369 MetaFilter comments by Dreamghost (displaying 251 through 300)

comment posted at 9:37 PM on Oct-21-04

Star Wars Chick. Not to be confused with the star wars kid. Besides, Star Wars Chick looks much better in her handmade Slave Leia Cosutme [ via memepool ]
comment posted at 7:27 AM on Sep-30-04

Mr. Bush and His 10 Ever-Changing Different Positions on Iraq: "A flip and a flop and now just a flop." Delightful Moore (to those who like what he does), and a few links to backup his reasoning for those who don't.
comment posted at 6:09 PM on Sep-28-04

The maven of midwestern gentility weighs in on today's GOP.

How did the Party of Lincoln and Liberty transmogrify into the party of Newt Gingrich’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk?
comment posted at 7:59 AM on Aug-30-04

Some media are reporting the prediction by computer experts at Moscow's Kaspersky Labs that parts of the Internet will be shut-down tomorrow by cyber-terrorists. The Internet Storm Center's comment: "The ISC would like to go out on a limb and predict that the Internet will not vaporize into a cloud of nothingness this Thursday, but if it does, it's been our pleasure to help stave off its inevitable annihilation this long."
comment posted at 4:51 PM on Aug-25-04

Borat the Kazahk goes to a redneck bar. Something light to laugh at for Friday afternoon. (.wmv file) The main page is here, but it's funnier if you don't read the lyrics and wimpy disclaimer first.
comment posted at 2:11 PM on Aug-13-04

moveonplease.org "Everything Bad Fault Of Rumsfeld"....
comment posted at 12:04 PM on Aug-12-04

"Mr. President, pardon Papa Jack" In 1908 a former Texas dockworker and inventor named Jack Johnson became the first African American boxer to ever win the world heavyweight title. His victory sparked race riots and prompted a search for a "great white hope" (writer Jack London asked white fighters to "wipe that smirk off Johnson's face"). But then Johnson defeated two "white hopes", one of whom was the legendary Jim Jeffries. In 1912, authorities went after Johnson in court. His crime? Messin' with the white woman. Charges were brought against him for violating the Mann Act, a federal law that made it a crime to transport a woman across state lines for "immoral purposes." He married the woman, but he was sentenced to a year in prison anyway. Johnson fled the country, living in Europe as a fugitive for seven years, losing his title Havana in 1915 to a much younger white opponent after a 26-round fight in 100-degree-plus heat (Johnson possibly threw the fight in exchange for leniency that he never received). He returned to the U.S. in 1920, surrendered and served a year. He never again was given a chance to reclaim the title. When he died in poverty aged 68 in a car crash, not one boxer attended his funeral. Now a group of US Senators (among them Hatch and McCain), prominent African Americans (Samuel L. Jackson, Jesse Jackson, many others) and boxing writers seek a posthumous Presidential pardon for "Papa Jack". (more inside)
comment posted at 3:11 PM on Jul-22-04

Blogumentary? Pshaw. BBS: The Documentary, directed by Jason Scott of textfiles.com, is where it's at.
comment posted at 5:21 PM on Jul-18-04

Man buys tatty suitcase for $36...that's actually filled with Beatles memorabila. Believed to be the lost "Mal Evans archive," the suitcase bought at an Australian flea market contained precious photos, concert programs and unreleased recordings. Everything is yet to be authenticated, but if the items are bonafide, this could be THE Antiques Roadshow showpiece to end all showpieces.
comment posted at 2:25 PM on Jul-14-04
comment posted at 2:27 PM on Jul-14-04

What would you do if your opponent's elderly constituents needed a ride to vote? Jam their phone lines of course.
comment posted at 11:41 AM on Jul-1-04

Hillary Clinton as Kerry's V.P.? Let the speculations begin...
comment posted at 12:25 AM on Jul-1-04

Amazing Cakes («flash link) from the food networks Wedding Cake Challenge. Whether it's Mikes Amazing Cakes, Michelle Bommarito's Cakes, or Colettes Cakes, these are all some awesome cakes.
comment posted at 7:47 AM on Jun-21-04
comment posted at 7:54 AM on Jun-21-04

Hammers, once the pop culture for music, suddenly become popular weapons of death. Why? Anyone else find this odd?
comment posted at 9:06 PM on Jun-17-04

He is a Muslim, a coach of Native Americans, a noted Jazz expert, a Kung-Fu star, a prescription pot smoker, and a best-selling author whose new book is the story of the 761st Tank Battalion, known as the Black Panthers, the first all-black armored unit to see combat in World War II. Who is he? The man that some say is the greatest Basketball player of all time, Kareem Adbul-Jabbar.
comment posted at 7:46 PM on May-12-04
comment posted at 7:48 PM on May-12-04

Pictures from Iraq Allegedly from someone who served in Iraq.
comment posted at 8:03 AM on Apr-25-04

Online collection of children's literature circa 1850 and up. Primarily American and British, from thrilling stories of the ocean to a peep at the beasts. Every page (and even the spine) digitized in both JPEG and PDF format, and in some cases color-corrected. (Similar collections have been posted here previously)
comment posted at 9:04 PM on Apr-4-04

Go screw yourself! One man takes up the challenge. For...um...science and the betterment of something or other.
comment posted at 7:46 PM on Mar-26-04
comment posted at 11:52 PM on Mar-26-04

danah boyd hosted a party at SXSW in Austin two weeks ago. Six thieves crashed the party and made off with her phone, id and credit cards. Fortunately, she has pictures of the perps. Can the MeFi folks catch a(nother) thief?
comment posted at 12:28 PM on Mar-24-04
comment posted at 12:55 PM on Mar-24-04
comment posted at 3:33 AM on Mar-25-04

The Great American Man-Dog Marriage Panic. Muttrimonial bliss could be yours, now that the gates of hell are opening!
comment posted at 12:36 PM on Mar-24-04

Microsoft Corp. accused the European Union on Tuesday of going too far in seeking a record fine of about $615 million against the software giant for alleged antitrust abuses, saying it was being penalized for behavior permitted in the United States.
comment posted at 9:58 AM on Mar-23-04

Someone finally has the guts to save the environment. The dangers of using harmful chemicals can easily outweight the benefits. Use your head!
comment posted at 12:14 AM on Mar-15-04
comment posted at 1:07 AM on Mar-15-04

Dish Network drops Viacom. Dish Network dropped Viacom-distributed channels last night, and CBS channels in 16 metropolitan areas. I can't see how alienating 1.6 million subscribers is going to be good for business, no matter what it does to their bottom line.
comment posted at 12:43 PM on Mar-9-04

Taste ... priceless Is everything fair game to eventually become a commodity in America?
comment posted at 1:22 PM on Mar-6-04

The Girl Watcher Whether your scene is the kitten type, stalking the girl, or just straight-up girl collecting - this is the publication for you. Bail not included. (via filepile)
comment posted at 3:55 PM on Mar-6-04

Bomb plot threatens rail system in France Give us money ($5M) or we blow up your tracks! And the threat contained hints on where authorities could find samples. Is this the start of a new trend, will the French Gov pay, and why France?
comment posted at 9:15 PM on Mar-3-04

The Deal. Why is Washington going easy on Pakistan's nuclear black marketers and supporting the pardon of Abdul Qadeer Khan? According to Seymour Hersh, it's in exchange for Pervez Musharraf allowing U.S. troops into Pakistan to hunt for Osama bin Laden. [Via The Argus.]
comment posted at 10:10 PM on Mar-1-04

'Cruelest Farmer' Jailed for Vet Attack
Roger Baker, dubbed Britain's "cruelest" farmer, has just gotten a two year sentence for attacking a vet and pushing her into "a mire of manure and cow urine." He then held her down in the nasty muck.
Given his history of violence and cruelty, doesn't two years seem a little light?
comment posted at 10:05 PM on Mar-1-04

Beyond Compare: Women Photographers On Beauty "An international photography exhibit from Dove that aims to inspire dialogue, move beyond stereotypes and challenge women to question their definition of beauty."
(Flash, mostly safe for work)
comment posted at 10:16 PM on Mar-1-04

avatar creator [note: flash, alternate link]
comment posted at 7:48 AM on Mar-1-04

Howard Stern yanked off six Clear Channel radio stations The kingdom of the self proclaimed king of all media has been trimmed after Clear Channel dropped the Stern show on Tuesday after he allegedly aired sexually obscene and racist material. The offensive exchange reportedly occured when a caller asked ex-Paris Hilton boyfriend (and sex-tape co-star) Rick Salomon if he had ever had oral sex on a black woman. The caller used the N-word to describe the black woman. Then the caller asked Salomon if it tasted like watermellon. Is this grounds to fire the talk show host, or is it more politically motivated and the beginning of the end of free speech... of highly rated powerful talk show hosts who blast the FCC and aren't Republican. entire stern show here. (BitTorrent rq'd)
comment posted at 8:43 AM on Feb-26-04

Eddie Clontz, longtime editor of the Weekly World News, creator of Ed Anger, Bat Boy and other semi-real totems of society's fuzzy underbelly, is dead at 56.

The fact that I had to find this out in The Economist, of all places, makes me madder than -- than -- than George S. Patton at a Peace Rally.
comment posted at 9:35 AM on Feb-20-04

If you get your protest, then you ‘ve got to have your subpoena! "I've heard of such a thing, but not since the 1950's, the McCarthy era," said David D. Cole, a Georgetown law professor. "It sends a very troubling message about government officials' attitudes toward basic liberties." (NYT article)
comment posted at 7:34 AM on Feb-10-04

If you like breasts and freedom, you might want to check out a new movement to Boycott the Grammys. The site links to various essays in support of Janet and opposition to the FCC and corporate reactions to the event. I suppose they want to send a message to advertisers by skipping it but it'll probably be about as effective as the class-action suit at accomplishing anything.
comment posted at 5:29 PM on Feb-7-04

Uncle Patrick’s Advice to Children -- a collection of rules to live by. Some highlights: Wear the condom. No, for the love of Pete, not the mint-flavored one. Jesus, that thing burns. and Here’s a helpful tip for job interviews: try not to stab your future boss in the arm with a freshly sharpened pencil. If you must stab someone with a pencil, have the common sense to dull the point to a state where you can be sure it won’t easily break the skin. (via boingboing)
comment posted at 6:12 PM on Feb-1-04

Has Howard Dean Sold Out?
One of the most prominent themes of the Dean's insurgency campaign, was the call to "Throw the Bums Out!" Dean, in most speeches talks about his rivals as "Washington and Party Insiders", and he draws contrast with himself. One of his battle cries has been to get rid of the "special interests" and "take back America" for the people.

Why then, has Dean fired his campaign manager Joe Trippi, who is often credited with the candidate's fast rise and strong organization, and replaced him with Roy Neel, former adviser in the Al Gore 2000 presidential campaign, and former chief lobbyist for the U.S. Telecom Association? (A nice combo of a "Washington Insider" and a "Special Interest," if there is one)

Howard, what happened to "taking America back" from the Special Interests?
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Jan-28-04
comment posted at 9:47 PM on Jan-28-04

Nintendo announces two screen handheld console. More details expected at May's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). It's due for release at Christmas, around the same time as Sony's PSP.
comment posted at 6:39 AM on Jan-21-04

"Loved Like a Milkshake" is an 18-track tribute album to the beloved outsider musician Wesley Willis. It's a joy-ride. It really whips the camel's ass with a belt.
comment posted at 7:07 PM on Jan-17-04

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