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Artist Mike Stinnett carves one-of-a-kind walking sticks out of a single piece wood, often with elaborate rattlesnakes motifs.
posted on Jun-24-14 at 10:39 PM

Charlie Barsotti, one of the great cartoonists, passed away. Charlie drew close to fourteen hundred cartoons for The New Yorker over the years, beginning in the nineteen-sixties and continuing right through last week’s issue.
Many more here. Previously.
posted on Jun-22-14 at 12:02 PM

The Hex clock is a clock that tells both what time and color it is.
The Color Clock converts the time to hexadecimal.
Some other formats.
posted on Jun-20-14 at 8:32 PM

The psychedelic, Tangerine-Dream-like, light dances of time lapse filmmaker Richard Bentley:
The Atomium in Brussels
Dubai skyline
Washington DC
posted on Jun-15-14 at 9:53 AM

Shit Showreels Say, by Peter Quinn
posted on Jun-9-14 at 1:52 PM

Burritos provide a good way to experiment precisely because they represent a relatively narrow range of experience. There are different burrito styles across the country — more than you might gather if your burrito-eating ambitions have never ventured beyond Taco Bell. But there are fewer parameters to control for when rating burritos than when comparing movies, or doctors, or colleges.
Nathaniel Read ("Nate") Silver is launching a national, 64-restaurant Burrito Bracket
posted on Jun-8-14 at 9:28 AM

How the US Postal Service works offers a glimpse into the massive automation behind the AFCS (Advanced Facer Canceller System) which helps deliver 150 million of pieces of mail daily
posted on Jun-6-14 at 8:57 PM

The stirring story of Ryland Whittington's family. (SLYT)
posted on Jun-2-14 at 9:28 PM

"Pumpkin-style" watermelon carvings, and "watermelon-style" pumpkin carvings, by 'sparksfly'
posted on Jun-1-14 at 12:14 PM

The old Country store on dirt road, on 75 Wheelers Church Rd Hurdle Mills, NC 27541.
Here is what it looked like on Sunday afternoon in July 1939, (A 4x5 nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.)
Current and recent visits.
Models from the American Adventure attraction in Epcot at Disney World (scroll ½ way down).
And colorized.
(Shorpy, previously.)
posted on May-30-14 at 9:08 PM

Johnny Cash Has Been Everywhere (Man)
posted on May-25-14 at 3:50 PM

From the VIBE hip hop dance competition (University of Southern California, Irvine / Segerstrom Hall - January 18, 2014): 2nd place, The Company
posted on May-24-14 at 1:43 PM

Anonymous Redditor ’Your Post As A Movie“ takes photo comments that members post, and Photoshops them into spot-on fake movie posters. Here's his/her prolific output from the last 6 months. (the first link is the original photo, the second one, is the poster, which is often created right after the post goes up)
posted on May-21-14 at 10:15 PM

Four cute kids dance The "Bean Bag Dance", The "Hokey Pokey", and a few other kids' favorites
posted on May-18-14 at 8:54 AM

Moments of the Human Condition, a photo-essay by renown photo-journalist Peter Turnley.
Some powerful highlights:
Ft. Wayne, IN, 1974
Rwanda, 1994 (NSFL)
Kosovo, 1999
Basra, 2003
Seville, 2010
Havana, 2012
posted on May-11-14 at 10:20 AM

A tribute to Breaking Bad, or rather to WW's implosion, by Alexandre Gasulla, part of his Tribute Series
posted on Apr-29-14 at 10:42 PM

Michael Faraday's chemical chest, 19th century.
The end of Darwin's walking stick.
Galileo’s original telescope.
Napoleon’s toothbrush, c 1795 (with engraved "N“ at bottom).
Carved Olive Pit, China (1737).
Throne of Charlemagne (790). Until 1531, it served as the coronation throne the Kings of Germany, being used at a total of thirty-one coronations.
Ishtar Gate, ca 575 BC. Built on the orders of Nebuchadnezzar II, it was a gate to the inner city of Babylon.
Tolkien's service weapon from WWI.
Breastplate, North Peru - A.D. 1000/1470.
posted on Apr-27-14 at 6:11 PM

The trailer for the 2012 documentary The Raw and the Cooked stands alone as a work of art, by capturing perfectly the best scenes from this beautiful film. Created by German filmmaker Monika Treut. Background.
posted on Apr-20-14 at 2:15 PM

Fanesca is a traditional soup from Ecuador and is a special soup or stew because it is only prepared once a year during Easter. From a blog of Ecuadorian dishes by Layla Pujol. A few ceviches.
posted on Apr-18-14 at 11:00 PM

Experience the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing: This project is an online interactive featuring the Eagle lunar landing. The presentation includes original Apollo 11 spaceflight video footage, communication audio, mission control room conversations, text transcripts, and telemetry data, all synchronized into an integrated audio-visual experience.
posted on Apr-13-14 at 10:54 AM

Stockholm - it's not a coincidence!
posted on Apr-9-14 at 9:46 PM

Fast workers:
Manual hand rolled bagel maker.
Lace Maker in Brugge, Belgium.
Beer bottle opener (9 sec.)
Dismantling a Jeep (4 min).
Apple cutter.
Veggie cutting (must be a re-post).
Also, watermelon. etc.
posted on Mar-22-14 at 12:51 PM

"Magician Prankster" MagicofRahat gives a homeless man a 'winning' lottery ticket
posted on Mar-16-14 at 6:56 PM

Hip hop artist Mac Lethal recites the alphabet very fast.
posted on Mar-8-14 at 10:30 AM

Conducting is the art of directing a musical performance by way of visible gestures. (Wiki). Case in point (SLYT)
posted on Mar-6-14 at 9:21 AM

Kurt Vonnegut Reads Slaughterhouse-Five in 6 parts. Via discogs.
posted on Mar-2-14 at 3:53 PM

Three random walks through eastern food markets: One in Bangkok, one in Taiwan and one in Delhi.
posted on Feb-14-14 at 7:12 PM

How to make handmade Japanese scroll paper.
(Many other traditional artisans at Gucci Japan)
posted on Feb-8-14 at 10:48 AM

Unedited footage of the bombing of Nagasaki: This silent film shows the final preparation and loading of the "Fat Man" bomb into "Bockscar," the plane which dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. It then shows the Nagasaki explosion from the window of an observation plane. This footage comes from Los Alamos National Laboratory. (SLYT)
posted on Feb-6-14 at 9:38 PM

Jacques Pépin debones a Chicken Galantine Ballotine. (SLYT)
posted on Jan-24-14 at 4:46 PM

I'm the world's oldest wing walker. I was 82 when I performed my first wing walk – standing on top of a plane while it's in flight. Looking back, that seems relatively young.
More than 384 other shared stories, many of them interesting, in this Guardian series.
posted on Jan-18-14 at 1:59 PM

You'll never find, as long as you live / Someone who loves you tender like I do. / You'll never find, no matter where you search / Someone who cares about you the way I do /
posted on Dec-22-13 at 10:11 AM

Weird Vintage - a tumblr of weird ads, illustrations, and photographs of a vintage or antiquated nature
posted on Jan-26-13 at 7:29 AM

"Footage of Pope John Paul at an indoor batting cage during his 1987 visit to California"
posted on Jan-22-13 at 10:29 PM

Aaron Peterson is a nature photographer and writer based near Lake Superior on Michigan's Upper Peninsula. He takes many photographs of bike trips, like this ice biking series.
The rider, Ryan Labar, chimed in with a technical comment.
More of Aaron's galleries.
posted on Jan-18-13 at 11:18 AM

Cancerous skull (NSFW for some links of skulls below)
Carved skull
Just some skulls I picked up today from my skull guy...yeah, I have a skull guy”
Tibetan Ritual Skull
Too many drinks?
Skull Bookshelves Formed with Everyday Items
Crania Anatomica Filigre by Joshua Harker
Lies & persuasions by Kris Kuksi
Lily of the Valley (Welcome BB fans)
A skull made from typewriter parts
Apple & potato skull
posted on Jan-11-13 at 3:23 PM

Every minute a new impossible thing is uploaded to the internet and that improbable event becomes just one of hundreds of extraordinary events that we'll see or hear about today. The internet is like a lens which focuses the extraordinary into a beam, and that beam has become our illumination
posted on Jan-9-13 at 5:32 PM

Challenge: Create an image out of a word, using only the letters in the word itself.
Rule: use only the graphic elements of the letters without adding outside parts.
From the mind of Ji Lee
posted on Jan-7-13 at 6:37 PM

"Rock balancing is an art, discipline, or hobby (depending upon the intent of the practitioner) in which rocks are balanced on top of one another in various positions". Here are a few practitioners:
Phillip A. Long
Renato Brancaleoni
Lila Higgins
Adrian Gray
Michael Grab
Terry Robison uses sticks beside stones
Dave Gorman
Peter Juhl shares basic principles
Team Sandtastic stacks rocks when they don’t build elaborate sand castles
Bill Dan has links to other balancers.
Extra: Balanced sand castles
posted on Jan-5-13 at 11:57 AM

In 2010 the annual midsummer bonfire in Ålesund, Norway broke world's records. For more than 3 months, the youngsters built a 40 meter tall structure, and then burnt it down. More here.
posted on Jan-3-13 at 2:24 PM

People taking photos :
9:03AM 9/11.
The 2004 Tsunami.
This was taken a second before a lightning strike the hikers. The kid on the left died.
6 bolts hitting the water at the same time.
Diet Coke & Mentos (click on pix to see the second candy).
Gray squirrel leaping between two trees. 8 lives left.
Throw ups: A baby, a seaman, a group photo.
…I took a picture w/ no flash at the same time someone took a picture w/ flash
posted on Dec-31-12 at 12:07 PM

George White is 92 year old, and his wife died this year. This Christmas was the first he was to spend without her since the end of WW2. So he traveled to Switzerland to be with his kids, and he started blogging about it. (Via)
posted on Dec-30-12 at 8:21 AM

Of the final scene in The Deer Hunter, Ebert wrote: I won't tell you how it arrives at that particular moment (the unfolding of the final passages should occur to you as events in life) but I do want to observe that the lyrics of "God Bless America" have never before seemed to me to contain such an infinity of possible meanings, some tragic, some unspeakably sad, some few still defiantly hopeful.
The song was first written in 1918, and 20 years later it was introduced by Kate Smith as a patriotic “Peace Song”.
Here’s some trivia about the Deer Hunter, and a bio of the amazing Irving Berlin
posted on Dec-28-12 at 3:55 PM

The intro scene to 'Midnight in Paris' (2011. SLYT)
posted on Dec-17-12 at 8:40 PM

People posting photographs of their bookshelves:
Father in Law's Library, built by hand in about 5 years: The card file. Details & overview.
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare: Building Wall Shelving for 9000 Books.
“…first time in years I've been able to get most of my books out of cardboard boxes and onto shelves…”
My desk after four months of working in a bookstore.
Nigella Lawson's library.
posted on Dec-14-12 at 9:23 PM

On the screen of the Romantic Motor-Vu drive-in theater on 33rd South in Salt Lake City, Charlton Heston, as Moses in the The Ten Commandments, throws his arms wide before what appears to be a congregation of cars at prayer. Originally published on December 22, 1958 in Life Magazine.
More from J.R. Eyerman: Behind the Scenes of a Stanley Kubrick 's Spartacus'.
(Previously on M-F)
posted on Dec-8-12 at 11:34 AM

Some evil bastard has stuffed a bag of dope into a hole behind my house and turned my life into the backdrop of a James Ellroy noir.
posted on Dec-6-12 at 7:03 PM

My Dearest Barack: A collection of letters that student Dylan Hansen-Fliedner wrote back to the Obama campaign, in response to donation requests.
posted on Dec-1-12 at 1:33 PM

Deli Man Trailer on Vimeo. In 1931, there were 1,550 kosher delis in NYC. Today: 150 Jewish delis in all of North America
posted on Nov-28-12 at 10:39 PM

Desmond has his barrow in the market place.
Molly is the singer in a band.
Desmond says to Molly "Girl, I like your face".
And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand

posted on Nov-26-12 at 8:17 PM

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