403 MetaFilter comments by snoktruix (displaying 201 through 250)

Master's thesis on My Bloody Valentine's album Loveless (full thesis as pdf, html).
comment posted at 1:44 PM on Sep-25-06
comment posted at 3:31 PM on Sep-25-06

The Ballad of Big Mike. “Where are you going?” he asked. “To basketball practice,” Michael said. “Michael, you don’t have basketball practice,” Sean said. “I know,” the boy said. “But they got heat there.” Sean didn’t understand that one. “It’s nice and warm in that gym,” the boy said. As they drove off, Sean looked over and saw tears streaming down Leigh Anne’s face. And he thought, Uh-oh, my wife’s about to take over. ... “One night it wasn’t going so well, and I got frustrated,” Mitchell says, “and he said to me, ‘Miss Sue, you have to remember I’ve only been going to school for two years.”’
comment posted at 10:49 AM on Sep-24-06
comment posted at 10:54 AM on Sep-24-06
comment posted at 4:19 PM on Sep-24-06

Jason Toney at Negro Please says, "This is officially the whitest thing I have ever posted." I didn't know what Metal School was, and I still don't know.
comment posted at 6:46 PM on Aug-17-06
comment posted at 7:07 PM on Aug-17-06

Jessica Simpson's latest single (YouTube link) came on as I was flicking around the teevee, and I was immediately struck by how much it sounded like 'Holiday' by Madonna. Stealing from yourself is one thing, but admitting to stealing from someone else is quite another. Isn't it?
comment posted at 11:45 AM on Aug-16-06

An experiment recently performed by the AET RaDAL group shows that the gravitomagnetic field produced by a rapidly-spinning superconductor can cause a 1.117 times increase over the Earth's gravity. Gravitomagnetism, a phenomenon predicted by General Relativity, is a poorly understood but promising topic in modern physics. Speculation about harnessing the bizarre, space-warping and gravity-altering effects of gravitomagnetism has already begun. Reactionless space propulsion [PDF] is the most apparent use (previously discussed), with the potential applications far-reaching and nearly inconcievable. The earlier experiment by the European Space Agency involving another rapidly-spinning superconductor earlier this year found a massive increase in strength over the predicted values, but still miniscule by our standards. Things could become very interesting if the results from this latest experiment pan out.
comment posted at 6:33 AM on Aug-16-06

Bush Incompetent? Think again. I know this is a one link post, I'm afraid that I still haven't mastered the art of adding extra links, and I apologise because it is also from a partisan source. However it raises some points that I think are worth discussing, such as, is calling Bush incompetent not playing right into the hands of all those who kind of like his folksy, laidback ways, and who kind of identify with his fumbling style? Anyway, read this and see the results of this incompetence you might want to think again.
comment posted at 12:21 PM on Jun-26-06

World of ColbertCraft. No, it's not a real game. Yes, it's just a bit of clever believable marketing. But you get to hear Stephen say "Wiiiiiiiii," and that's a keeper.
comment posted at 12:23 PM on Jun-26-06

Inform 7 Released. Inform is a language used for creating interactive fiction, and is one of the most widely used languages for this task. After several years of effort, Graham Nelson has released a new version of Inform, and is seeking to create a new way of creating IF, with natural language instead of traditional programming code. [more inside]
comment posted at 6:46 AM on May-2-06

The "Axe Murder Incident" On Wednesday 18 August 1976 at 1040 hours in the morning, a United Nations Command (UNC) work force of five Korean Service Corps (KSC) personnel accompanied by and UNC security force...started to prune a large tree in the vicinity of UNC Check Point #3...Lieutenant Pak then shouted "MI KUN UL CHU KI GI CHA." Translated, it means, "Kill the U.S. Aggressors."; the UNC security force was attacked by a superior force of 30 KPA guards wielding pick handles, knives, clubs, and axes.
comment posted at 3:53 PM on Mar-14-06

Former White House Aide Arrested on Theft Charges: Claude Alexander Allen was Bush's Assistant for Domestic Policy until he announced his resignation last month, reportedly because he wanted to spend more time with his family. Previously, he had been a controversial Bush nominee to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Allen was also once the subject of controversy for a homosexual slur he had made while working for Sen Jesse Helms. Now, a few weeks after his resignation, he's been arrested for a retail theft scheme that allegedly netted him more than $5000, still small change for a man that was being paid the same six-figure salary as Karl Rove. Bush has said he is shocked and saddened by the arrest of his former aide (via Think Progress).
comment posted at 1:57 PM on Mar-11-06

Celebrate March 20th Women have a special day set aside: Valentine's Day. Now a new holiday being promulgated for Men to show love and devotion from their significant others. [nsfw]
comment posted at 6:23 PM on Mar-5-06

ZX Spectrum Game Walkthrough videos. For those that, like me, have read that Jet Set Willy can be done, but never really believed it. Also, Manic Miner, Skool Daze, Sabre Wulf and Atic Atac constitute must-see viewing to the would-be Sinclair completist. Via GameSetWatch.
comment posted at 3:16 PM on Feb-4-06
comment posted at 3:37 PM on Feb-4-06

Dude! ...Dude. [via AIR]
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Feb-4-06

Please ensure that you have your copybook at hand. Calcium, you may know it as Jinny, or Ninny, or Peter's Peck, but whatever you call it, Calcium, valency 1, atomic weight 44 is one of the most important elements known to mankind.
comment posted at 5:36 AM on Feb-4-06
comment posted at 5:39 AM on Feb-4-06

Dave Chappelle Comes Clean On 'Oprah' "Chappelle said he left the show, months after signing a $50 million deal for its third and fourth seasons, because he felt manipulated by the people around him."
comment posted at 4:51 AM on Feb-4-06

Is Google the new Netscape? With GOOG having taken a tumble Wednesday and falling more than $12 so far today, it's not unreasonable to ask... also why is Gmail still in beta when I've been using it for over a year now?
comment posted at 12:06 PM on Feb-3-06

Super Mario Brothers sound effects. Boing! Boing! CRUNCH! Ding! Ding! Ding! Whoop! Boing!
comment posted at 12:10 PM on Feb-3-06

Mark Spoon , best known as half of German trance duo Jam & Spoon, was found dead today, apparently of a heart attack at age 41. Jam and Spoon aren't well known in the mainstream, but they almost single handedly invented the dance music genre today known as "Progressive Trance" with their early 90s singles "Stella" and "Age of Love" (Short MP3 samples).
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Jan-12-06

Cooking Behind Bars. In 1986, upon my arrival at the county jail, my cooking lessons began. There, I witnessed men using empty toothpaste tubes as spoons, and burning toilet paper to heat up coffee or reheat the food served. Complete with recipes.
comment posted at 12:30 PM on Jan-7-06

George Galloway is in the Celebrity Big Brother house. My jaw dropped when I read it. He's a prominent member of the Respect Coalition, an antiwar figure and a frequent target of corruption claims. He claims his strategy is to reach a new audience of young people and to offer the public a "chance to show a large and different audience what I'm really like". There's already a debate about the war on the official show message boards.
comment posted at 11:14 AM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 11:31 AM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 12:01 PM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 12:04 PM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 12:30 PM on Jan-6-06

Jon Stewart to host 2006 Academy Awards. "As a performer, I'm truly honored to be hosting the show,' Stewart says. "As an avid watcher of the Oscars, I can't help but be a little disappointed with the choice.'
comment posted at 8:09 AM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 9:14 AM on Jan-6-06

Here are the the ten most beautiful science experiments.
comment posted at 8:54 AM on Jan-6-06
comment posted at 8:55 AM on Jan-6-06

The Social Issues Research Centre in Oxford, England, publishes sociological and antropological studies of contemporary issues. Particularly interesting are their guides to British pub etiquette, flirting, and horse racing watching etiquette. But watch out for their opinionated bulletins about current events—surely articles their corporate sponsors and sister PR agency (at the same address and with the same staff) would be proud of. SIRC studies previously mentioned here, here, and here.
comment posted at 2:46 PM on Dec-4-05

The "a" in '[a href=' is for ADVISORY. Given that the social conservatives are eager to spend their waning mandate (and to be fair, hyper-PC liberals too) and extend out the nannystate to Cable TV, satellite, (which isn't entirely a bad thing) and videogames, is it too soon to work about the implications for the internet, and possible requirements and censorship? Blogger Sean Gleason suggests pictorial icons rating each link as to it's content. And of course, you could always make your own.
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Dec-2-05

Are we making Iraq into the country we wanted to invade in the first place? Rob Corddry has the answers (as he does so often these days)
comment posted at 8:47 AM on Dec-2-05

How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later is a speech by Philip K. Dick which he never delivered. In it he details his theory of time and reality. A complimentary speech, which he did deliver, is If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others. According to one account "people left the auditorium, it was later reported, looking as though they'd been hit with a hammer." Other essays by him in that vein are Man, Android and Machine and Cosmogony and Cosmology.

Here are some excerpts from his exegesis. Also, a collection of interviews with Dick.
comment posted at 6:50 PM on Dec-1-05
comment posted at 8:33 AM on Dec-2-05

Computer Modeling of the large-scale tectonics associated with the Genesis flood...
comment posted at 5:43 PM on Nov-28-05

How to Draw a Straight Line - Until 1873, virtually all mathemeticians and engineers agreed that it was impossible to build a linkage that could convert circular motion to perfectly straight motion. In that year, Lipmann Lipkin rediscovered the Peaucellier cell which had been quietly created a decade earlier. Although much simpler to build, it was predated by Pierre-Frederic Sarrus' non-planar solution. Nowadays, though, linkages can do some extremely complex things. (via)
comment posted at 3:11 PM on Nov-28-05
comment posted at 3:32 PM on Nov-28-05

A trophy film of what appears to be civilian defense contractors shooting innocent Iraqi civilians has appeared on the internet. Investigations are ongoing. (via Taegan Goddard's Political Wire)
comment posted at 4:02 AM on Nov-28-05

Olaf Stapledon was a man ahead of his time. His epic 'novel' Star Maker (1937) considered the emergence of genetic engineering, the outcome of the many worlds interpretation and delved deeper than any book before or since into the consequences of evolution on the cosmos. His fans have included the likes of Arthur C Clarke, Jorge Luis Borges and Virginia Woolf. Even his greatest detractor, C.S.Lewis, wrote an entire Cosmic Trilogy in response to his imaginings. Yet despite Stapledon's magnetic prose and extraordinary influence on speculative fiction his name remains largely forgotten by the world. Yet his words still resonate with insight: "Did not our life issue daily as more or less firm threads of active living, and mesh itself into the growing web, the intricate, ever-proliferating pattern of mankind?"
comment posted at 4:07 AM on Nov-28-05

Big Man is the final sculpture in a current exhibit on Melancholy - Genius and Insanity in the Western World at the Grand Palais in Paris. Hyper-realist Ron Mueck creates imposing figures by playing with large and small scale. (warning: art nudity)
comment posted at 11:02 AM on Nov-27-05

HOOAH! "The world's most powerful military has devoted its considerable resources to making an energy bar, and the results are impressive." Finally, you too can enjoy the delicious cuisine of the U.S. Military without having to join.
comment posted at 9:48 AM on Nov-27-05
comment posted at 6:36 PM on Nov-27-05

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