9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 5051 through 5100)

WinMX is back (kind of). It was such an unbelievably awesome file sharing program that its makers had to pull their peer caches after being served a cease and desist order in September 2005. Now it has been reincarnated as MXpie. Even better . . . it's not spyware or adware.
comment posted at 1:24 AM on Jul-25-06
comment posted at 1:31 AM on Jul-25-06

The World: processed, metered, distorted, littered with icons, or just floating there in front of you. [java, flash, all that jazz]
comment posted at 4:06 PM on Jul-17-06

French photographer Cedric Delsaux takes pictures of Star Wars characters (in figurine) and superimposes them onto French architecture, with interesting results.
comment posted at 8:20 PM on Jul-16-06

From Democracy Now!, Noam Chomsky offers an interesting look at the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. There's really no good that can come from the current escalation of conflict. Although the Bush Administration has remained complacent in the situation, the conflict will have direct repercussions toward the United States. There's also the argument posed by the EU that the attacks are "disproportionate." Inevitably this could be caused by the growing "Shiite Revolution."
comment posted at 7:11 PM on Jul-15-06
comment posted at 7:18 PM on Jul-15-06
comment posted at 3:53 AM on Jul-16-06

Vader Sessions Don't be a hater. Heeere's Vader (YouTube)
comment posted at 7:39 AM on Jul-16-06

An end to mondegreens? It looks like Gracenote, the company behind the CDDB (CD database), is looking to enhance your music-listening experience by providing an expansive and "legitimate" lyrics database in association with major on-line digital music providers. Will this be the end of the road for existing lyrics sites? [more inside]
comment posted at 2:15 AM on Jul-15-06

Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
comment posted at 2:18 AM on Jul-14-06
comment posted at 2:28 AM on Jul-14-06
comment posted at 6:28 AM on Jul-14-06
comment posted at 8:29 AM on Jul-14-06

Sleep Deprivated Nation "Sleep is the new sex, as the experts in sleep disorders like to say. Men think about it every seven seconds or so. Women romanticize it. Teenagers yearn for the weekends, when they might get a little of it." Even worse, we may sleep less than we think
comment posted at 10:43 PM on Jul-12-06

A fascinating series of Japanese toilet training videos for the very young (duh). Of note, the anthropomorphizing of the toilet, the weird bits of Engrish thrown in, and the remarkably frank approach to the whole messy business.
comment posted at 11:46 PM on Jul-11-06

8=8 is a group of four programmers = four performers = four artists. We each built our own program for my Hypertable platform, then created a program that would group them together for a public performance. More videos &c.
comment posted at 9:24 PM on Jul-10-06

For those who enjoy (or despise) the netubiquitous (Hey! A new word! Feel free to meme it for me. Thanks.) "Engrish" sites, here, via ctheory, is a more theoretical explanation of the phenomenon than you're likely to get by Googling "Engrish." (Two million hits and rising!)
comment posted at 1:19 AM on Jul-11-06

World eBook Fair - Project Gutenberg opens the door to even more books online for free (through Aug 4). Not just public domain stuff, but copyrighted works like Ulysses (PDF), T.S. Eliot (500 pp. PDF), and Neal Stephenson (PDF). Over 300,000 additional works online.
comment posted at 2:05 AM on Jul-11-06

Hoekstra: Bush Hiding More Unchecked Spy I am past being angry I want these fucks in jail.
comment posted at 5:52 PM on Jul-9-06
comment posted at 7:33 PM on Jul-9-06

Ann Coulter on the Grateful Dead, "I fondly remember seeing the Dead when I was at Cornell. It was the day of the fabulous Fiji Island party on the driveway “island” of the Phi Gamma Delta House. We'd cover ourselves in purple Crisco and drink purple Kool-Aid mixed with grain alcohol and dance on the front yard."
comment posted at 7:55 AM on Jul-6-06

Amanda Congdon leaves Rocketboom. Precise reasons seem to vary.
comment posted at 10:57 PM on Jul-5-06

Newsfilter: North Korea tests at least two smaller missiles, and one long-range which was unsuccessful, failing in flight. Bush says last week: "Should they launch a missile, that will cause various -- we would apply various pressures. ... I believe it is best that I do not discuss what specific pressures we were talking about."
comment posted at 2:06 AM on Jul-5-06
comment posted at 2:07 AM on Jul-5-06

The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave and abolitionist, was asked to give a Fourth of July speech while slavery still existed. His fiery talk is what this section is about: People within America recognizing that the American promises ring hollow. Bush tells CBC he's 'unfamiliar' with Voting Rights Act Also see: LCCR Disappointed that House Failed to Vote on Voting Rights Act Reauthorization Bill "No President has ever done more for human rights than I have." George W. Bush
comment posted at 1:48 AM on Jul-4-06
comment posted at 7:03 AM on Jul-6-06

The Strippy Tickle Putting the "ick" back in comics; daily remixing of stodgy syndicated comic strips. [via mefi projects]
comment posted at 4:24 PM on Jul-1-06

Foucault’s Pendulum Art Inspired by Umberto Eco’s novel, entitled: Foucault’s Pendulum the artist Lukas Arciniegas has created a series of beautiful illustrations. Also of note: The Holy War: Mac VS Dos [Do check out the sidebar] "Faith in Fakes"? Also see: an actual pendulum. And Dan Brown? Bleh...
comment posted at 12:22 AM on Jul-1-06

Polluting the blogosphere businessweek is writing about a new company that is basically paying bloggers to write about products --- disclosure is optional... congratulations marketers --- you ruin everything
comment posted at 4:20 PM on Jun-30-06

Is doing it in the squat position natural and strain preventing [Human digestion warning]? Regular toilet "thrones" seem to be not very ergonomic, with dire consequences. A study. Colon cancer rates in the developing world (where squatting is still used) way lower.
comment posted at 6:47 AM on Jun-30-06

Following in the tradition of Prince, Cat Stevens and Terence Trent D'Arby, Canadian chanteuse Jane Siberry has changed her name.
comment posted at 2:36 AM on Jun-27-06

Black Gold in Alberta. The tar sands located in northern Alberta, containing 85% of the worlds bitumen could provide for america's oil needs for the next century. The trillion barrell oil pit will continue to grow in importance as the price of oil continues to climb, and investors from around the world pour billions of dollars into the rich dirt.
comment posted at 1:48 AM on Jun-27-06

Chat about any content on the web by adding gabbly.com in front of any URL.
comment posted at 5:27 AM on Jun-26-06

Gutenkarte: "Gutenkarte is a geographic text browser, intended to help readers explore the spatial component of classic works of literature. Gutenkarte downloads public domain texts from Project Gutenberg, and then feeds them to MetaCarta's GeoParser API, which extracts and returns all the geographic locations it can find." [note: works in Firefox but not IE, for me.]
comment posted at 1:53 AM on Jun-27-06

When I invented the Web, I didn't have to ask anyone's permission. Tim Berners-Lee talks about net neutrality.
comment posted at 9:30 PM on Jun-25-06

The world's second-richest man, Warren Buffett, became one of the world's biggest philanthropists Sunday with the announcement that he would bequeath the bulk of his roughly $44 billion fortune to the foundation established by billionaire Bill Gates and his wife.
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Jun-25-06

A backdoor plan to thwart the electoral college Some states try to ensure that the winner of popular vote becomes president
comment posted at 6:17 PM on Jun-25-06
comment posted at 6:21 PM on Jun-25-06

Opera version 9 - "The browser that everyone forgets about .. " has just been released - and it's good. Why should you care? Two suggested reasons [+ inside]
comment posted at 6:49 AM on Jun-22-06

"hot foreplay and steamy sex" [nsfw]
Compelling photos of various hot chicks from various NYC parties, and so on. Some how this guy can make just getting ready to go out seem somehow seedy. Again, not safe for work, although there's not really that much nudity.

comment posted at 5:51 AM on Jun-22-06
comment posted at 6:16 AM on Jun-22-06
comment posted at 6:43 AM on Jun-22-06

Starting a Religion is not as obvious as you think. In true form, Iggy Chaos (hilariously) gets ready to setup his.
comment posted at 12:15 AM on Jun-22-06

Your iPod is Doomed!
Or it can be, it can also be Zelda'ed if you prefer! ipodlinux.org has ported Linux to the iPod (for Linux, Windows and Mac) and, once its installed, you can load up all kinds of good stuff including the aforementioned Doom, as well as the entire Wiki or use your iPod as a Gameboy! And all without screwing up your existing music files (though there are no guarantees).
comment posted at 12:20 AM on Jun-22-06

Brian Hiatt of Rolling Stone magazine recently spent a few days with Pearl Jam to talk about their latest album, largely hailed as their best work since Vitalogy. The result was this article, which is a must read for all fans of Pearl Jam and music historians generally. In it, Eddie Vedder discusses the stalker whose attempt on his life provided the inspiration to No Code's 'Lukin'. He reveals the real truth behind how the band arrived at the name 'Pearl Jam', and tells us of how he and Kurt Cobain reconciled their differences, albeit temporarily, as they slow danced underneath the stage at the 1992 MTV Music Awards as Eric Clapton played 'Tears In Heaven.'
comment posted at 12:30 AM on Jun-22-06

Ω ΞΕΙΝ', ΑΓΓΕΛΛΕΙΝ ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΟΙΣ ΟΤΙ ΤΗΔΕ ΚΕΙΜΕΘΑ ΤΟΙΣ ΚΕΙΝΩΝ ΡΗΜΑΣΙ ΠΕΙΘΟΜΕΝΟΙ: "Climbing on the hills, I had a surprise. On the top of the highest hill I found a small plaque with a Greek inscription dedicated to the Spartan king, and someone dropped there a bouquet of flowers, still fresh. Fresh flowers. Twenty five centuries after the battle." With a Frank Miller movie on the way, here is some background on the Battle of Thermopylae, maps of the battlefield, debate over the size of the invading Persian force, and insight into life in Sparta, a city often overshadowed by Athens.
comment posted at 12:42 AM on Jun-22-06
comment posted at 5:45 PM on Jun-22-06

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