June 10, 2002

I dig hotdogboy. He likes to amuse people.
posted by the biscuit man at 11:44 PM PST - 10 comments

I'm curious whether other mefi bloggers have the same luck with the opposite sex (or same sex, if that's your thing) as this man. Is it just me, or is Dobbs the luckiest blogger on the block?
posted by Badmichelle at 11:38 PM PST - 16 comments

What would SpongeBob do?

What would SpongeBob do?
posted by SuzySmith at 11:13 PM PST - 10 comments

Firearms exempted from Consumer Product Safety Commission. Why?

Firearms exempted from Consumer Product Safety Commission. Why? Erik Zenger lost consciousness for only a few minutes when his black powder gun misfired on a Utah County shooting range, burying a 3-inch steel spring bolt in his cheekbone. . . There is no national agency or organization either man could have consulted to find out if a rifle or handgun had been recalled. Firearms are specifically exempted from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, said agency spokesman Ken Jiles, and no other federal agency is empowered to gather information on safety hazards of weapons. Neither the National Rifle Association nor the National Sports Shooting Foundation tracks such information or has lists of gun recalls. Consumers must rely on retail stores and manufacturers to determine if weapons have malfunctioned or injured anyone.
posted by onegoodmove at 10:31 PM PST - 43 comments

Brother Can You Spare a Prewar 7-Room Apt?

Brother Can You Spare a Prewar 7-Room Apt?
Will NYC ever be rid of a system that favors a select few, drives up housing costs for all, unfairly subsidizes vacation homes for the middle class and in general just doesn't work?
posted by nobody_knose at 9:47 PM PST - 31 comments

posted by BentPenguin at 8:31 PM PST - 42 comments

A handheld device that translates simple spoken phrases.

A handheld device that translates simple spoken phrases. "American troops in Afghanistan are using a revolutionary device that instantly translates soldiers' voices into native languages. . . . The soldier speaks into the machine, which recognizes the words and translates them into another language." Simple phrases only — and a long way from a Star Trek universal translator — but kindling for the science-fiction-addled imagination nonetheless.
posted by mcwetboy at 7:30 PM PST - 11 comments

More pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the US in the year 2000 than all of the people who died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

More pedestrians died in traffic accidents in the US in the year 2000 than all of the people who died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. 10 times the number of people killed in 9/11 attacks died due to motor vehicle attacks that same year. And yet some say the US government is on a course that will take away many of our civil rights in order to protect us from the boogie-monster terrorists. OF COURSE, the terrorist attacks were a horrible nightmare, and of course we want our police forces to prevent even worse attacks in the future, but before we start thinking about creating a Brave New Police State, maybe now is a good time to have a little perspective.
posted by crunchland at 5:54 PM PST - 66 comments

2002 British Design and Art Direction Awards

2002 British Design and Art Direction Awards dunno when they came out, but there's some pretty cool stuff on there! definately check out the music videos :)
posted by kliuless at 5:49 PM PST - 4 comments

Are heart disease, cancer and schizophrenia caused by pathogens?

Are heart disease, cancer and schizophrenia caused by pathogens? The logic basically goes that a genetic disease cannot have a very high rate of occurrence as natural selection would prevent that gene from surviving (leaving the few occurrences of the disease that are caused by random mutation). Also: how to make diseases more benign by altering the parameters to their natural selection.
posted by fvw at 5:45 PM PST - 19 comments

After the 9-11 massacre, most of us, eager to hear someone in a position of authority make reassuring noises, gave George B. Jr. some props. Even those of us who had our doubts before were, in that state of anxiety and fear, ready to applaud his actually quite banal statements. Then came the "axis of evil" speech. Die hard conservatives and Bush-lovers said "that's okay, he's just using colorful language - and, after all, those folks are evil." The rest of us groaned a bit. And now, his trip to Europe during which something very funny happened that reaffirms his 'through the looking glass', profoundly deep ignorance of the world.
posted by Modem Ovary at 4:34 PM PST - 62 comments

They Have Ways of Making Al-Qaida Talk

They Have Ways of Making Al-Qaida Talk Interrogations must be pretty damn crucial these days. Given advances in science during the past twenty years, how much more sophisticated can CIA methods have become since the 80's?
posted by Voyageman at 3:54 PM PST - 3 comments

The Stanley Cup finals -- a perfect time to reflect on what we know about the extortion of former Eastern bloc players in the NHL by Russian organized crime groups. A 1999 Frontline/Fifth Estate joint investigation lays it out nicely, including an eye-opening interview with a U.S. sports marketer who was run out of the Russian hockey world by mob greed. Also check the story of investigative reporter Robert I. Friedman, author of the alarming (some say alarmist) book Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America, the subject of a detailed eXile review here.
posted by mediareport at 2:21 PM PST - 3 comments

Animal burglary

Animal burglary a new form of crime? Imagine waking up to see a chimpanzee nicking your cellphone...
posted by zia at 1:46 PM PST - 12 comments

"... as cheap as throwing a dinner party and only serving things that are covered in melted cheese".

"... as cheap as throwing a dinner party and only serving things that are covered in melted cheese". What's sexy? If you scroll down to "A boob-flash in the pan is worth two in the bush", Heather Havrilesky (queen of the casually tossed off Pixies quote) explains just what it would take to make Ari Fleischer look sexy. Safe for work, but you may have Britney/Ari flashbacks that last all day. (Bonus link, text safe for work, but linked images aren't: Eric S. Raymond on bad porn. "Like any good scientist, I proceeded to do some research ...")
posted by maudlin at 12:17 PM PST - 13 comments

John Gotti, the former head of New York's Gambino crime family, died in a prison hospital today at age 61.

John Gotti, the former head of New York's Gambino crime family, died in a prison hospital today at age 61. He was serving a life sentence after 1992 convictions for racketeering and six killings. "Sammy Bull" Gravano must be breathing easier today.
posted by tranquileye at 12:11 PM PST - 13 comments

Yahoo!'s new front page

Yahoo!'s new front page went into beta today.
I know the story was posted, but I thought the actual page deserved a link that wasn't buried in day-old comments...
posted by kfury at 11:35 AM PST - 32 comments

What's not on the net? Here's an example. On Saturday night the town center of Capitola was shut down because of the discovery of a number of devices believed to be pipe bombs. Locally, this was a huge story but it didn't get much play in our local paper even though Capitola is only six miles south of Santa Cruz. On Sunday, police figured out the the devices were not bombs. The San Jose Mercury (35 miles and a mountain range away from Capitola) published a story but so far nothing from our local newspaper. The story was never big enough for national new sources like cnn, moreover and local usenet groups are flooded with offensive drivel. Where do you go on the web for reliable, timely local news?
posted by rdr at 8:34 AM PST - 6 comments

Jaw-drop-inducing link of the day

Jaw-drop-inducing link of the day The federal government spent $62 million on a building to store and treat low-level radioactive waste at a California nuclear weapons laboratory, then decided the structure wasn't secure enough. So where is the waste kept now?
... Right outside the new building, under tents.

posted by magullo at 8:30 AM PST - 11 comments


Switch. Apple launches its first major ad campaign since "Think Different". Rather than preaching to the converted, it's gunning for the other 90% -- the unhappy Windows users. Can Apple double its marketshare to 10% as Steve Jobs is hoping? Does this represent a less smug, more aggressive Apple? Are you considering switching, or have you switched already?
posted by jragon at 8:15 AM PST - 132 comments

A look into the new "creative class".

A look into the new "creative class". A new study says cities must attract the new "creative class" with hip neighborhoods, an arts scene and a gay-friendly atmosphere -- or they'll go the way of Detroit.
posted by BlueTrain at 8:13 AM PST - 14 comments

Yet another company name change.

Yet another company name change. This one's a snip at £73.5 million. I have a loathing for Mondays myself..
posted by Mossy at 8:12 AM PST - 26 comments

The Peculiar Duplicity of Ari Fleischer

The Peculiar Duplicity of Ari Fleischer "But what Fleischer does, for the most part, is not really spin. It's a system of disinformation--blunter, more aggressive, and, in its own way, more impressive than spin. Much of the time Fleischer does not engage with the logic of a question at all. He simply denies its premises--or refuses to answer it on the grounds that it conflicts with a Byzantine set of rules governing what questions he deems appropriate. Fleischer has broken new ground in the dark art of flackdom: Rather than respond tendentiously to questions, he negates them altogether."
posted by owillis at 8:04 AM PST - 6 comments

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft announced Monday the capture of a "known terrorist" with connections to al Qaeda who allegedly planned to build and explode a radioactive "dirty bomb" in the United States.
posted by LinusMines at 8:00 AM PST - 84 comments

Etherlinx, plans to offer high-speed wireless access to the Internet at inexpensive prices. (NYT)

Etherlinx, plans to offer high-speed wireless access to the Internet at inexpensive prices. (NYT) Without venture capital backing, in a garage just six blocks from the garage where Steven P. Jobs and Stephen Wozniak launched Apple Computer 26 years ago, Mr. Holt is making his clever and inexpensive radio repeater by modifying inexpensive Wi-Fi cards, the circuitry that sends and receives the signals. Their ambitious target: the cable and phone companies that currently hold a near-monopoly on high-speed access for the "last mile" between the Internet and the home.
posted by semmi at 7:52 AM PST - 2 comments

Revamping Yahoo's Homepage

Revamping Yahoo's Homepage "The redesign is being fueled partly by advertisers, which are increasingly demanding more real estate on highly visible spots such as Yahoo's home page. Advertisers are irked that they can only buy minimal exposure on the main page of a site that draws a massive audience."
posted by Irontom at 7:42 AM PST - 20 comments

Essays added to SATs?

Essays added to SATs? I'm glad I don't have to take any more SATs! Among other proposed changes (such as a gradual inclusion of more advanced algebra & trig), the College Board hopes that including an essay portion will force students to spend more time writing. Thoughts?
posted by LuxFX at 6:46 AM PST - 22 comments

Nuclear War, India and Pakistan - a Tutorial.

Nuclear War, India and Pakistan - a Tutorial. Blogging at its best! Fallout patterns, strategy, and more. Additional bonus: 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare).
posted by sheauga at 6:32 AM PST - 4 comments

Nineteen die after drinking cologne in Saudi Arabia.

Nineteen die after drinking cologne in Saudi Arabia. Apparently this is seen as a alcohol substitute. Geez, if you want it that bad, there's plenty of booze in Bahrain, just next door...
posted by laz-e-boy at 12:17 AM PST - 23 comments

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