. Gave her a few minutes, tried calling, no answer. A few minutes later she called back; I said "check your text", and after a pause her response was "hell yes!".

As I carried it through the store, a couple little old ladies who were still setting up their booth stopped to say how much they loved the crow and are sad to see it go.

The taxidermy-hating owner at the front counter made a comment along the lines of "are you SURE you want that?"

After I got it home, I noticed it had a funny little cowlick of feathers on its forehead. It's probably a juvenile, it's not as big as the crows we see around our neighborhood, but my wife thinks that crows have gotten bigger in recent years.

Bonus crow story: my wife was driving to work one day, and she could see a crow picking on a big gray squirrel, right next to the road. The squirrel was trying to make it to one of the nearby trees, but the crow was blocking its way whichever direction it tried to go, keeping it cornered on the curb.

She watched the scene as she got closer, because, weird, why is a crow picking on this squirrel?

As she got closer, the crow LUNGED at the squirrel, causing the squirrel to panic and run out into the street -- directly under my wife's tires. The crow waited until she had passed, and walking out into the street to inspect its work.

That fucking crow was HUNTING, planning its kill, and using tools (a car) to make itself a nice, warm, tasty, flat meal.

Don't mess with crows, man.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:09 AM on October 7 [20 favorites]

I have a favorite Halloween music video amongst many favorite Halloween music videos.
Geoff Castellucci covering Jack's Lament. On his channel, one also finds narrations of Edgar Allen Poe and they're a great spooky background listen.

He's an independent artist who does almost everything himself. He's also in the independent acapella group VoicePlay and they have manyn many glorious Halloween videos.

This stuff is my spooky season delight!
posted by mightshould at 7:17 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Oh, film student update: I'm looking forward to the 16mm film project -- I have offered my skills as a writer to help with the script; the show runner seems like she's panicking a bit, unsure how to make her idea into a 7-minute film; I'm gently trying to get her to tell me what she thinks is missing so I can fill it in, but it's a bit of a process, hopefully in class Tuesday I can dig a bit deeper or she can articulate it better.

A different project for another class contacted me -- as an actor, to play a banker. The only issue is they may be filming the same weekend that we're filming our project, and ours takes priority since I'm being graded on it, but hopefully it'll all come together.

This coming weekend: finishing filming on the independent film I'm cameraman for. I'm looking forward to it; learned from the last shoot how everyone works and have a better feel for how it's going to go.

Also finished cleanup on the last shoot. In one scene on a golf course green, the lead actress, a spy, is trying to get information from a villain, who has a group of three security guards milling about in the background. The scene ends with her putting a golf ball into the cup. The actress has never golfed before; the way we set up the scene is a wide shot of her starting the putt, and then a closeup of her hitting the ball into the cup, so she can do as many takes as she wants.

The security guards are still in the background of the putting shot. The first few tries she missed the putt, tried again, etc., we just kept rolling -- then she made the putt! And all the actors playing security guards cheered and clapped -- forgetting they were in frame, supposed to be in character! Oops, keep rolling and try again. However, the bad take where they cheered is so adorable, I hope they fit it in the credits somehow.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:24 AM on October 7 [4 favorites]

I will be attending a murder mystery dinner where I get to play a dumbass 1920s rich failson next to my partner, who plays the largely feral groundskeeper. It's going to be great!

We will definitely also be watching Over the Garden Wall, as is tradition. And probably also running around playing Niantic's Peridot now that it's cool enough to be out. Abandoned development be damned, these creatures are a hundred times cuter than Pokemon and they love me and want scritchies and treats and TO SEE A BODY OF WATER, STAT.
posted by brook horse at 7:35 AM on October 7 [4 favorites]

I'll be helping out with a big Halloween Party for kids, still lots to do in preparation and expecting at least 300 attendees

I've been enjoying the hell out of Jarrad Wright lately: Jarrad's Multiverse Part 1
posted by ginger.beef at 8:07 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

We have a big plaster cast of a stag head over the fireplace and a large resin painting of a stag in red acrylic resin.

About ten days ago, the large resin painting's hanging wire spontaneously snapped and the painting fell flat on its face on the wooden floor. I was minding my own business painting and it certainly got my attention. We have had a spate of earthquakes over the last few months, so maybe that was the cause?

Then, on Thursday at dusk, a twelve point buck stepped out from behind the garbage bins into the top of the driveway. It's such a tight space there, with a steep hillside next to it, I was shocked he managed to navigate the space with that candelabra atop his head. Crown of horns. He casually walked down the steep driveway, his lovely white ass shining all the way to the bottom of the road.

I can't decide if I'm living in Poltergeist, Inheritance, or the Shining.
posted by effluvia at 8:36 AM on October 7 [7 favorites]

Saw three shows over the weekend--a murder mystery, a cabaret revue and What The Constitution Means To Me, a show I've wanted to see for years (I'm aware it's on Amazon Prime, but I don't have or need Prime). Very cool. I also finished a shrug (kind of a halfassed sweater) that I've been working on for months. Huzzah.
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:37 AM on October 7 [3 favorites]

not to be a big whiny-mcwhiny-butt, BUT we are having an extended heat wave in the Bay Area, CA, which is a land of mostly very mild and idyllic weather. multiple days in the 90s are tough, we don't have ACs here, or swimming pools, because we mostly don't need them.

so it's a little hard to get into that Spooky Season groove when I am still wearing my lightest summer clothes and flip flops. poor me, I know...
posted by supermedusa at 8:43 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Most birds are adult size once they leave the nest, even if they have juvenile plumage. It's possible your crow is a fish crow rather than an American crow, AzraelBrown. They're a very similar species, just slightly smaller with a more nasal caw.

Apparently I'm joining my spouse to go see Duran Duran at Madison Square Garden on Halloween. She already had tickets with friends, and we bought mine later, so I'm in the same row but not really near them. That's fine with me, I don't mind zoning out to the spectacle by myself. The cost is partially offset by not having to buy enough candy for the ~400 trick-or-treaters we get each year.
posted by mollweide at 8:46 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Cranes have been flying around everywhere you look. That and the swarm of starlings make for very busy skies. The cranes are impressive though, their shape is so obviously purpose-built that you can almost believe you understand gliding flight just looking at them. And when one dips, swings under and then comes back up behind the one it was just alongside, you can imagine the way the wind has moved it around - and how it has moved around in the wind.
posted by From Bklyn at 8:54 AM on October 7 [3 favorites]

What supermedusa said. I did get some spoopy solar-powered lights for the front yard but only half of them are working, not sure if I flipped the wrong switch or if they're just cheap. Hopefully the upcoming 3-day weekend will be more tolerable.
posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 9:20 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

My friend in Tampa is currently freaking out about Milton's imminent landfall. :(
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:23 AM on October 7 [4 favorites]

I'll be playing a Halloween-themed D&D one shot and wondering if we will top our usual 1 to 2 trick or treaters this year. I miss our old house, where Halloween was practically Mardi Gras for the under 10 set. It was so much fun.

Greg_Ace, I hope your friend stays safe and any property damage/loss is as minimal as possible.
posted by BigHeartedGuy at 9:29 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Not really even thinking about Halloween -- we're soon going to take our first "real" vacation (not to visit family members) to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Getting back a couple days before Halloween.

The trip was originally going to include Asheville on our way through the Smoky Mountains. We'll take an alternate route, but which route will depend on some highway closures (there are several that Google Maps says are due to open in the next 3-4 days).
posted by Foosnark at 9:29 AM on October 7

I hear you, supermedusa. Outside Chicago we're still way too warm for this time of year. I could have sworn I heard a cicada in the trees yesterday afternoon. A late 2024 bug, an early 2025? Who knows. But it's early October and none of the leaves have even thought about turning yet. We're gonna have a snowstorm on Thanksgiving that will bring all the leaves down at once in a huge sloppy mess that will sit on the ground until March. Blerg.
posted by JoeZydeco at 9:30 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

I'm still making sandwiches.
posted by Stanczyk at 9:35 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

my brother in law lives about an hour north of Tampa and has managed to just dodge the last few threats but I think he is going to have to evac this time :(
posted by supermedusa at 9:39 AM on October 7 [3 favorites]

I've been sick over much of the past week, and that's given me plenty of time to spend with Ace Attorney Investigations 2. Prior to its recent international release, I remember reading folks who'd played it (either in Japanese or a fan translation) saying it was one of the best games in the Ace Attorney series, and I had taken that with a grain of salt. I'm most of the way through the game now, just starting on the final case, and I must say -- it really is one of the best games in the Ace Attorney series. If you're into the Ace Attorney series, I recommend picking up the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.

Also been playing through the Shattered Space DLC for Starfield. It's pretty good. The big, curated map with a bunch of unique locations is a very welcome contrast to the bland procedural generation coating most of the game. No repeated spelunking into that one abandoned cryo lab that's everywhere (that one is my least favorite -- the environmental storytelling just draws more attention to the absurdity of it not being a unique location).
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 9:40 AM on October 7

a cat 5 storm with the whole gulf yet to cross? jesus fuck get the hell out
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:40 AM on October 7 [6 favorites]

My sister and I--both familiar with hurricanes due to our dad's residence in FL--are like, 'Y'all, listen, we get it, it's your home, but at this point, the clock has already started ticking. You need to move."
posted by Kitteh at 9:58 AM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Got the house mostly decorated for Halloween thanks to the enthusiastic help of Three, aka tinylaundry, my granddaughter. She is a spooky little witchy thing who loves all of halloween so she has been having a great time. We tried making the viral air dry clay floral ghosts and discovered that, surprise surprise, air dry clay is way way too fragile for most crafting with kids. But they still look pretty good! As long as you keep the backs to the wall! We used Halloween napkins btw, not floral ones because please, seriously?

We got the big Halloween box out of storage. She dug into it with gusto and pulled out the creepiest thing ever, which I do not even know why I own because it is legit scary and too creepy even for me, a sort of hanging plastic spider made of human bones. Think human centipede, but arachnid. "Oh no!" I said, lunging for it, "That is too scary!"

She loves it. She hung it up outside and has explained in great detail how scared everyone who walks by will be while SHE is not scared at all.

In other news two of my closest friends, who I met through Metachat going on 20 years ago, came to visit last week! And after a few beautiful days on the coast we all trooped down to Portland to see another dear Metachat friend and had a totally amazing, much needed, visit including Powells and Moroccan food and head shops and vintage on Hawthorne and way too much vodka. It was fantastic and I feel renewed.
posted by mygothlaundry at 9:59 AM on October 7 [11 favorites]

seanmpuckett my thoughts exactly but apparently its supposed to weaken before hitting land, which I was surprised to hear.
posted by supermedusa at 10:06 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

Think human centipede, but arachnid

no, thank you. I think I won't.
posted by supermedusa at 10:07 AM on October 7 [6 favorites]

I lived in Florida for David and Andrew and buuuuddy you couldn't pay me to go back there even if it wasn't a Maga World theme park.
posted by seanmpuckett at 10:17 AM on October 7 [4 favorites]

The desert southwest is dealing with a a heatwave right now and it's kind of broken everyone. We got through the long summer, and a couple of weekends ago it was really nice out. You could actually go hike or bike or go to whatever events that were going on in the middle of the day. It felt like we had finally made it. And then *bam* it's June again. There was a lot of stuff going on this weekend, but it was 105 and it was way too hot for people (or critters, one of the events was a big yearly dog festival with lots of rescues) to be outside. Depending on how this week goes, we may break the all time record for number of 100 degree days in a year. It's far worse up the interstate in Phoenix. I'm an outdoors person and I feel like I've wasted the last couple of weeks because of the heat.

Just finished week 3 with the CPAP. No real trouble sleeping with it. But this week my old "can't fall asleep habits" seem to be making an encore. Gah.
posted by azpenguin at 10:40 AM on October 7 [1 favorite]

Weirdly there is a town in Florida named Milton but it's not in the path of the hurricane so far. I'm sure that sort of thing has happened before, a town getting hit by a hurricane with the same name of the town, but I'm not sure how to search it.
posted by JanetLand at 11:11 AM on October 7

I'm still hurt and angry that I got fired last Tuesday for no discernible reason except for the company owner's mood that day. The reason given in the letter was "rearranging departments" but it's at most a 2½ person company with no departments. The reason given on the government ROE was similar bullshit: the company's as busy as ever, but no: "shortage of work".

The really annoying this is that legal errors were made by him in my paystubs, which I only got once I was let go. So I'll need to get an Ontario employment lawyer. All the ones I've approached for a free consultation have a gatekeeping questionnaire that basically means they won't call you back unless they think it's worth the $$$ for them. I'm at my wit's (the last one left) end here.

I counted this guy as a friend. I even bought him ice cream when we went out for lunch. And he does this to me?
posted by scruss at 11:56 AM on October 7 [10 favorites]

October Theory: A second chance to neglect the resolutions you made last January 1st.
posted by Greg_Ace at 12:05 PM on October 7

some interesting analysis re Milton losing steam before landfall:

many recent runs of these models have predicted that high wind shear and dry air would combine to disrupt Milton’s core before landfall, causing rapid weakening, with a potential Cat 1 or Cat 2 landfall resulting.
posted by supermedusa at 12:10 PM on October 7

maybe he found his stapler after all?
posted by scruss at 12:47 PM on October 7 [3 favorites]

Sorry you got jerked around like that, scruss. The guy was probably a time-bomb anyway, he just went off on that particular day. Hoping you find something comfortable and stable soon!
posted by seanmpuckett at 1:14 PM on October 7 [7 favorites]

I've been trying to get a deal done selling something I hadn't thought of selling. Just coming up with a price was hard. And it turns out the people who want it don't have (or aren't willing to spend) my asking price. I'm pretty flexible on it, though, so asked them to make an offer of some sort, and now they're taking a couple days to put together a deal which will be "great" (you bet) "for both of us". Which, being cynical, I doubt. But we'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I'm literally broke. I'd borrow some (more) money from my brother if I knew a deal was imminent and he was willing, but blergh.

Worst thing is they're in the SE and were in the washout zone from Helene and I told them I hoped Milton would spare them, seeing as they just had a bad time. Dude proceeded to tell me the hurricane probably wouldn't be too bad for the folks in FL because "Florida has a great governor" and I threw up in my mouth a little--realizing I'm dealing with a MAGA true-believer has made me less excited about this whole thing.

On the other hand, it would be nice to not be dead-ass-broke after many years of being just that...
posted by maxwelton at 11:37 PM on October 7 [2 favorites]

Welp, supposedly my fridge was getting fixed yesterday. I found out on Friday that the issue was that the condensation line is clogged (sounds about right), and if I emptied the freezer and let it defrost over the weekend, they could pour hot water in there and de-clog it on Monday. They sent me a notice saying they'd be in in the afternoon to "check for hot water leaks," whatever that means.

When I got home, I saw that they turned on the kitchen light to indicate they'd been inside, and then nothing has changed at all on the temperature of the fridge. I am 0% surprised at this, and they didn't call/contact me either about it. I emailed this morning, but I have pretty much no expectations that they will do anything. My guess is that the guy refused to work on it again like they did last week, for whatever reason, or flaked out on coming entirely because I saw the managers waiting around outside. I didn't approach them, which I probably should have, but at the time I was just rolling my eyes and going, "welp, nothing happened again." and also I wasn't home very long before leaving again.
posted by jenfullmoon at 10:18 AM on October 8 [1 favorite]

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who own bathrobes/dressing gowns, and those who don't.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:45 AM on October 8 [2 favorites]

Greg_Ace I sense a story there.

Spouse is doing OK. More blood tests. Waiting on a hematology consult, which could take months. He is already feeling better. We are now in the “don’t push yourself stage” of recovery.

Cleveland plans are semi-fixed. We have a hotel. Plans to stop at big a flea market that only runs on Friday, Micro Center, a Saturday trip to the West Side Market. I have a couple of other ideas that are not the Rock and Roll HOF.

I had my breakdown about this scary thing over the weekend. I’m almost OK.

Florida people, stay safe.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 4:03 PM on October 8 [2 favorites]

Greg_Ace I sense a story there.

Sorry to disappoint you, but the only story is "totally random restless-sleep wandering notions", and when I remembered it the next morning I thought it was funny. Greg's Night Brain is often a very weird creature.
posted by Greg_Ace at 5:55 PM on October 8

Anyone else regularly get hit with those Dude Wipes (toilet wipes for men) ads on social media and find yourself yelling "Washlet!"?

No? Just me. (Sigh)
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:07 AM on October 9

I was supposed to get the fridge fixed Monday. I had zero confidence that this was going to occur and indeed, I was correct. I told my therapist nothing would happen all week and YUP!
(a) The maintenance guy "has a major infection" and won't be up to anything for at least a week. (Or presumably worse.)
(b) The fridge didn't defrost and the ice didn't melt all weekend with an empty freezer (she sent photos to maintenance guy) and he said the fridge needs to be totally off and sit there until it all melts away because it's all covered in ice. Probably guessed it, at least a week.

I'd say this is ridiculous, but it's really par for the course here. Management here is not great, but that applies to the entire town. I'm not sure if there's any point in complaining about the lack of maintenance guy if the fridge is indeed covered in ice (which even I know it is because it has been overfrozen for maybe a year or more, I've lost track). I'm unthrilled at having no refrigeration for at least over a week, but I don't know what else to do and I don't have any leverage in the situation.

I got the call about this during a work meeting and when I came back and reported it to the team, my coworker suggested playing "Disappointment Bingo" in situations where you know shit is going to continue to go wrong and in what ways it will. So I set myself up a bingo card and I'm already almost at bingo. I'll hit bingo once this goes over 2 weeks by the weekend :P
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:17 AM on October 9 [1 favorite]

Anyone else regularly get hit with those Dude Wipes

Sounds unpleasant.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:19 AM on October 9

Daughter just called me with her Halloween costume information:
Cowboy boots and hat with alien antenna bobbles--check
Black shirt, white tie, grey vest, cigarette package tucked in pocket, large heart shaped rhinestone pin--check
Yellow and red diamond patterned tights--check
court jester makeup: diamonds over eyes, large painted smile--check
purple child's ukulele as prop--check

So perfect.

The question now is what to do for the clueless and those who have over-imbibed. Should she wear a stick-on name tag* or just hand out small cards**?

*Hello, my name is Maurice
**Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, the Pompatus of Love?
posted by BlueHorse at 9:34 AM on October 9

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