838 MetaFilter comments by Neale (displaying 401 through 450)

There's cars, and then there's Ferrari. There's wine, and then there's Château Margaux. There's home computers, and then there's the Athlon Deathstar (picture). It's the computer for the best of us.
comment posted at 8:46 PM on Jul-29-01

As a soon to be minted threehundreddollar-inaire, I'm one of more than 90 million Americans who has received notice of my tax rebate on the way. But some 32 million Americans are due no tax rebate, and are now receiving notices in the mail to this effect- a letdown that Democrats are trying to capitalize on. Is the tax break going to backfire on Bush and the Republicans... ? << more inside >>
comment posted at 7:42 PM on Jul-22-01

Please don't pee in the pool. Turns out fish are sick of us humans. I feel pretty much the same way... but you won't find me having the same kind of reaction.
comment posted at 6:46 PM on Jul-5-01

After small web sites didn't receive a single nomination in last year's Online Journalism Awards, Robin Miller of Slashdot is offering to pay the $100 entry fee for five of the best examples of small-site journalism published since July 2000. Who deserves the money?
comment posted at 3:34 PM on Jun-19-01

I totally don't think that your Paladin would really do that, Sir Balroggan. Give in to your geek side and go find out what your alignment would be if you were a D&D character.
comment posted at 4:37 AM on Jun-19-01

Fashion photography stinks: A retrospective Yes, it's Slate. But this is fabulous, and an example of what the mag has been doing best of late; what makes it worth checking out, really. Social criticism in the guise of media/higher-end pop cultural criticism. Besides, fashion photography is insane.
comment posted at 8:51 PM on May-14-01

God's Debris by Scott Adams. "I'm distributing "God's Debris" exclusively as an ebook, without going through a publisher... If the ebook sells well it will set a precedent that screws up the entire book industry. If you ever wanted to screw up an entire industry - and who wouldn't - this is your chance."
comment posted at 7:17 PM on May-8-01

I bet you think this [article] is about you, don't you?
(apologies to Carly Simon and anyone inflicted with the earworm.)
comment posted at 12:41 AM on May-4-01

Woohoo! The First Annual Nothings Award... I've never heard of Lileks before, but the snazzy site [almost] makes me forget how frustrating contentless splash screens are.
comment posted at 6:01 PM on Apr-26-01
comment posted at 6:34 PM on Apr-26-01
comment posted at 4:57 PM on Apr-27-01

Fetus is a person? The bill's supporters, predominantly Republicans during the debate, denied the measure is anti-abortion, and instead is aimed at punishing criminals who attack pregnant women. It exempts abortions performed with the woman's consent. Is that all it is or is there a set up for further laws, going into abortion and such?
comment posted at 8:17 PM on Apr-26-01
comment posted at 8:23 PM on Apr-26-01
comment posted at 5:24 PM on Apr-27-01

The 'truth' about letterboxing!?! And I quote: "Lettershlocking will end! Film censorship will be defeated! HDTV will become the Betamax of the late 90's. DVD disks with lettershlocking will become the 8-tracks of the late 90's. FULLSCREEN FOR ME! BAN THE BARS! CANCEL HDTV BEFORE IT BEGINS! LETTERSHLOCKING IS WRONG! IT WILL END!"
comment posted at 6:37 PM on Apr-24-01

Harper's Index of Teenage Myths It's not the kids; it 's us, the adults! A child in school has one chance in two million of getting killed by a gun in our public schools. Drugs, guns, violence? Not the kids as much as is touted.
comment posted at 9:20 PM on Apr-19-01

Government GPS surveillance through your digital camera. A DOJ project to go after pedophiles and obscenity-mongers by regulating digital still and motion cameras is slated to be introduced in Congress:

A DOJ project code-named "Indecent Images" plans to implant technologies developed to automatically recognize hard-core Internet sex images into the next generation of cameras. An II-compliant camera will refuse to take illegal photographs or videos, and could even quietly tip off law enforcement to illicit behavior. . .

The II draft says that "any variant" of digital still or video camera must include a GPS device and a transmitter that is compatible with U.S. pager networks. When a child pornographer takes an illegal photo, the camera recognizes it and transmits an encrypted message containing the image, the date, and the location to the local police -- who would then raid the home and save the child from continued erotic exploitation.

They've got to be kidding. I'm not endorsing exploiting kids, natch, but I can't believe this this kind of surveillance is even being contemplated. . .

Then again, remembering Ashcroft's beady little eyes. . . (via J. Orlin Grabbe)
comment posted at 6:39 PM on Apr-2-01

This is quite possibly the single best deal ever offered on the web. And remember, at this price, the shipping is free!
comment posted at 12:13 AM on Apr-1-01

Sippey encourages you 'to inject chaos and anarchy into the post button by hijacking the identities and namesakes of your favorite web "icons."'
Who do you want to be today?
comment posted at 3:02 PM on Mar-30-01

Salon's new strategy: make the banner ads AS ANNOYING AS HUMANLY FUCKING POSSIBLE. Now it's either the subscription model or horrifying Flash ads that take up more column inches than the articles. Are they on crack, or merely dumb?
comment posted at 10:46 PM on Mar-21-01

Mathematician Bums Out Entire Scientific Community His "Omega" number--infinite and incalculable--guts hopes for pure mathematics, physicists' hopes for a Theory of Everything, and is just in general kind of bafflingly cool. Builds on the whole Godel/Turing foundation of hopelessness!
comment posted at 7:27 PM on Mar-15-01
comment posted at 9:26 PM on Mar-15-01
comment posted at 9:12 PM on Mar-16-01

Slate takes note of last weeks "open source news" scoop in the thread about the Seattle quake. I'll officially begin taking buyout offers now.
comment posted at 4:13 PM on Mar-7-01

A small world in most dimensions: "University of Washington scientists using gravity measurements to hunt for evidence of dimensions in addition to those already known have found that those dimensions would have to occupy a space smaller than 0.2 millimeter."
comment posted at 2:20 PM on Mar-1-01

The Don is dead. I'm just in shock. While most Americans probably don't know he is, he can only be described as the greatest living Australian and best cricketer of all time.
comment posted at 1:45 PM on Feb-26-01

'All Your Base' on Wired News.
comment posted at 7:07 PM on Feb-24-01
comment posted at 1:16 AM on Feb-25-01

Wrongwaycomeback? Is Wetlog really going away? Neale has been a prankster in the past, but with his recent re-styling as a memory bank and the tone of the message, I worry about one of my favorite blogs. Someone say it ain't so.
comment posted at 2:42 PM on Feb-23-01
comment posted at 12:02 AM on Feb-25-01
comment posted at 1:23 AM on Feb-25-01

Are you a duclod? For at least a decade, mysterious letters have been sent from around the nation to students at a small midwestern college filled with facts about "duclods." From the best I can tell looking at the college newspaper webpage this is not a prank. Has anyone ever heard this term?
comment posted at 8:37 PM on Feb-20-01

Metababy is back and in full effect, I think I was the first to modify it!!!
comment posted at 4:19 PM on Feb-20-01

ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US Part Deux?? Old World War 1 and 2 posters, revamped. I'm kinda liking this weird trend of glorifying bad translations via Photoshop.
comment posted at 10:42 PM on Feb-19-01

Windows XP unveiled... why does it look so bloopy? And all those bright colors and rounded edges! It's like Fisher Price OS! (via K10K.)
comment posted at 5:25 PM on Feb-14-01

Aquarium worker makes turtle stew and people whine about it. The animal was dead already. Why is eating it any worse than throwing it out? I killed a moose with my car once and I was more than happy to see someone haul it away to his freezer. People are so silly.
comment posted at 1:49 PM on Feb-8-01
comment posted at 4:02 PM on Feb-8-01

One wo/man; many, many votes. From the seventh circle of hell comes the second-last sign of the apocalypse; the voting form for the bloggies. I know which site I voted for... you're reading the damn thing right now. Go MeFi!
comment posted at 10:57 PM on Jan-22-01

The infamous Jeff K arrested by the FBI? Is it just a prank? If not, that's some pretty serious stuff!
comment posted at 6:08 PM on Jan-19-01
comment posted at 6:17 PM on Jan-19-01

The Porn Crackdown Begins: They're making lists of porn no-no's. Remember, they know what's good for you. Makes me wish for the good 'ole days.
comment posted at 6:19 PM on Jan-19-01

Freaky Friday removed from schools for review A mother of a third grader at this school submitted two pages of objections to the book. HUH? It's Freaky Friday!!! (related link: American Library Association's 100 most challenged books of the last decade)
comment posted at 9:50 PM on Jan-18-01

A corporate MetaFilter? The editors of Suck present Plastic.com, a moderated web log with commentary, in collaboration with editors from about a dozen other leading cultural / news print and on-line zines
comment posted at 2:44 PM on Jan-15-01

Lance gets into the act, feigning humor, just grazing bitterness on the way to the kitchen. Wouldn't we all like to be bloggered?
comment posted at 1:19 AM on Jan-15-01
comment posted at 2:40 PM on Jan-15-01

The IDEO identity card project. I'm fascinated by the micro-genre of busness cards. There's something about that tiny space that seems to get people's creative energy going in ways that even the big wide-open spaces of the web don't (not always in good ways). These designers are pushing the envelope in every direction: DNA, Bluetooth, plastic bags, incinerators, cameras, anonymity, you name it.
comment posted at 4:25 PM on Jan-13-01

Everyone who recognizes a nut, raise your hand...
comment posted at 4:21 PM on Jan-13-01

Friends of Bill W. Indeed...
"For the past week I have read Jakob Nielsen's Flash alertbox over and over again and came to a startling revelation. It seems that Jakob got the title all-wrong. Flash is not 99% bad, as the usability guru says... Flash is 99% Proof, as in alcohol."
comment posted at 3:18 PM on Jan-11-01

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