Beats that nightmare about the test I never studied for
October 31, 2024 3:29 PM   Subscribe

The Canadian Journal of Zombie Science is here to make your academic nightmares a little more entertaining.
posted by EvaDestruction (1 comment total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
according to Evenki epistemology, wildfires are provoked by the forest itself addressing the need of the main spirit of natural environment Buya regeneration. Moreover, each fire, even the one in the stove, has their own spirits, whom Evenki feed by offering food before meals

no discussion of zombie economics [g] *shivers*

seriously, i appreciated that these were actual papers gathered together for fun. also, inspired learning about Evenki ecological thinking:
You are not allowed to leave pieces of firewood lying around. It is not allowed to cut more wood than what is needed.
If no one would buy the sable skins, it would not be hunted as much. If you need a hat, it is only then you’re allowed to hunt. If there was no need, it would not be killed. This goes for all of the animals I think.

And trees too. If you need wood for sleds, then you take but otherwise no. If there is no need, nothing will be cut. [International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies (pdf)]
posted by HearHere at 12:29 AM on November 8, 2024

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