MetaFilter posts by jonson.
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Los Angeles artist Luke Chueh paints cute, anthropomorphic animals going through rough patches in life.
posted on May-20-06 at 12:46 AM

updated red state/blue state map of America with recent poll results in place. Bush still (alarmingly) holding down Utah, Idaho & Wyoming, otherwise, not so great...
posted on May-19-06 at 12:32 AM

Homosexual climbs Mount Everest, despite handicap of being gay
posted on May-18-06 at 12:24 AM

Nutsack too hairy? Let Philips Electronics help.
posted on May-3-06 at 5:19 PM

One minute long video of bullets passing through objects in super slow motion. The best part is, from the looks of it, some of these objects totally needed shooting. (link goes to embedded wmv)
posted on May-1-06 at 11:21 PM

This highlight reel of people playing the traditional Myanmar game of Chinlone is pretty amazing. Being a particularly ignorant westerner, I really had no idea of the grace & athleticism involved in the game.
posted on Apr-30-06 at 9:42 AM

Hey Metafilter, check out my breasts! (NSFW)
posted on Apr-26-06 at 10:04 AM

FollowupFilter - After a two year hiatus (read: punishment ban), Gregg Easterbrook (founder of Beliefnet, Brookings scholar, ex of Slate & one of ESPN's most popular football writers returns, with no acknoledgment of where he went or why. Hopefully he'll keep his mouth shut about ABC and/or Disney related projects this time. As a side note, his two seasons worth of back articles are apparently not available, as they were purged (permanently?) when he was fired.
posted on Apr-25-06 at 10:00 AM

Cool (windows only) bit of software to allow those reading (with Windows pcs, wireless networks, itunes & a PSP) to stream their mp3 libraries over their wireless network to their PSP. I know this probably doesn't apply to too many people here, but hopefully those to whom it does find it useful.
posted on Apr-22-06 at 2:46 PM

Like, try to understand where the emo kids are coming from.
posted on Apr-19-06 at 4:01 PM

Equidistant Eats lets you find restaurants that are centrally located to two or three locations. Just enter at least two addresses and click "Submit." Street address, city and state are required. ZIP Code is optional.
posted on Apr-18-06 at 8:47 AM

In the latest salvo of the marketing wars, London ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi has taken the unique step of creating a new pop band that combines all the manufactured charm of the Spice Girls with all the serious musical chops of a female version of N'Sync (or, for the Brits out there, a female version of "Take That"). The band has yet to have a name, but they will be available to directly promote whatever item corporate sponsors pay Saatchi to have them promote.
posted on Apr-16-06 at 11:20 PM

Some interesting facts about domain names. The results of significant number crunching on 3.5GB of .com domain name records yield some intriguing stats - for example, did you know that every single permutation of three letter acronyms is already taken within the .com hierarchy? And that nearly 80% of four letter combinations (not actual words, but just random style gibberish) is reserved? 100% of the top 10,000 family names in America are also booked.
posted on Apr-14-06 at 8:32 AM

For years, art critics were stumped by the inconsistencies in one of Norman Rockwell's most famous paintings for the Saturday Evening Post, Breaking Home Ties. The colors weren't as vibrant as his usual work, nor did the clothes hang correctly. Perhaps most telling, the expression of wistful longing on the face of the protagonist didn't feel right. Two weeks ago, the reasons why became clear. (more inside)
posted on Apr-8-06 at 3:16 PM

This video from the online New England Journal of Medicine of live parasitic worms scurrying around the inside of a patient's colon was not nearly as sexy as I thought it would be after reading the description. warning: link goes to nonsexy new england journal of medicine video of live parasitic worms scurrying around the inside of a patient's colon
posted on Apr-7-06 at 2:42 PM

According to eyewitnesses and local officials interviewed over the past 10 weeks, the civilians who died in Haditha on Nov. 19 were killed not by a roadside bomb but by the Marines themselves, who went on a rampage in the village after the attack, killing 15 unarmed Iraqis in their homes, including seven women and three children.
posted on Mar-19-06 at 11:07 PM

I thought my pugs were awesome, but that was back before I found out about Jesus.  No, not our lord & savior, silly, the REAL Jesus, Jesus the Pug.  Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of him?  He’s been in a number of famous events over the years.
posted on Mar-17-06 at 7:23 PM

The current (and very amusing) Keith Olberman v Bill O'Reilly feud spilled over onto the Colbert Report last night during Olberman's guest stint. (link goes to embedded 7 minute video).
posted on Mar-16-06 at 8:25 AM

Keep Vid is an excellent web based utility for downloading web video from many of the most popular sites (iFilm, google video, YouTube & a ton of others) to your hard drive.
posted on Mar-12-06 at 9:58 AM

Turbo Tanks is a vector graphics based Flash game where you control one tank vs another from a top down view, using ammunition that ricochets a lot. Each tank can sustain ten hits from live ammo, and each level has shifting obstacles (the "buildings" in the way for the ammo to bounce off of) so a good strategy is to catch your opponent in a heavy collision alley and unleash your entire weapon stock at once). Massive nerds will be reminded of Armor Attack for the Vectrex.
posted on Mar-11-06 at 7:47 AM

Excellent music video for an interesting cover version of Radiohead's Just (originally off of The Bends) by British musician Mark Ronson. Song is done in a more 1960's Stax-Volt Records style, using gratuitous horn samples; video is shot on the streets of an English city (I believe London, but am not sure) and features animated graffiti coming to life & dancing to the song, as well as a cameo by the tiled creations of Invader. First link goes to a page about the song, with video download links in wmv & qt at the bottom. Still no answer as to what that guy was saying in the original version of the video, sadly.
posted on Mar-9-06 at 7:01 AM

Flickr Leech is an API hack that, among other features, allows you to view all the photos with the flickr "interestingness" attribute by date in a single thumbnail page.
posted on Mar-7-06 at 10:02 AM

Kurt Steiner is better at stone skipping than you are. Link goes to brief bios with downloadable avi's of the proof.
posted on Mar-3-06 at 5:51 PM

AJ Needs 650,000 more page views, and only you can help.
posted on Mar-1-06 at 10:43 PM

Guess the movie is a quiz where you have to guess the correct film from a single frame jpg. Part II here. Warning: site is crazy slow loading, may somehow be hosted on Geocities.
posted on Feb-23-06 at 9:18 AM

It Only Takes A Second is the name of this 1996 industrial film from Federated Mutual Insurance. Essentially 3 straight minutes of chaotic on the job accidents geared towards terrifying the customers into being more careful (and thus more profitable), it may be my favorite industrial film ever. link goes to embedded QT video
posted on Feb-21-06 at 4:40 PM

While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing image ever created using only MS Paint, the Ultimate MS Paint image does seem like it took the most effort. Background on how the image was created, and pro-active retort by the artist to several of the comments that will be made in this thread regardless.
posted on Feb-20-06 at 4:39 PM

If you ever feel like you just aren't particularly amusing, what you need to do is find a pack of 1 year old quadruplets. Those kids will laugh at anything.
posted on Feb-19-06 at 4:13 PM

Writer Merrill Markoe proposes a novel solution to the issue of having our elected officials turn out to be little more than political figureheads for corporate special interests; why not allow the corporations to run for office directly?
posted on Feb-16-06 at 11:02 PM

Sports Illustrated's infamous swimsuit issue has taken to featuring naked models with the swimsuits painted directly on their shameful nakedness in recent years; for this year's entry they feature Heidi Klum in a tribute to the bathing suits of the 1940's. Full gallery online here.
posted on Feb-15-06 at 4:58 PM

Tayler makes handmade wooden weapons, which he then uses to stage semi-elaborate one man cosplay involving him, his cat & an Australian Shepherd. Archives of previous months stories here.
posted on Feb-13-06 at 10:00 PM

The always great (and frequently linked) RetroCrush currently has an exhibit on Polish movie posters for western films; seemingly devoid of the original branding & identity art, it's fun to try and guess what movie the images could even be trying to promote. Some are beautiful, some are amateurish, all are intriguing.
posted on Feb-12-06 at 4:23 PM

A wise Mefite once said "I cannot fathom the stress of multiple spouses," and I'm sure it only gets more stressful if your loved ones don't know about each other. As Valentines Day approaches, let us take a moment to ponder the difficulties that two-timing scumbags of either gender will have trying to please everyone at once, on this holiday that was created by a greeting card company, yet ultimately benefits private detectives more than any other holiday of the year.
posted on Feb-11-06 at 10:57 AM

I never thought a string of videos of car accidents taken from automatic tunnel cameras in metropolitan tunnels would make for compelling viewing. But it turns out you learn something new every day. warning - embedded video on page contains horrible dance music
posted on Feb-10-06 at 10:16 AM

As a proud patriot & supporter of our nation's armed forces, my greatest personal shame comes from the fact that my pugs aren't fit for service (Lola has cuddling issues that would prove a hindrance on the battlefield, whereas Oscar would run afowl of the "don't ask, don't tell" laws). Fortunately, the good people at Pets In Uniform will gladly do an awful photoshop job to make it look like they actually served their nation proudly.
posted on Feb-8-06 at 5:36 PM

The Steam Tank is a brief visual effects reel by Chris Paul, from the Vancouver Film School. It begins with a somewhat mundane steam powered tank attacking a mounted gun in a downtown building, but then replays the event shot by shot, showing the original filmed plate, and adding on each cgi component, to give a good idea of how cg & reality interface in an effects piece. warning: link goes to direct download of 56MB QuickTime mov
posted on Feb-7-06 at 4:09 PM

Apparently Gus & Pam enjoy the Star Wars films.
posted on Feb-6-06 at 10:57 AM

Cairo , an Italian mastiff puppy, was introduced as a playmate to 10-week-old Koza, a lion cub whose twin died, at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The idea is that lions are social animals, but there are no other lion cubs at the park for Koza to interact with. Cairo is the next best thing.
posted on Feb-4-06 at 2:53 PM

Suck it, Moller Sky Car! After 25 years of promising to bring me my flying car at a reasonable price, I'm stuck with a fricking scale model???? Enough. I'm taking my fantasy sky car anticipatory business across town to the good folks at Urban Aeronautics!
posted on Feb-2-06 at 9:20 AM

One week after publicly declaring his lack of support for our troops, LA Times columnist & professional nerd humorist Joel Stein comes out in favor of Grand Theft Auto's Hot Coffee mod, which has recently been the focus of a lawsuit brought by the city of Los Angeles against Rockstar Games, the makers of GTA. "Because if these teen computer geniuses are given the opportunity to unlock a video-game sex scene, then they'll be just one step away from breaking the code that allows them to type dirty words into Google."
posted on Jan-31-06 at 7:13 PM

With the growing trend (at least among the porn stars & strippers I sleep with) of complete genital hairlessness, it's refreshing to see that the centuries old tradition of the Merkin has been reborn for a new generation.
posted on Jan-29-06 at 9:06 AM

Can you score your way out of disgrace? Kobe Bryant's 81 points tonight were the second most points ever scored by a single player in the 59 year history of the NBA, and the most scored since Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point night 44 years ago (when the league was much whiter than it is today). With a new campaign from one time sponsor Nike and sports writers increasingly touting Bryant as a leading MVP candidate, two of the three elements of modern sports superstardom (sponsorship, good press) have returned to Kobe since the rape allegations that threatened to end his career. Will the final piece of the puzzle (public sympathy) be next?
posted on Jan-22-06 at 9:38 PM

What Would Tyler Durden Do is the latest home for Brendon, the one time head writer over at celebrity gossip sites & (while his writing remains sharp & inventive, the domain names of the sites he writes for are getting longer & less original with each move). The usual content (updated several times daily) involves photographic embarassing invasions of celebrity privacy and absurdist writing.

Oh, I almost forgot - for the undoubtedly small percentage of the reading audience interested in watching Colin Farrel have sex with a playboy playmate, a digital copy of the illegal tape stolen from Farrel's house is the lead post on currently.
posted on Jan-18-06 at 9:44 PM

Having a filthy mind, I'm able to come up with several non-medical uses for the Digital Rectal Examination Simulator. However, when I noticed that the company selling the device was Japanese, I realized that the intended use is most likely as a way to hone your skills away from the arcade for the video game Boon-Ga Boon-Ga.
posted on Jan-17-06 at 10:11 AM

Fantastically obsessive & detailed recreation of Bag End (Bilbo's home from The Hobbit) in dollhouse scale. Pictures from the start of the project here.
posted on Jan-15-06 at 11:19 PM

The Internet Is For Porn is a song from the Broadway comedy Avenue Q (an adult version of Sesame Street) that I found myself humming for quite a while after watching this homemade machinima video using World of Warcraft characters. (warning first link goes to a Google Video with audio).
posted on Jan-14-06 at 1:16 PM

So by 2006, tattoos and piercings are so mainstream that it's hard for a genuine bad-ass to stand out anymore. While some options still exist, for my money nothing beats embedding a set of brass knuckles directly under your skin.
posted on Jan-13-06 at 7:35 AM

My awesomeness is at an all time high, as this chart will clearly demonstrate. And thanks to the magical people at, I can create & update charts to illustrate all the trends that matter to me, from my own personal awesomeness to total number of pugs owned or whatever other metric I choose.
posted on Jan-12-06 at 1:05 AM

cool, but slow loading particle physics trick using interaction between your mouse & the Google logo. Software is in Java, page isn't related to Google in any specific way other than that the logo was chosen for its recognizability.
posted on Jan-7-06 at 7:14 PM

Of all the Christmas cards I received this year from political action committees, this one from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear arms best summed up the holiday spirit to me.
posted on Dec-29-05 at 9:06 AM

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