9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 4901 through 4950)

Nip White Poppies in the Bud - Edmonton Journal Article The White Poppy emerged as a symbol of peace in th e1930's, and has been sold by a women's peace group and activist store in Edmonton, Canada for the past several years. This year, The Royal Canadian Legion has ordered a cease and desist, saying that the sale of the poppies is "illegal." Every year the Legion sells red poppies for Remembrance Day. This is an article from the local major daily newspaper offering views from both sides of the debate.
comment posted at 1:38 AM on Nov-9-06

Today's Election Day in the United States. Political Wire provides a list of all poll closing times.(The first closings will be at 6:00 PM EST) CNN and Fox News both have up their websites where you can start tracking all state and localized races as results come in. Exit polls are being conducted, but have been quarantined until polls close. And if you want to put any money on this, you're short on time. Good luck following the winners both in your state and on MetaFilter.
comment posted at 11:36 PM on Nov-7-06

"This link is so rare that any introduction is useless. Single I will say to them that if writes google.com with 53 o's, appears to us this image next to a series still more of links rare experiments with HTML as this band conformed by 3 videos of YouTube (that is, a video of a bear, one of a drummer and another one of a guitarist). Podria to pass everything afternoon giving back the videos time and time again making songs of nastiness."

don't miss church of the future, ipod vortex 1, body magic.

co-author jmb's blog, youtube selections, del.icio.us.

(my first mefi post. hi all.)
comment posted at 5:19 AM on Nov-5-06

Newsfilter: Bush and America are now perceived to be more dangerous than Kim Jong-il according to an international opinion poll published by the Guardian Newspaper. Perhaps more interesting than that, it shows that only 1 in 4 people in Israel think that Bush has made the world safer - a fairly small percentage for a country that is traditionally one of America's staunchest allies when it comes to national security...
comment posted at 4:37 PM on Nov-3-06

First official goatse payment card. In which a guy gets a goatse image put on his credit/debit/payment card. Yes, it links to an image of the card, no it's not as bad as you think, yes it's PSFW (probably safe for work).
comment posted at 9:53 PM on Nov-2-06

41 lbs in 90 days
Man discovers that World of Warcraft makes him oblivious to everything in the outside world.
Man puts keyboard stand over his exercise bike.
Man loses forty pounds in three months.
Whether or not that's a healthy rate to lose weight, we'll find out later.
comment posted at 10:54 PM on Nov-1-06

"Misunderstood" joke gets Kerry into trouble (youtube): "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Kerry insists that he was referring to Bush, not the troops, in Monday's speech at a Pasadena, CA university, and that he won't apologize for his remarks. Some Democrats are distancing themselves after his remarks, in fear that public backlash might affect the upcoming elections.
comment posted at 5:21 AM on Nov-1-06

Norm MacDonald on Conan - part 2 - part 3. From sometime around 1997 I think, he was sick with flu like symptoms at the time. Also Norm MacDonald on the Daily Show shortly after the death of Steve Irwin.
comment posted at 11:21 PM on Oct-28-06
comment posted at 11:41 PM on Oct-28-06

It's over. YouTube is taking down Daily Show and Colbert Report clips.
comment posted at 8:09 PM on Oct-27-06

K-Fed drops a heater. New album streaming in full. It is really bad. Whether or not he ruined Britnety Spear's career or not is disputable, but if listening to this is any clue it seems likely. Featuring genius lyrics like : "Girls say I'm cocky, I think I'm humble, Basically ya'll just talk like Bryant Gumbel". Gumbel ryhmes wit' humble, basically, yo. You are in for a listening treat.(warning: steaming aol music site)
comment posted at 8:00 PM on Oct-27-06

You whisper "Je t'aime", the machine says "I love you". Carnegie Mellon offer the prospect of a real-time automatic face-mounted translation device.
comment posted at 3:37 AM on Oct-27-06
comment posted at 5:11 AM on Oct-27-06

SF writers only use six words. A collection of six word epics from the cream of contemporary SF writers. Can Mefi do better? I reckon!
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:15 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:18 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:23 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:24 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:25 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:26 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:29 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:31 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:35 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:37 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:41 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:42 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:47 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:47 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:48 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:51 PM on Oct-24-06
comment posted at 9:57 PM on Oct-24-06

Autostitch is the world's first fully automatic 2D image stitcher. Capable of stitching full view panoramas without any user input whatsoever, Autostitch is a breakthrough technology for panoramic photography, VR and visualisation applications. This is the first solution to stitch any panorama completely automatically, whether 1D (horizontal) or 2D (horizontal and vertical). Don't miss the gallery.
comment posted at 9:11 PM on Oct-22-06

LyricsWiki is the place to find reliable lyrics without invasive ads. SongMeanings when you've been wondering what those lyrics mean. The Archive of Misheard Lyrics because sometimes your version is much better than the original.
comment posted at 3:02 AM on Oct-22-06

The Beginning of the End of America. (YouTube, Keith Olbermann)
comment posted at 5:09 PM on Oct-19-06
comment posted at 5:10 PM on Oct-19-06

It is done. Windows Internet Explorer 7 has been released.
comment posted at 7:18 AM on Oct-19-06
comment posted at 7:19 AM on Oct-19-06

Straight Dope on the birth of the iPod from the sharp pen of WIRED's Mac maven Leander Kahney. Quoth Steve Jobs: "Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. That's not what we think design is. It's not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
comment posted at 5:22 PM on Oct-17-06

Peter Gabriel has introduced a new iTunes plugin for Windows XP called The Filter. Using the All Music Guide in a fashion similar to Pandora, the software builds playlists from your library for you after you select a few tracks. Their marketing copy tells you that you should "Prepare to be reengaged and reinvigorated by your iTunes library."

OS X, WinAMP, and WMP versions are slated for the near future.
comment posted at 12:32 AM on Oct-17-06

SecondLife under attack from self-replicating grey goo. Worried about your avatar? Escape back to meatspace. Scripts not included on meatspace objects. Exporting self-replicating grey goo objects currently not available. (via boing boing) Free t-shirt not included.
comment posted at 9:28 PM on Oct-11-06

Swarm shows you what websites people are visiting, right now. Swarm is a graphical map of hundreds of websites, all connecting to each other. It updates itself every second with where people are going and coming from. As sites become more popular, they move towards the center of the swarm.
comment posted at 11:11 PM on Sep-20-06
comment posted at 11:12 PM on Sep-20-06

neave.tv is an experimental use of video over the web... To watch, you'll need a broadband connection (>1mb) and a fast computer (1GHz or higher).
comment posted at 11:26 PM on Sep-19-06

Gonzales wants Internet records saved for two years. Because any of you could be child porn perverts. "Gonzales acknowledged the concerns of some company executives who say legislation might be overly intrusive and encroach on customers' privacy rights. But he said the growing threat of child pornography over the Internet was too great.
comment posted at 5:41 PM on Sep-19-06

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