November 27, 2000

And now for something completely pointless...

And now for something completely pointless... Why on earth would anyone care enough about something this to invest all the time it took to pull this off? Just to break the record high score on a video game which only appears in museums now?
posted by Steven Den Beste at 7:01 PM PST - 27 comments

Doesn't this site violate Canada election laws?

Doesn't this site violate Canada election laws? They claim they will be posting election results as the polls close. Under Canadian law, time zones that are still voting aren't allowed to know who is winning further east. First up: Newfoundland.
posted by tranquileye at 4:43 PM PST - 7 comments

David Blaine

David Blaine is at it again (requires flash). If you are in New York, you can also see him frozen live at Times Square from now through the 29th.
posted by tamim at 2:44 PM PST - 33 comments

Phish Fan Resumé

Phish Fan Resumé Check out that skill set!
posted by chartres at 2:22 PM PST - 14 comments goo. goo. [via /usr/bin/girl]
posted by plinth at 2:16 PM PST - 5 comments

The first step in setting up a parallel government?

The first step in setting up a parallel government? "Republican vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney said if the General Services Administration will not assist George W. Bush's transition to the White House, the campaign is prepared to go ahead on its own. 'We will proceed drawing on other sources,' Cheney told reporters in Washington on Monday." Yeah, I just bet they will.
posted by tranquileye at 2:04 PM PST - 18 comments

Everquest guide suicides. Or maybe not.

Everquest guide suicides. Or maybe not. No one's really sure. Is this why they call it "Ever-Crack"? [ From Salon via Flutterby. ]
posted by baylink at 12:14 PM PST - 16 comments

Is this what's often reffered to as shit hitting the fan?
posted by tiaka at 11:37 AM PST - 11 comments

Did you get enough to eat this Thanksgiving? If not maybe next year you should try a Turducken! Its a dinner inside a dinner. A chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey! This guy loved his. Scarey yet strangely appealing.
posted by ljc at 11:06 AM PST - 23 comments

With all the recent MeFi Flash-trashing and usability-ranting in mind, I am just now getting around to the viewing the website for Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream (Flash required). Aronofsky defends the site in a brief interview with the online version of print mag Entertainment Weekly. It certainly could be classified as annoying, but then, that appears to be Aronofsky's point. Coming from anyone less talented than he, I'd say it was just posturing; here, I'm not sure...
posted by m.polo at 10:43 AM PST - 5 comments

When headlines ... get academic? The Boston Globe chooses a novel way to report Sunday night's news. Even the URL reflects it.
posted by dhartung at 10:19 AM PST - 7 comments

The Coalition for Jubilee Clemency

The Coalition for Jubilee Clemency A national coalition of faith leaders is petitioning President Clinton to release on supervised parole those Federal prisoners serving unconscionably long sentences for low-level, nonviolent drug offenses.
posted by snakey at 10:16 AM PST - 5 comments

Trial By Combat

Trial By Combat - Since it seems that neither counting the votes nor suing in court is going settle this election. I suggest taking a more direct and final approach. A fight to the death with broadswords.
posted by y6y6y6 at 10:11 AM PST - 3 comments

I wonder how many people went hungry so this monstrosity could be built? And mom always said to not play with your food....
posted by Arvid at 9:22 AM PST - 11 comments

Now this is a fire engine!

Now this is a fire engine! I'm drooling!
posted by @homer at 7:51 AM PST - 2 comments

The _real_ next President is chosen

The _real_ next President is chosen... well, of the Fortune 500, anyway. Today, Jack Welch tapped his successor as CEO of the worldest largest and most profitable public corporation, General Electric. As expected, he chose an executive in his early 40's which (with luck) will give GE another king with a 20+ year reign.
posted by MattD at 7:33 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

I win my office pool. Robert Downey Jr. fell off the wagon right after November sweeps. I still have dibs on him for the dead pool.
posted by thc at 6:13 AM PST - 8 comments

The almost most rediculous item of the day.
Because, we will have a civil war over some 2 idiots that can't even lie to us right.
posted by tiaka at 5:18 AM PST - 5 comments

Smart Dust

Smart Dust Attacks Germ Powered Micro Sub. Details at 11.
posted by grumblebee at 5:02 AM PST - 3 comments

The World at Night. This amazing image (warning 500K) is actually a composite of hundreds of pictures made by the orbiting DMSP satellites over regions of the world at night. You can clearly see the Nile river, Hong Kong, Hawaii and probably, if you look close enough, the town you are in right now. From Astronomy Picture of the Day
posted by lagado at 4:43 AM PST - 18 comments

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